Conquer Club

"Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [Winner: see first post]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

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"Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [Winner: see first post]

Postby johloh on Thu May 13, 2010 2:39 pm

WINNER: commander62890 & pimphawks70

This is a tournament of the british isles maps minus wales. hence the super clever name.

This will be a small tournament of 8 doubles teams. Each round will be best of 3.

First round is England, Second round is Scotland, Third round is Ireland.

Type: Doubles
Initial Troops: Automatic
Play Order: Sequential
Spoils: No Spoils
Reinforcements: Adjacent
Fog of War: No

Open to Premiums and Freemiums (freemiums must have 3 open slots)...

Teams will be initially seeded 1-8, 2-7, 3-6, 4-5 based on total points of team.

You'll have 24 hours to join a game after I send out invites.

1. johloh and donpalmero
2. benga and SOAB69
3. Commander62890 and Pimphawks70
4. katd89 and irishannie
5. shipmthisway and kumandgo13
6. sdh and hmsps
7. MyTurnToWin and conquerhero
8. sirsebstar and uptothemax

1. ViperOverLord and MrHanley
2. Luvr and Seamusk


Invites are out, best of 3. Round 1 begins!!

ok here are the seedings...
1. