The accused are suspected of: purposefully holding people in games he feels he cant win
Other: <Explanation>
Hey I am am playing this guy right now (7113343). Soon as I started to win a couple of dice he decides to purposefully delay the game by not making a move. Within the chat log he first accuses me of having mult. accounts because I have ( what he considers at least ) a high win %.He then states his intention of purposefully drawing out the game as long as he can. Now I would not be complaining if this was an isolated incidence but I looked through several of his other games and it seems anytime he thinks he is about to loose he first blames the dice and will say something about how the only way the other person is about to win is because the game wants them to and then he will delay making a move. Now I know he has 24 hrs to make a move but he really is looking to make one per day even though he will start and complete multiple games ( without making his next move in our game) Now in the game I am playing with him I feel it really is anybody's game but he is purposefully pushing other players buttons to try and start arguments
Game number(s):7168199