Moderator: Cartographers
- I like the idea of Alcatraz being unique: not part of a continent, can't attack out. I'm never a fan of bonuses or penalties for owning a single territory, because then it's luck of the draw.
luckiekevin wrote:Maybe this aspect should be put to a vote since a number of people are for having it be a +1 from the start on its own. And another group of people like the +1 if held simultaneously with Marin or Downtown.
EvilOtto wrote:luckiekevin wrote:Maybe this aspect should be put to a vote since a number of people are for having it be a +1 from the start on its own. And another group of people like the +1 if held simultaneously with Marin or Downtown.
What if the rule was +1 for alcatraz and ANY other continent... sure it would most likely be fought over by marin and downtown... but it might make it more interesting in the early game (since no one will get downtown for a while).
qwert wrote:Can i ask you something?What is porpose for you to open these Political topic in ConquerClub? Why you mix politic with Risk? Why you not open topic like HOT AND SEXY,or something like that.
way to come up with another option after the poll is started! ha. should we restart? or let it run...I guess if marin/downtown wins then we can ask if people want to make it any continent...people voting marin/downtown are the ones who want it to not be a first round bonus anyway., so we can discuss if it wins...What if the rule was +1 for alcatraz and ANY other continent...
there is still the sausalito/fishermans wharf boundary. i proposed ditching it, but its still there...for now.If you go with the one way inwards border, however, there's gonna have to be another connection between marin and downtown.
chances are if you have one territory left you'll lose anyway.What if that's the only territory you have left? Then you die!
wrightfan123 wrote:I hate the idea that you can't attack with Alcatraz. What if that's the only territory you have left? Then you die! It would be muy suctactualr. Change it.
yeah the +1 is going to happen. we just need to decide through the poll if its a right off the bat bonus, or something you can earn later in the game.I still feel that if Alcatraz is going to be unable to attack, there needs to be a benefit to owning it so that players want it. Plus 1, I say.
johloh wrote:yeah the +1 is going to happen. we just need to decide through the poll if its a right off the bat bonus, or something you can earn later in the game.I still feel that if Alcatraz is going to be unable to attack, there needs to be a benefit to owning it so that players want it. Plus 1, I say.
sam_levi_11 wrote:change it so you can attack out of alcatraz
i think its a novel idea but not practical. change it
realistically no. BUT, it wouldnt be too crazy to add in a connection from berkeley to alcatraz (berkeley does have a marina). and this wouldnt increase oaklands borders any either...sound good?is there any way of adding another ferry route there from another continent in the bay?
johloh wrote:berkeley to alcatraz (berkeley does have a marina).
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