Conquer Club

2010 FIFA World Cup [Winner HighlanderAttack]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

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2010 FIFA World Cup [Winner HighlanderAttack]

Postby Teflon Kris on Tue May 18, 2010 2:18 pm


2010 FIFA World Cup (1 v 1)

Congratulations to HighlanderAttack - 2010 World Cup Winner

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Results - Knock-Out Stage:
show: Final

      Image 2 - 0 Image USA v Italy

show: Semi-Finals

      Image 4 - 0 Image USA v Cameroon

      Image 0 - 5 Image Greece v Italy

show: Quarter-Finals

      Image 1 - 2 Image Korea Republic v USA

      Image 1 - 1 Image Cameroon v Spain (After Extra-Time - Cameroon Won on Penalties)

      Image 0 - 2 Image England v Greece

      Image 1 - 0 Image Italy v Switzerland

show: Second Round

      Image 1 - 3 Image Uraguay v Korea Republic

      Image 3 - 0 Image USA v Germany

      Image 3 - 0 Image Cameroon v New Zealand

      Image 1 - 2 Image Korea DPR v Spain

      Image 0 - 1 Image Ghana v England

      Image 4 - 1 Image Greece v Mexico

      Image 1 - 0 Image Italy v Netherlands

      Image 1 - 0 Image Switzerland v Côte d'Ivoire

Results - Group Stages:

    Group A
    Image 7 Image 6 (South Africa v Mexico)
    Image 6 Image 0 (Uruguay v France)
    Image 3 Image 7(South Africa v Uraguay)
    Image 3 Image 7 (France v Mexico)
    Image 0 Image 3 (Mexico v Uraguay)
    Image 3 Image 2 (France v South Africa)

      Code: Select all
                     P   GD  Pts
      Uraguay        3  +13   9
      Mexico         3    0   3
      South Africa   3  - 4   3
      France         3  - 9   3

    Group B
    Image 0 Image 3 (Argentina v Nigeria)
    Image 1 Image 2 (Korea Republic v Greece)
    Image 0 Image 0 (Greece v Nigeria)
    Image 1 Image 2 (Argentina v Korea Republic)
    Image 1 Image 14 (Nigeria v Korea Republic)
    Image 2 Image 1 (Greece v Argentina)

      Code: Select all
                     P   GD  Pts
      Greece         3  + 2   7
      Korea Republic 3  +13   6
      Nigeria        3  -10   4
      Argentina      3  - 5   0

    Group C
    Image 1 Image 2 (England v USA)
    Image 5 Image 0 (Algeria v Slovenia)
    Image 2 Image 11 (Slovenia v USA)
    Image 2 Image 1 (England v Algeria)
    Image 2 Image 5 (Slovenia v England)
    Image 2 Image 1 (USA v Algeria)

      Code: Select all
                     P   GD  Pts
      USA            3  +11   9
      England        3  + 3   6
      Algeria        3  + 3   3
      Slovenia       3  -15   0

    Group D
    Image 1 Image 1 (Germany v Australia)
    Image 0 Image 2 (Serbia v Ghana)
    Image 2 Image 0 (Germany v Serbia)
    Image 3 Image 0 (Ghana v Australia)
    Image 6 Image 2 (Ghana v Germany)
    Image 1 Image 2 (Australia v Serbia)

      Code: Select all
                     P   GD  Pts
      Ghana          3  + 9   9
      Germany        3  - 2   4
      Serbia         3  - 3   3
      Australia      3  - 4   1

    Group E
    Image 1 Image 5 (Netherlands v Denmark)
    Image 0 Image 2 (Japan v Cameroon)
    Image 3 Image 0 (Netherlands v Japan)
    Image 5 Image 1 (Cameroon v Denmark)
    Image 4 Image 4 (Denmark v Japan)
    Image 3 Image 6 (Cameroon v Netherlands}

      Code: Select all
                     P   GD  Pts
      Cameroon       3  + 3   6
      Netherlands    3  + 1   6
      Denmark        3    0   4
      Japan          3  - 5   1

    Group F
    Image 1 Image 0 (Italy v Paraguay}
    Image 4 Image 3 (New Zealand v Slovakia)
    Image 0 Image 4 (Slovakia v Paraguay)
    Image 3 Image 0 (Italy v New Zealand)
    Image 3 Image 0 (Slovakia v Italy)
    Image 2 Image 4 (Paraguay v New Zealand)

      Code: Select all
                     P   GD  Pts
      Italy          3  + 1   6
      New Zealand    3    0   6
      Paraguay       3  + 1   3
      Slovakia       3  - 2   3

    Group G
    Image 0 Image 2 (Côte d'Ivoire v Portugal)
    Image 0 Image 2 (Brazil v Korea DPR)
    Image 0 Image 3 (Brazil v Côte d'Ivoire)
    Image 0 Image 2 (Portugal v Korea DPR)
    Image 0 Image 2 (Portugal v Brazil)
    Image 2 Image 0 (Korea DPR v Côte d'Ivoire)

