L M S wrote:Perhaps you should sit there and take notes, or at least try and look pretty.
perhaps someone should close this?
Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
L M S wrote:Perhaps you should sit there and take notes, or at least try and look pretty.
der sniffter wrote:multis, lmao, blitzaholic is way to serious to be a multi!!
but i do want to point out that he always plays against players that are under 1600 points, that could make him a farmer - not sure about that-
the mods maight wanna check into this,
this would change the difference about farming.
if i would only play cooks, that would be farming because i have only between 1600 and 2000 points. blitz only plays players under 1600 points but he is something around like general, that would make him a farmer to.
too bad he knows his way how about to get in favour of lackattack, that makes him harmless
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.
shit was badass
jefjef wrote:So because of his rank you condemn him for playing games with strippers.
Bones2484 wrote:I just find this whole thing hilarious. Of course he isn't a multi, that was obvious.
But people were quick to try to punish others even though "they had no control over who joined their games", but when Blitz does it they quickly use that same exact defense as a good thing. Oh well. He'll soon make conq and I can't wait for him to add it to his fancy list and not write "Blitzaholic - mostly by farming manual quads with low rank partners".
And KS, if you honestly think there's a risk of Blitz's partners missing a turn in these games or not listening to him, you're the biggest joke of a mod on ... oh. Wait. Yea.
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