by RADAGA on Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:01 pm
Okay, now when there IS a tool to show sometimes there are a streakness, and this tool begins to uncover it, you accuse someone of having the trouble to change a script to prove a theory?
Now, thatĀ“s either paranoy or denial, imo.
There is no need to tamper the script, one can photoshop the screenshot. But why have this trouble? To create a war where there should be none? I post the things i find not to cause hassle, but to try to show a perceived flaw, in hope it can be fixed, someday.
To spend hours editting each and every screenshot (not to mention making the calculations to tamper it "right" and make ends meet) just to make a point where there should be none woud be sick.
Not to mention I DO have better (and worse:work) things to do with my time.