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acores2005 [Cleared] KS

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acores2005 [Cleared] KS

Postby TheForgivenOne on Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:22 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Ratings Abuse?

Game number(s):

Comments:Not entirely sure if that is considered Ratings Abuse. Just want to make sure.
Last edited by TheForgivenOne on Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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2018-08-09 16:02:06 - Mageplunka69: its jamaica map and TFO that keep me on this site
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Postby jrh_cardinal on Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:33 pm

that's pretty weird, like you said it's not really abuse, just different.

I thought you were the one that always fixes everyone's form, now you can't fill it out yourself :lol:

here is the link: ... acores2005
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Re: acores2005

Postby TheForgivenOne on Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:39 pm

Shh :-$

I only felt like posting his profile
Game 1675072
2018-08-09 16:02:06 - Mageplunka69: its jamaica map and TFO that keep me on this site
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Postby BoganGod on Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:49 pm

Yeah, I wondered about the link, thought the accuser was attempting to necro bump.....

Nothing out of order with the ratings, if you look carefully at the ratings guidelines. 3stars is average........ So 3stars is fine, in fact more people should be rating 3stars lol. Look at how many times he has rated, its not that much for the amount of games played, so me thinks he actually takes the time to think about how he rates. Often he only rates for game play. If anything he should be applauded for a stella effort.

Question for TheForgivenOne did the accused maybe rate you? By any chance are you one of the people with a funny colored user name who hasn't taken the time to read up about the site. Nah can't be true, I'm just getting more cynical in my old age.... Just wanting to make sure? Are you going somewhere with this? Setting the stage for a similar accusation if you get the required answer on this? Maybe setting the stage for a gradual attack on this player, first sully their name by linking them to a crime you know they haven't committed... Innocently worded, as if you don't know what constitutes ratings abuse :roll: in the hope that some mud will stick, you post this is cheating and abuse. So what is the real motive here? Interesting question......... Must get some sleep, rather than drawn attention to misguided spurious accusations/questions put in wrong place by a member of a protected species that should(and does) know better.

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Re: acores2005

Postby king sam on Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:53 am

aright Bogan, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and everyone has the fortunate right to post a claim in here if they think its a violation of the rules.

and TFO is a player on this site just like you and me, he gets a funny color next to his name because he has decided to help out in making this place better for everyone.

Ratings abuse is often misinterpreted, so knowing the guidelines and understanding exactly what constitutes as ratings abuse could be 2 seperate things. Either way TFO has posted a valid complaint and it will be investigated.

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Re: acores2005 [pending] KS

Postby king sam on Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:39 am

Ok after looking into this the verdict is that this player is Cleared of ratings abuse.

The rating scale goes like this:
0 stars = N/A
1 star = very poor
2 stars = poor/below average
3 stars = average
4 stars = good/above average
5 stars = very good

Leaving no stars or no rating is often the most misunderstood thing. A 0 star or no rating is not a blemish on that user or his overall rating score. It is treated like a not applicable.

This user has chosen to wisely put time in to the ratings he has given out and rates on more of a fair basis rather then the most common one you see. The normal ratings you receive are the 4 & 5 stars which mean above average. Rating solely like this is misuse of the system as for its intentions, but it is not frowned upon unless its gross abuse of doing that. Reasoning behind that is leaving a above average rating obviously fosters good sportsmanship, which we condone.

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