      Code: Select all
                     P   GD  Pts
      Korea DPR      3  + 6   9
      Côte d'Ivoire  3  - 1   3
      Brazil         3  - 3   3
      Portugal       3  - 4   3

    Group H
    Image 10 Image 5 (Honduras v Chile)
    Image 0 Image 6 (Spain v Switzerland)
    Image 2 Image 11 (Chile v Switzerland)
    Image 1 Image 0 (Spain v Honduras)
    Image 0 Image 15 (Chile v Spain)
    Image 0 Image 1 (Switzerland v Honduras)

      Code: Select all
                     P   GD  Pts
      Switzerland    3  +14   6
      Spain          3  +10   6
      Honduras       3  + 5   6
      Chile          3  -29   0


This 1 v 1 tournament will follow the format of the real World Cup with the top two teams from each group progressing to the knock-out phase of the tournament (see below).

Hopefully we will finish around the time of the World Cup final.

Each match will involve two halves (each half being a seperate CC 'game'). The team which kicks-off the first-half will go second in the second-half.

Therefore all 'games' (including each half of extra-time (where applicable) but not penalties) will have freestyle settings. The team starting each half (green) will be sent the second invite so that they can start.

Although freestyle settings are used, players should play sequentially. If the player designated to go second (red) takes his turn within the first 12 hrs of the round (if green hasn't completed his turn), it will result in a red card for serious foul play, with a penalty and goal scored by the opposing team. Missing a turn or messing about with accepting an invite then dropping, or inviting someone (this is the TO's job) will be treated similarly.

If green doesn't take his turn within 12 hours then it is a legitimate tackle for red to regain possession and take his go. If red finishes his turn before green then he has gained possession and is going first in the the next round. Green must then wait 12 hours or until red has finished his turn (green would commit a red card offence if he fails to do so).

If a team has more than 4 red cards during one match then they will have less than the required 7 players on the pitch. The match will therefore be adandoned as a 3-0 result to the opposition.

To stay within FIFA rules:

(1) Accept invites.
(2) Dont drop a game after accepting the invite.
(2.5) Don't invite someone to join you in a game (!).
(3) Remember, in the first round, green should go first, so, if you are green then play whenever you are ready.
(4) Be careful about going first, usually green should go first. So, if you are red do not play until either: green has finished his turn, or, 12 hours of the turn have elapsed. The only exception is when red has made a legitimate tackle to gain possession (see above).
(5) Don't miss a turn.
(6) Report any rule violations by your opponent to FIFA officials.

Question: If green misses a turn, or as he takes more than 12 hours, would red end up going first?
Answer: Red would end up going first in the round in question (and green would get a red card if he misses). In the following round, red would be set to go first and green must wait for 12 hours (or for red to finish his turn) before taking his turn (failure to do so, will result in a red card for serious foul play against green (and the inevitable converted penalty)).

All matches for the Group Stage and 2nd Round will be on the Africa map, with Automatic deployment. Quarter-Finals, Semis & The Final will be on the Limited Edition World Cup 2010 Map (assuming it has been released at that point in time).

Banner courtesy of White Moose

To sign-up you must state:
    (a) Which country you will represent (of the 32 participating - check if your choice is taken first);
    (b) That you have read, understood and will abide by the special rules.

Anyone who has a clear lack of understanding of the game of football or the format of the world cup will not gain a place in the tournament.


Matches & Scoring:
First half
Very tactical with both teams trying to sus-out each other's tactics - therefore fog of war.
Players have plenty of energy therefore chained reinforcements.
Defences are tight and well organised therefore no spoils.
Win the game before round 6 and you score 3 goals.
Win the game before round 8 and you score 2 goals.
Win the game before round 10 and you score 1 goal.
If the game goes into round 10 or beyond, then no goals are scored.

Second half
Both teams have a better idea of each others' tactics - therefore no fog of war.
Players should still have plenty of energy therefore chained reinforcements.
Defences are not so tight - the game is more stretched - therefore escalating spoils.
Win the game before round 6 and you score 3 goals.
Win the game before round 8 and you score 2 goals.
Win the game before round 10 and you score 1 goal.
If the game goes into round 10 or beyond, then no goals are scored.

Extra-time (if applicable in the knock-out stage)
If scores are equal then two halves of extra time are played:
Both teams have a clear idea of each others' tactics - therefore no fog of war.
Players are tired therefore adjacent reinforcements.
Defences are very tight, scared to concede - therefore no spoils.
Win the game before round 6 and you score 2 goals.
Win the game before round 8 and you score 1 goal.
If the game goes into round 8 or beyond, then no goals are scored.

Penalties(if scores are still equal after extra-time)
If the scores are still equal then penalties take place:
Goalkeepers have no idea where the penalty taker will place his shot - therefore fog of war.
Players are very tired therefore adjacent reinforcements.
Chance plays a big part - therefore flat rate spoils.
Penalties continue on and on until there is a winner.


    N.B. The Tournament Organiser reserves the right to adjust the number of rounds required to score different numbers of goals (to gain realistic scorelines). This would only occur in-between rounds however.

