Yeah, I wondered about the link, thought the accuser was attempting to necro bump.....
Nothing out of order with the ratings, if you look carefully at the ratings guidelines. 3stars is average........ So 3stars is fine, in fact more people should be rating 3stars lol. Look at how many times he has rated, its not that much for the amount of games played, so me thinks he actually takes the time to think about how he rates. Often he only rates for game play. If anything he should be applauded for a stella effort.
Question for
TheForgivenOne did the accused maybe rate you? By any chance are you one of the people with a funny colored user name who hasn't taken the time to read up about the site. Nah can't be true, I'm just getting more cynical in my old age.... Just wanting to make sure? Are you going somewhere with this? Setting the stage for a similar accusation if you get the required answer on this? Maybe setting the stage for a gradual attack on this player, first sully their name by linking them to a crime you know they haven't committed... Innocently worded, as if you don't know what constitutes ratings abuse
in the hope that some mud will stick, you post this is cheating and abuse. So what is the real motive here? Interesting question......... Must get some sleep, rather than drawn attention to misguided spurious accusations/questions put in wrong place by a member of a protected species that should(and does) know better.