Conquer Club

Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tourny [TPA][wnr phantomzero]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

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Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tourny [TPA][wnr phantomzero]

Postby barterer2002 on Mon May 31, 2010 7:23 am


This is a Tournament Players Association (TPA) event, and is governed by its rules, guidelines, and judgments. All are welcome to join and participate in the association. You need do nothing more than join one or more of the TPA events that will be announced each Monday. Check back on the TPA scoreboard in the Tournaments--> General Info forum to see how you're doing.

Death to Spies-a TPA assassin tournament.

The objective of this game is to kill as many spies as you can. We will be using the assassin format with the following settings

This is a 64 player tournament

8 player

Edit: Sorry I forgot to post the map. A spy is required to work in a variety of circumstances, often without foreknowledge of what he or she is getting in to and for that reason, all maps in this tournament will be on the RANDOM setting.

each player will have 8 games to play in round 1. All 8 will come out at once.
Premium Required

For Round 2 the 8 players with the most kills will advance
In the event of a tie there will be a tiebreaker game. It will follow the settings as noted above-1 game winner take all. In the event it is 2 player it will be a best of 3 and standard of course.

READING COMPREHENSION SECTION: To sign up you must pick the spy you are playing as. And I'm James Bond so you are not. You may not pick someone else's spy so be sure to have a unique one selected. If you merely type IN or something like that and do not select a spy you will be ignored. If you are ignored and go back to edit it I will not see it-better to type a new post if you're in time.

So to enter use something along the lines as barterer2002-James Bond

The original instructions were purposely left vague so that it was open that a player could get a point for killing any other spy in their game. After some discussion with the powers that be in CC they are uncomfortable with the idea that players could intentionally lose games to get a point in the tournament and thus move forward. Obviously killing a non target would result in a deliberate loss which I thought would make an interesting strategy decision but I understand where they are coming from. Thus here's the ruling.
You must kill YOUR OWN target to get a point. Any game in which a target is killed by a player who was not supposed to be targeting this player will result in 0 points being given.
Last edited by barterer2002 on Tue Aug 17, 2010 7:03 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby barterer2002 on Mon May 31, 2010 7:23 am

The players

barterer2002 James Bond
lurkerleader jason bourne
MudPuppy Maxwell Smart
tokle Monsieur Hubert Bonisseur de La Bath, OSS-117
danryan Jack Bauer
keiths31 Intrepid aka William Stephenson
shaneback Emmett Fitz-Hume
amazzony Mata Hari
Kratos644 Klaus Fuchs
sonicsteve Dangermouse
Timminz Black Spy
dowian2 Mr. John Smith
jrh_cardinal Michael Westen
LucaV M
secretflyer Austin Powers
Wildcat57 Henry Gale aka Benjamin Linus
maasman Boris Badenov
stevieQ Agent Cody Banks
Bones2484 Julius Rosenberg
drunkmonkey White Spy
Blinkadyblink Nathan Hale
denominator Sam Fisher of Splinter Cell
MyTurnToWin Nathan Muir
killmanic solid snake
poptartpsycho18 Josephine Baker
HighlanderAttack Giacomo Casanova
General Flashman Flashman
dtellis Tyler Kent
AgentSmith88 Ethan Hunt
phantomzero Simon Templar
Kinnison Allan Pinkerton
ubcman64 Austin Millbarge
adam666 FLETCH
Phr34ky Kelly Robinson
benga Inspector Gadget
Pyrhhus Mr. Goodkat.
redbugal The Scarlet Pimpernel
spidey Nick Fury
paws1610 Major John Andre
whakamole Zenit
I_AM_BOGEY boogie man
-=- Tanarri -=- Grey Spy
Yojimbo28 Matt Helm
Draco74 Ziva David
istrici Mihai Pacepa
Dako Takeo Yoshikawa
vykingsfan64 Harry Tasker
Leehar Agent 47
phil7779 Mr. Solo
Eddy_26 Xander Cage
uckuki Inspector Clouseau
kuma32478 Silent but Deadly
Sniper08 ned broy
SirSebstar Richard Sorge
dustin800 Ace Ventura
evilkingjay Anton Jackson aka undercover brother
saraith Slevin Kelevra
Risky_Stud Felix Leiter
Lufsen75 Stig Bergling
musteriuz Lt. X
J_A Johnny English
Drasill alex rider
Huntyr Green Agent 0019