Group Stage

For full details of matches click here.

2nd (Knock-Out) Stage

All reserves will be sent a PM when an opening occurs. The first reserve to respond will gain a place.

For the first round, reserves will be drawn from the reserve list.

After the first round, players knocked-out will be used.


Joining Matches
Players will be informed when they have a match and will have 24 hours to join. If they fail to do so then they will be ejected from the tournament and a reserve will replace them.

Freemiums beware - there will be a requirement to play two matches simultaneously in the group stage - therefore 4 'games'.


Winning Matches
At the end of the each match (or extra time or penalties), winners are expected to PM the Tournament Organiser.


Some of the other Tournaments by DJ Teflon
Click on the links for details (tournaments currently taking sign-ups are on the left of each section, on-going tournaments in the middle and completed tournaments on the right):

Speed Tournaments:
Friday Tournaments:

One-Day Saturday Tournaments:

'Evolving Storyline' Terminator Tournaments:

Russian Spy Assassin Tournaments:

Nationality-Based Tournaments:

Short Terminator Tournaments:

Liverpool FC European Campaigns:

Medal Heads Tournaments

St.Patrick's Day Map Tournaments:
Last edited by Teflon Kris on Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:52 pm, edited 109 times in total.
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Player Representative List

Postby Teflon Kris on Tue May 18, 2010 2:19 pm

show: Player Representative List
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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1) [1/32]

Postby Teflon Kris on Tue May 18, 2010 2:20 pm

(a) England

(b) I understand and will abide by the rules.

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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1) [1/32]

Postby Adow on Tue May 18, 2010 6:42 pm

in please

I understand the rules.
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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1) [1/32]

Postby secretflyer on Tue May 18, 2010 10:30 pm

i like to play for Australia

i understand the rules

thank you

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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1) [1/32]

Postby HighlanderAttack on Tue May 18, 2010 11:49 pm


of course I understand
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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1) [1/32]

Postby rivla on Wed May 19, 2010 1:49 am

I understand, Spain please
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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1) [1/32]

Postby rokmi on Wed May 19, 2010 2:47 am

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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1) [1/32]

Postby paws1610 on Wed May 19, 2010 5:04 am

I'll play

Cote d'Ivoire

I understand the rules
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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1) [1/32]

Postby adam666 on Wed May 19, 2010 5:15 am

new zealand
i understand the rules
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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1) [1/32]

Postby JoshyBoy on Wed May 19, 2010 5:20 am

In, Robin van Persie and the Dutch please.

I understand all rules and requirements.
drunkmonkey wrote:I honestly wonder why anyone becomes a mod on this site. You're the whiniest bunch of players imaginable.

Ron Burgundy wrote:Why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island?
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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1) [1/32]

Postby kieran730 on Wed May 19, 2010 5:42 am

brizil please and i understand
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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1) [1/32]

Postby sensfan on Wed May 19, 2010 6:09 am

korea republic

i understand all rules

My TPA tournament, Chief Trio, is up. Join it now:

I cover the TPA Wrap for the CC Newsletter.
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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1) [1/32]

Postby Schmerzkex on Wed May 19, 2010 6:49 am

I will respect the referees' authority
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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1) [1/32]

Postby acores2005 on Wed May 19, 2010 6:55 am

(b) That I have read, understood and will abide by the special rules
Click image to enlarge.

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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1) [1/32]

Postby Falkomagno on Wed May 19, 2010 7:32 am

Argentina che!
I got it...the rules Imean
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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1) [1/32]

Postby sirron on Wed May 19, 2010 10:42 am

yes, put me in mate. I understand the rules

Uruguay, please.

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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1) [1/32]

Postby Riskmaniac31 on Wed May 19, 2010 2:21 pm

I understand, Nigeria please :D
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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1 Football Series) [11/32]

Postby breich90 on Wed May 19, 2010 6:49 pm

Do i need a premium account? I don't have one.

If I do not need one I'll take the US

And yes, I've read the rules, have played football/soccer extensively and refereed for six years =)
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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1 Football Series) [11/32]

Postby danodukebb on Thu May 20, 2010 12:43 am

^----------------------------- :lol: but I'll be in for Denmark and Yes I understand the rules
Check out my band: Blink of an Eye and if you have a myspace still please add us!!!
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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1 Football Series) [11/32]

Postby Trumpet on Thu May 20, 2010 4:16 am

Sounds good. Spain please.

I understand the rules.
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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1 Football Series) [13/32]

Postby DrunknHorny on Thu May 20, 2010 9:07 am


I understand the rules.
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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1 Football Series) [13/32]

Postby LucaV on Thu May 20, 2010 10:39 am

I read and understand the rules.
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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1 Football Series) [13/32]

Postby gjhel on Thu May 20, 2010 11:01 am

North Korea.
I read and understand the rules.
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Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup (1v1 Football Series) [13/32]

Postby sHo0t4u on Thu May 20, 2010 11:16 am

in plse-Camaroon

I understand the rules
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