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2009-10 College Hoops [Winner: HighlanderAttack] [NIT: ga7]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby flexmaster33 on Wed May 12, 2010 11:26 pm

I like your ammended version...2 random + 1 on higher seed through the Elite 8 AND 1 random and each team's settings once we get to the Final Four. If you win your Region, I think you've proven yourself worthy. Also, it would replicate the NCAA Final Four being played at a truly neutral arena.
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby MudPuppy on Thu May 13, 2010 8:49 am

flexmaster33 wrote:Also, it would replicate the NCAA Final Four being played at a truly neutral arena.

Neutral? Like when N Carolina went to Detroit to play Michigan State in the championship game last year?... Not that the home field advantage helped the Spartans. :P

I'm really content with any of the options discussed. I understand and appreciate the merits of both the "everyone has earned their spot in the Final Four" viewpoint and the "let's stick with the stated rules" argument. Either way, a big thanks to all involved for keeping the best CC tournament going strong!!!
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby Culs De Sac on Thu May 13, 2010 9:59 pm

In a hard fought battle, and a come from behind win in game 3... Columbia defeats Clemson... The Lions advance to the next round looking eager to keep their momentum going.

Cheers Dowian =D> =D>
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby ViperOverLord on Thu May 13, 2010 11:07 pm

That sucks. 1st seed, but he got the first turn in all 3 games.
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby dowian2 on Thu May 13, 2010 11:41 pm

I'll be doing my best to keep the brackets updated daily. All first round games have been sent out (and I've already lost mine...)! Good luck, everyone!
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby HighlanderAttack on Fri May 14, 2010 8:03 am

Villanova was so excited about an 11 game winning streak to end the regular season. Winning the Big East and then gaining a number 2 seed. As the believe streaks end at 7 and 1 they knew they would be in trouble. As luck would have it, being a number 2 seed means nothing when the number 15 seed gets the tip in all three games. I really love CC sometimes-NOT. We shall see if Villanova can produce any turnovers.
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby ViperOverLord on Fri May 14, 2010 9:57 pm

MudPuppy wrote:
HighlanderAttack wrote:Of course I think you should stay with the original rules

If I understand correctly:
  • The original (Flex's) rules call for 2 neutral maps + 1 higher-seed home game.
  • The amended rules call for 2 random maps + 1 higher-seed home game.
  • The proposed rules would have 1 random map + 1 higher-seed home game + 1 lower-seed home game.
Of these, I'd prefer option 2 (amended rules) with option 1 (Flex's rules) coming in a close 2nd.

I see no reason to give the lower seed a home game at this point. The higher seeds advantage should be preserved. And before anyone accuses me of being biased I actually had a better road/neutral court record.

Also for next season I'd like to see the match-ups be 1 preliminary home game. If the home team wins he/she advances and if he loses then it becomes a best 2 of 3 with the 2 random maps kicking in. I believe that the work for the higher seed should have more meaning. You coulld make that apply to certain match-ups where there is a distinct difference in seedings and still just do straight 2 of 3 in say a 8-9 or 7-10 match-up.
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby chiefsfan4ever on Sat May 15, 2010 2:10 pm

Ducks move on.
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby chemefreak on Sat May 15, 2010 7:00 pm

All those fucking games and the NCAA tournament is best of 3? Stupid.
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sat May 15, 2010 7:17 pm

chemefreak wrote:All those fucking games and the NCAA tournament is best of 3? Stupid.

What should it be?
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sat May 15, 2010 7:23 pm

In what I consider a miracle, Villanova advances
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby flexmaster33 on Sun May 16, 2010 12:38 am

chemefreak wrote:All those fucking games and the NCAA tournament is best of 3? Stupid.

That's just how March Madness's a regular season that comes down to winning in a head-to-head you get best of the NCAA it's one-game to advance or be eliminated.
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby chemefreak on Sun May 16, 2010 6:33 am

flexmaster33 wrote:
chemefreak wrote:All those fucking games and the NCAA tournament is best of 3? Stupid.

That's just how March Madness's a regular season that comes down to winning in a head-to-head you get best of the NCAA it's one-game to advance or be eliminated.