Homewok Nigel Powers
Last edited by barterer2002 on Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:20 am, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby barterer2002 on Mon May 31, 2010 7:24 am

Simon Templar (phantomzero) 3 assassinated Johnny English (J_A), Richard Sorge (SirSebstar) and Dangermouse (sonicsteve) (not yet assassinated)
Richard Sorge (SirSebstar) 3 assassinated Xander Cage (Eddy_26), Johnny English (J_A) and Dangermouse (sonicsteve) (assassinated twice)
Tyler Kent (dtellis) assassinated Johnny English (J_A) (not yet assassinated)
Inspector Gadget (benga) assassinated Richard Sorge (SirSebstar) (not yet assassinated)
boogie man (I_AM_BOGEY) no assassinations (not yet assassinated)
Xander Cage (Eddy_26) no assassinations (assassinated once)
Dangermouse (sonicsteve) no assassinations (assassinated twice)
Johnny English (J_A) no assassinations (assassinated thrice)


Simon Templar (phantomzero) 3 (assassinated Black Spy (Timminz), Julius Rosenberg (Bones2484) and Takeo Yoshikawa (Dako))
boogie man (I_AM_BOGEY) 3 (assassinated ned broy (Sniper08), Ziva David (Draco74) and Grey Spy (=- Tanarri -=))
Inspector Gadget (benga) 3 (assassinated Kelly Robinson (Phr34ky), Grey Spy (=- Tanarri -=) and Takeo Yoshikawa (Dako))
Johnny English (J_A) 3 (assassinated Flashman (General Flashman), Harry Tasker (vykingsfan64) and Sam Fisher (denominator))
Richard Sorge (SirSebstar) 3 (assassinated Nick Fury (spidey), Michael Westen (jrh_cardinal) and White Spy (drunkmonkey))
Tyler Kent (dtellis) 3 (assassinated Inspector Gadget (benga), M (LucaV) and Austin Powers (secretflyer))
Xander Cage (Eddy_26) 3 (assassinated ned broy (Sniper08), Black Spy (Timminz) and Felix Leiter (Risky Stud))
Ace Ventura (dustin800) 2 (assassinated Nick Fury (spidey) and Richard Sorge (SirSebstar))
Austin Millbarge (ubcman64) 2 (assassinated James Bond (barterer2002) and M (Luca V))
Dangermouse (sonicsteve) 2 (assassinated Matt Helm (Yojimbo28) and Grey Spy (=- Tanarri -=))
Giacomo Casanova (HighlanderAttack) 2 (assassinated Nathan Hale (Blinkadyblink) and ned broy (sniper08))
Grey Spy (=- Tanarri -=) 2 (assassinated Felix Leiter (Risky Stud) and Xander Cage (Eddy_26))
Julius Rosenberg (Bones2484) 2 (assassinated Josephine Baker (poptartpsycho) and M (LucaV))
Mr. Goodkat. (Pyrhhus) 2 (assassinated Stig Bergling (Lufsen75) and Austin Powers (secretflyer))
White Spy (drunkmonkey) 2 (assassinated alex rider (Drasill) and Matt Helm (Yojimbo28))
Zenit (whakamole) 2 (assassinated Harry Tasker (vykingsfan64) and solid snake (killmanic) )
Agent 0019 (Huntyr Green) 1 (assassinated Nick Fury (spidey))
Agent 47 (Leehar) 1 (assassinated solid snake (killmanic))
Agent Cody Banks (stevieQ) 1 (assassinated Giacomo Casanova (HighlanderAttack))
Anton Jackson (evilkingjay) 1 (assassinated Agent 47 (Leehar))
Black Spy (Timminz) 1 (assassinated Felix Leiter (Risky Stud))
Boris Badenov (maasman) 1 (assassinated Black Spy (Timminz))
Ethan Hunt (AgentSmith88) 1 (assassinated Inspector Clouseau (uckuki))
Henry Gale (Wildcat57) 1 (assassinated The Scarlet Pimpernel (redbugal))
Hutch (KING KONQUER) 1 (assassinated Nathan Muir (MyTurnToWin))
Inspector Clouseau (uckuki) 1 (assassinated Josephine Baker (poptartpsycho18))
Intrepid (keiths31) 1 (assassinated Black Spy (Timminz))
Jack Bauer (danryan) 1 (assassinated Nathan Hale (Blinkadyblink))
Kelly Robinson (Phr34ky) 1 (assassinated Emmett Fitz-Hume (shaneback))
Lt. X (musteriuz) 1 (assassinated Anton Jackson (evilkingjay))
Matt Helm (Yojimbo28) 1 (assassinated ned broy (sniper08))
Mihai Pacepa (istrici) 1 (assassinated Agent Cody Banks (stevieQ))
Mr. Solo (phil7779) 1 (assassinated Intrepid (keiths31))
Nathan Muir (MyTurnToWin) 1 (Austin Powers (secretflyer))
ned broy (sniper08) 1 (assassinated Grey Spy (=- Tanarri -=))
Silent but Deadly (kuma32478) 1 (assassinated Inspector Gadget (benga))
solid snake (killmanic) 1 (assassinated Allan Pinkerton (Kinnison))
The Scarlet Pimpernel (redbugal) 1 (assassinated Klaus Fuchs (kratos644))

