I'd like to add to Mageplunka's accusation
First of all, out of the 15 non-team games they've played together, debka wins 12 of them (including the originally mentioned game in this report, that adds up to a 80% win rate), which is quite high (*suspicious)
Game 6772569leize89 attcks debka only ONCE for the entire 6 round 3 player game, and that was at the end of the game when the other player was eliminated. For much of the duration, leize focused on the other opponent.
Game 6864636Similar situation as above.
Game 7043783Similar situation as above.
Game 7123734Similar situation as above.
Game 7137994Similar situation as above.
Game 7152620Similar situation as above.
Game 7175562Similar situation as above.
Game 7147076Similar situation as above. Also, in round 5, leize89 landed a heavy blow on grey, giving debka a good opportunity to eliminate that player for their spoils.
Game 6939489At the critical moment of the game, leize89 decides to attack two other opponents instead of weakening debka. As evident from the game chat, it blew the game, giving debka an easy victory. leize claimed that he "misclicked" (not sure how you can "misclick" 4 attacks in the same turn).
I think this is enough evidence to suspect them as multis. Also, notice that when debka attacks leize89, leize89 rarely strikes back...