by Beachin on Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:25 am
I can understand why Bloobeard might feel "cheated" because he got hammered from a position of strength which he had played a long round to develop. He was clearly the game Hegemon, and on course for an easy victory in control of vast numbers of armies, holding both africa and Europe. We had a blatant non player in the game, and we could all see the countdown as to when this player was going to get kicked from the game, and so we all were online at the same time in a late stage of the game.
Through the confusion of the real time turns, there was a frantic battle fought, in which i individually found myself constantly refreshing the map to see developments. I was fortunate in this real time situation to get some excellent reinforcement cards, and rather than slow down the pace of the game i decided to use them to full effect to take a chunk out of yellow, this would involve leaving a border completely undefended in order for me to ensure my risky attack would pay off. My strategy at the time was to attack the strongest player of the game, in his weakest position with as much of my availible force as possible. I left Australisia well defended, but was willing to take a hit in south America, in order to rebalance the game.
At this same time it appears that the other player, olly2k who i have played in previous games, and know from past conflicts but have not communicated with, attacked the strongest player with his reinforcements. I am sure if Olly had seen my open border he would have adjusted his strategy, as i would have. However in the heat of a real time conflict, Bloobeard got attacked from two different directions in force and was left in a difficult position of where to put his reinforcements.
It was mayhem. I can appreciate his viewpoint, but would ask he do the same as there was no secret alliance, just similar strategys that he was incredibly unlucky to be on the end of. (i also got some good dice.) he played well, but kinda spoilt the game with his accusations. Please read the game log.