Games with no points awarded (target not assassinated by assigned agent)
Game 7119799 Game 7119741 Game 7119768

Times assassinated (1st tiebreaker)
Black Spy (Timminz) 4 (by Intrepid (keiths31), Boris Badenov (maasman), Xander Cage (Eddy_26) and Simon Templar (phantomzero))
Grey Spy (=- Tanarri -=) 4 (by ned broy (sniper08), Dangermouse (sonicsteve), Inspector Gadget (benga) and boogie man (I_AM_BOGEY))
Austin Powers (secretflyer) 3 (by Nathan Muir (MyTurnToWin), Tyler Kent (dtellis) and Mr. Goodkat. (Pyrhhus))
M (LucaV) 3 (by Julius Rosenberg (Bones2484), Tyler Kent (dtellis) and Austin Millbarge (ubcman64))
Nick Fury (spidey) 3 (by Agent 0019 (Huntyr Green), Richard Sorg (SirSebstar) and Ace Ventura (dustin800))
Felix Leiter (Risky Stud) 3 (by Xander Cage (Eddy_26), Black Spy (Timminz), and Grey Spy (=- Tanarri -=))
ned broy (Sniper08) 3 (by Xander Cage (Eddy_26), Giacomo Casanova (HighlanderAttack) and boogie man (I_AM_BOGEY))
Harry Tasker (vykingsfan64) 2 (by Zenit (whakamole) and Johnny English (J_A))
Inspector Gadget (benga) 2 (by Silent but Deadly (kuma32478) and Tyler Kent (dtellis))
Josephine Baker (poptartpsycho) 2 (by Julius Rosenberg (Bones2484) and Inspector Clouseau (uckuki))
Matt Helm (Yojimbo28) 2 (by Dangermouse (sonicsteve) and White Spy (drunkmonkey))
Nathan Hale (Blinkadyblink) 2 (by Giacomo Casanova (HighlanderAttack) and Jack Bauer (danryan))
solid snake (killmanic) 2 (by Zenit (whakamole) and Agent 47 (Leehar))
Takeo Yoshikawa (Dako) 2 (by Simon Templar (phantomzero) and Inspector Gadget (benga))
Agent 47 (Leehar) 1 (by Anton Jackson (evilkingjay))
Agent Cody Banks (stevieQ) 1 (by Mihai Pacepa (istrici))
alex rider (Drasill) 1 (by White Spy (drunkmonkey))
Allan Pinkerton (Kinnison) 1 (by solid snake (killmanic))
Anton Jackson (evilkingjay) 1 (by Lt. X (musteriuz))
Emmett Fitz-Hume (shaneback 1 (by Kelly Robinson (Phr34ky))
Flashman (General Flashman) 1 (by Johnny English (J_A))
Giacomo Casanova (HighlanderAttack) 1 (by Agent Cody Banks (stevieQ))
Inspector Clouseau (uckuki) 1 (by Ethan Hunt (AgentSmith88))
Intrepid (keiths31) 1 (by Mr. Solo (phil7779))
James Bond (barterer2002) 1 (by Austin Millbarge (ubcman64))
Julius Rosenberg (Bones2484) 1 (by Simon Templar (phantomzero))
Kelly Robinson (Phr34ky) 1 (by Inspector Gadget (benga))
Klaus Fuchs (kratos644) 1 (by The Scarlet Pimpernel (redbugal))
Michael Westen (jrh_cardinal) 1 (by Richard Sorge (SirSebstar))
Nathan Muir (MyTurnToWin) 1 (by Hutch (KING KONQUER))
ned broy (sniper08) 1 (by Matt Helm (Yojimbo28))
Richard Sorge (SirSebstar) 1 (by Ace Ventura (dustin800))
Sam Fisher (denominator) 1 (by Johnny English (J_A))
Stig Bergling (Lufsen75) 1 (by Mr. Goodkat. (Pyrhhus))
The Scarlet Pimpernel (redbugal) 1 (by Henry Gale (Wildcat57))
White Spy (drunkmonkey) 1 (by Richard Sorg (SirSebastar)
Xander Cage (Eddy_26) 1 (by Grey Spy (=- Tanarri -=))
Ziva David (Draco74) 1 (by boogie man (I_AM_BOGEY))
Last edited by barterer2002 on Tue Aug 17, 2010 7:01 am, edited 15 times in total.
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby lurkerleader on Mon May 31, 2010 7:54 am

