The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Other: Repeatedly (72 times) loading one team with a mole who plays horribly, giving the primary team an advantage.
Game number(s):
Game 7181722
...but also in 71 other games. Search on games with alstergren and steon2007.
The standard MO is that Steon2007 joins team 2, plays horribly, and team 1 wins. In only one case that I could find did steon2007's team win.
When steon completely ignored our attempts to set a strategy, then mysteriously blew all his troops against neutrals and was taken out by the opponents, I asked my opponents for an explanation and this is what they came up with:
2010-06-27 20:03:02 - bamage: steon was worse than useless, like he has been in the 71 other games you opposed him in. before i report this, tell me why i shouldn't?
2010-06-29 03:17:49 - Crash_22: Haha, Steon has followed us for years, look old games and check game chat, we have nothing to do with him!
2010-06-29 03:18:31 - Crash_22: we have tried to communicate with him but he never says a word!
2010-06-29 06:51:52 - alstergren: lol, took steon 49 games or something to beat us - but that was only du to a partner being kicked out of a Portugal map, giving him a shitload of troops/reions
2010-06-29 06:52:14 - alstergren: if you sign up with a guy, well,ot out problem is it?

Later, they contradicted their assertion that they don't know him:
2010-06-29 17:29:52 - alstergren: What? No - I like steon - he's a cool guy, he does what he does
The net/net is that this is either cheating or an incredibly convenient fixation by steon2007 for these team members that results in him repeatedly joining their games as an opponent and playing horribly. I find the second theory to be hard to swallow.