Conquer Club

Blitzaholic [cleared]lv

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Re: Blitzaholic

Postby Natascha on Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:02 pm

L M S wrote:Perhaps you should sit there and take notes, or at least try and look pretty.

perhaps someone should close this?
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Re: Blitzaholic

Postby sniffie on Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:19 pm

multis, lmao, blitzaholic is way to serious to be a multi!!

but i do want to point out that he always plays against players that are under 1600 points, that could make him a farmer - not sure about that-

the mods maight wanna check into this,

this would change the difference about farming.

if i would only play cooks, that would be farming because i have only between 1600 and 2000 points. blitz only plays players under 1600 points but he is something around like general, that would make him a farmer to.

too bad he knows his way how about to get in favour of lackattack, that makes him harmless
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Re: Blitzaholic

Postby jrh_cardinal on Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:58 pm

der sniffter wrote:multis, lmao, blitzaholic is way to serious to be a multi!!

but i do want to point out that he always plays against players that are under 1600 points, that could make him a farmer - not sure about that-

the mods maight wanna check into this,

this would change the difference about farming.

if i would only play cooks, that would be farming because i have only between 1600 and 2000 points. blitz only plays players under 1600 points but he is something around like general, that would make him a farmer to.

too bad he knows his way how about to get in favour of lackattack, that makes him harmless

:lol: :lol: Gen.LeeGettinhed

the only things Blitz is guilty of are playing public games and only playing team games. Everyone anywhere near the top only plays one type, whether it's team or 8-man standard. In public games you're gonna play mostly low ranks because most high rankers won't play public games. Him playing public is a good thing
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Re: Blitzaholic

Postby Gold Knight on Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:08 pm

This thread is absolutely rediculous, I didnt know it was against the rules to play with different players... I didnt realize CC was implementing that your not allowed to play with anyone with 100 points difference :roll:

And its a public game he made, its not his fault who joined the game. Unless he invited them, which im positive Blitz didnt do, he has no control over the players that join his game. All the complainers out there should fill his games, and im sure Blitz will still win a majority of those games...
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Re: Blitzaholic

Postby lord voldemort on Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:31 pm

yer cleared obviously
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Re: Blitzaholic [cleared]lv

Postby jesusfreak16 on Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:53 pm

obviously :roll: =D>
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Re: Blitzaholic

Postby Woodruff on Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:01 pm

jefjef wrote:So because of his rank you condemn him for playing games with strippers.

He should be careful, because if the strip-joint gets raided, he might be in some trouble.
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Re: Blitzaholic [cleared]lv

Postby king sam on Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:58 am


There is nothing in the rules that says you cant play with who ever you want. If you want to be a part of a quads team where the other 3 are all newbs then so be it, yeah you may not lose as many points if/when you lose but the risk of the situation is will those players listen to your strategy advice, or even show up.. Your call.

Farming rule was devopled to help newcomers enjoy the site without fear of meeting someone getting invited to a game with incredible settings that they could not possibly understand and give them a negative outlook on the game. By taking newbs under your wing your actually doing the latter of that.

Just understand its a risk reward situation.

And for the record as well all members on team 2 in that game are Cleared of mulits as well.
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Re: Blitzaholic [cleared]lv

Postby american_ninja on Fri Jun 04, 2010 7:46 am

This whole thread is a thing of beauty. I'm proud to have been a part of it.
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Re: Blitzaholic [cleared]lv

Postby Bones2484 on Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:42 am

I just find this whole thing hilarious. Of course he isn't a multi, that was obvious.

But people were quick to try to punish others even though "they had no control over who joined their games", but when Blitz does it they quickly use that same exact defense as a good thing. Oh well. He'll soon make conq and I can't wait for him to add it to his fancy list and not write "Blitzaholic - mostly by farming manual quads with low rank partners".

And KS, if you honestly think there's a risk of Blitz's partners missing a turn in these games or not listening to him, you're the biggest joke of a mod on ... oh. Wait. Yea.
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Re: Blitzaholic [cleared]lv

Postby gregory7 on Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:52 am

very pathetic. who would pay 100 dollars to be a multi. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Blitzaholic [cleared]lv

Postby Blitzaholic on Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:33 am

Bones2484 wrote:I just find this whole thing hilarious. Of course he isn't a multi, that was obvious.

But people were quick to try to punish others even though "they had no control over who joined their games", but when Blitz does it they quickly use that same exact defense as a good thing. Oh well. He'll soon make conq and I can't wait for him to add it to his fancy list and not write "Blitzaholic - mostly by farming manual quads with low rank partners".

And KS, if you honestly think there's a risk of Blitz's partners missing a turn in these games or not listening to him, you're the biggest joke of a mod on ... oh. Wait. Yea.

Bones you are WRONG as usual and a very disturbed negative being. I have had some of my partners miss many turns, one just missed all his turns and he is teaming in like 15 games of mine, I had others miss their turns too, and sometimes others I teamed with have went off and done their own thing. Most of my teammates of late are Sergeant 1st Class and higher. Also, their is been a fair amount of medium and high ranked players that have joined our games as well. I am also in a half dozen tournaments and a Clan Cup challenge. It is quite common for players who score around 4000 points or more to team with some players who are good and better than their rank so the blow is not so devastating to the score. Whoever teams with me is at risk, and has to win at a high winning percentage to even maintain. Of course, you would have no clue Bones, because you have never been even close to accomplishing anything near this feat. Many on CC have seen you as a negative influence in the forums Bones for quite some time now and perhaps you should receive a warning soon or a possible forum ban for your negativity. You seem to be incapable of posting something supportive. If you have resentments or buried anger deep within from your past, go get some help, do not vent it in these CC threads, because your behavior is distasteful and unhealthy to many. I do not say this to me rude, but, someone needs to give you a reality check. Take an inventory of your behavior over the last few months with some of your posts? you obviously are a bitter person and have red flags screaming for help, so please go check into this. I offer this as a suggestion so your well being can be somewhat enhanced.

I know it will be a challenge for you Bones, but, try, TRY to be kind. Cheers, Respects, Blitzy
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Re: Blitzaholic [cleared]lv

Postby Lubawski on Sun Jun 06, 2010 10:59 am

Well said Blitz. Bones has been quite rude to everyone for quite some time. It reflects poorly on him and his clan, who most people have a great respect for. The clan's perception is taking a hit as a result of Bones behavior though as well.
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Re: Blitzaholic [cleared]lv

Postby lord voldemort on Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:15 pm

i think thats enough...lockage
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