Congratulations to
Witt13 for winning the final round of Epic Journey: Age of Realms 3!!
Lets not forget
wolfpack0530 who made it to the final round and played against Witt13.
And as a special mention,
eddie2 and
grant.gordon who made it into the semi finals.
But, I would like to thank the other 28 members of this tourny for participating!
Thank you
DaveH, HighlanderAttack, bernooch, acores2005, Arya, musicalmaven, darth emperor, LFAW, GarNarzvog, RKCVED, phillipm, IrishAnnie, bonzo111, Aalmeida17, woolleyy, Slider_116, chemefreak, LB Ninja, ViperOverLord, paws1610, woolleyy, hbesh, edwinissweet, moldy780, cupid1080, NotNowKato, Culs De Sac, purple plegue for participating! I hope you will enjoy my future tournaments!