Moderator: Cartographers
Banana Stomper wrote:I'm not a huge fan of the mountains.
Also, i'm not really sure what's going on in the legend.
The color of Mauryan Empire doesn't seem to go with the other colors in the map, very bright. Perhaps selucus norths' could be changed too.
The note at the bottom left blends in a lot, try making it stand out a bit more.
The line connecting corinth, cana, and cyrenacia, at first glance they strike me as attack routes. Perhaps put something in the legend specifying what are actually lines indicating attack routes.
When you did the resizing, alexander's head got thinned out. Perhaps take the one in there out and put in another that hasn't undergone any size alterations, well at least only proportional ones.
Move mysia's name down a bit and to the right a bit, i think it will look a little clearer that way.
Each country looks like it is raised individually, perhaps they are separate in photoshop and the texture did that? Try to make them all one entity so that it doesn't look so "bubble wrap" like, as my first map attempt was described.
I'm not sure how i feel about the water. I like the color, i'm not sure how i feel about the texture specifically. I don't know what to suggest about it, maybe just take a look and see if you can come up with something more...watery?
The title is very small on the legend. You have a fair amount of unused space in the upper right. Give a try putting it separated up there, see how it looks. I'm not sure if it'll be better, but it might be.
I like the compass!
Banana Stomper wrote:
I'm not a huge fan of the mountains.
I wanted to use a graphic like some maps use, but I couldn't really find anything I liked.
Also, i'm not really sure what's going on in the legend.
The color of Mauryan Empire doesn't seem to go with the other colors in
the map, very bright. Perhaps selucus norths' could be changed too.
I used the same exact color to match the continent colors with the names on the legend... Perhaps your eyes are alittle off. But the legend is a little messy looking, I was going to fix it up so all the words are clearer before I finish it off.
The note at the bottom left blends in a lot, try making it stand out a bit more.
The line connecting corinth, cana, and cyrenacia, at first glance they strike me as attack routes. Perhaps put something in the legend specifying what are actually lines indicating attack routes.
Honestly, I have no idea what you're talking about. Those lines are borders. I dunno if you missed it earlier in the thread, but the Agean and the Mediterranean are going to be territories in this map. Those aren't attack routes or anything, they're just more borders. I dont see how they could be confused with anything else, because they're the exact same thing as the rest of the borders on the map, and the sea attack routes look are obvious and look very very different.
Banana Stomper wrote:The note at the bottom left blends in a lot, try making it stand out a bit more.
The line connecting corinth, cana, and cyrenacia, at first glance they strike me as attack routes. Perhaps put something in the legend specifying what are actually lines indicating attack routes.
I like the compass!
Banana Stomper wrote:One thought i just had was about cyprus. What if the attack route was taken out from accross the mediterranean. I think it sorta makes sense that you would need to control the mediterranean to get that island. I also don't think it would really change the game play all that much, it wouldn't increase borders or anything, the only difference would be another players ability to thwart your attempts to take antigonus by heavily fortifying the mediterranean. I guess that just makes sense to me as a way to block off the region in real life. Its just a thought i had that might make the game play a lil more interesting.
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