Well, that would be fine if it were one game on the higher seed's map. I'm just pissed 'cause the other guy goes first in 2/3 on relatively small maps...and it is hard to comeback from that. Just seems like a lot of work for nothing. With those settings, there really is no difference between a 2 seed and a 15 seed. Oh, well.
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby dowian2 on Sun May 16, 2010 11:47 am

The brackets are updated, and the final first round game is out, after Southern Utah defeated Evansville in the play-in game.

Congrats to Duquesne on pulling the first big upset of the tourney, defeating #5 Indiana!

Apologies if you don't like the best-of-3 format. I believe it was designed like it is to allow for upsets to happen, while still giving the higher seed the advantage. It can't be too many games, as this tournament allows premiums :)
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby Lubawski on Sun May 16, 2010 5:37 pm

Kansas St. defeats the Slow moving Georgia St. =D>
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby AmphibiousRodent on Sun May 16, 2010 9:46 pm

Is there still going to be an NIT?
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby dowian2 on Sun May 16, 2010 10:20 pm

Yes, there is. I'll have a bracket up either tonight or tomorrow, and games will be sent out by Tuesday :)
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby Culs De Sac on Mon May 17, 2010 11:52 am

chemefreak wrote:
flexmaster33 wrote:
chemefreak wrote:All those fucking games and the NCAA tournament is best of 3? Stupid.

That's just how March Madness's a regular season that comes down to winning in a head-to-head you get best of the NCAA it's one-game to advance or be eliminated.

Well, that would be fine if it were one game on the higher seed's map. I'm just pissed 'cause the other guy goes first in 2/3 on relatively small maps...and it is hard to comeback from that. Just seems like a lot of work for nothing. With those settings, there really is no difference between a 2 seed and a 15 seed. Oh, well.

Depends on the situation.. I went 2nd on 2/3 of my games and I was the higher seed.. and they were larger maps..if it were not for the Bad rolls that my opponent had in 1 Round... i would have been screwed... Going 2nd on your home map if its a small map on a winner takes all game is just as bad.. there is no way to really account for what could actually occur in a game.. best of 3 is the fairest way to balance out the play and give the higher seed the advantage by giving him 1 game on home court..

The only way I can see to improve this is to make 2 games home court and 1 random.. hows that for a compromise?
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby Culs De Sac on Mon May 17, 2010 11:53 am

Villanova..I hoped you packed your bags... Cuz the Lions are coming to devour you! :twisted:
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby dowian2 on Mon May 17, 2010 6:30 pm

I haven't had a chance to make a nice, pretty bracket for you guys yet ( :P ), but I wanted to post the NIT matchups so the freemiums could have a day to prepare for the invites that are coming tomorrow:

8. Towson vs 1. Loyola-Marymount
5. Siena vs 4. Wake Forest
6. DePaul vs 3. Illinois
7. George Washington vs 2. Maine

8. Cincinnati vs 1. Pepperdine
5. Purdue vs 4. California
6. Seton Hall vs 3. Florida
7. Binghamton vs 2. Louisiana Tech

8. Minnesota vs 1. Massachusetts
5. Stony Brook vs 4. UNLV
6. Auburn vs 3. Marshall
7. Portland vs 2. Marquette

8. Louisville vs 1. Indiana St.
5. Maryland vs 4. Washington
6. Fresno St. vs 3. Western Michigan
7. Southern Miss vs 2. UMBC

Side note: I screwed this up twice trying to make it; I was accidentally including teams that already made it to the NCAA tourney. I'm pretty sure I caught all of them, but if anyone notices a foul-up, please let me know ;)
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby dowian2 on Tue May 18, 2010 1:02 pm

Brackets are updated. Congrats to all of those moving on, particularly the two 15-seeds that have recorded upsets!

NIT bracket/games to come later tonight - remember, that group will only be getting one game at a time for the first three rounds, not a best-of-3. :)
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby dowian2 on Tue May 18, 2010 6:40 pm

All first-round NIT games have been sent out. Good luck, everyone! :)
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby UCAbears on Tue May 18, 2010 6:42 pm

is it to late to enter?
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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby Kid Moe on Tue May 18, 2010 7:19 pm

won by marist series tied 1-1

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Re: (Restarted)NCAA College Hoops 2009-10

Postby docidiot on Tue May 18, 2010 7:33 pm

looks like the ivy league was overlooked in the nit. yikes!
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