lurkerleader in - jason bourne
Highest score: 2644
Highest rank: 193
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby MudPuppy on Mon May 31, 2010 7:56 am

In, please: Maxwell Smart

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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby tokle on Mon May 31, 2010 8:38 am

in, please. - Monsieur Hubert Bonisseur de La Bath, OSS-117.
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby danryan on Mon May 31, 2010 8:48 am

danryan. Jack Bauer, dammit! Copy that.
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby keiths31 on Mon May 31, 2010 8:54 am

In and will be known as Intrepid aka William Stephenson
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby Electricksabers on Mon May 31, 2010 8:55 am

In as Emmett Fitz-Hume
Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby amazzony on Mon May 31, 2010 9:05 am

I can't believe that I'm entering as I suck at foggy assassin but I can't pass a chance to become a spy :roll:

amazzony, AKA Mata Hari.

BTW, MudPuppy, love your choice :D
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby kratos644 on Mon May 31, 2010 9:16 am

Kratos644 - Klaus Fuchs
Best Score: 2799, Best Rank: Colonel, Best Scoreboard Spot: 126
Funniest Game:Game 1675072
Sickest Game:Game 2975352
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby sonicsteve on Mon May 31, 2010 9:34 am

I'm in please and will represent british cartoon spy, Dangermouse!
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby Timminz on Mon May 31, 2010 9:36 am

Timminz - Black Spy (of Spy vs. Spy fame)
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby dowian2 on Mon May 31, 2010 9:59 am

I'm in. I'll be Mr. John Smith (from Mr. & Mrs. Smith).
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby jrh_cardinal on Mon May 31, 2010 10:02 am

I'll be Michael Westen (Burn Notice)

ps jane smith is better :mrgreen:
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby LucaV on Mon May 31, 2010 10:24 am

code name "M" (head of British Secret Service)
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby secretflyer on Mon May 31, 2010 10:33 am

secret flyer in as Austin Powers
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby Wildcat57 on Mon May 31, 2010 11:31 am

Wildcat57 as Henry Gale aka Benjamin Linus (Henry Gale was his name as he infiltrated The Swan station in LOST season 2)
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby maasman on Mon May 31, 2010 11:38 am

in as Boris Badenov
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby stevieQ on Mon May 31, 2010 11:43 am

StevieQ In as: Agent Cody Banks
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby Bones2484 on Mon May 31, 2010 12:28 pm

Bones2484 - Julius Rosenberg
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby phantomzero on Mon May 31, 2010 12:30 pm

phantomzero - Simon Templar

Click image to enlarge.

edited as first choice was taken...
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby drunkmonkey on Mon May 31, 2010 12:30 pm

In please - White Spy

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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby Blinkadyblink on Mon May 31, 2010 12:49 pm

In as Nathan Hale
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Re: Smiert Spionen The James Bond Tournament [TPA]

Postby ZionT on Mon May 31, 2010 12:51 pm

ZionT in as "black spy"... "white spy" TAKEN!?!?! wtf man.
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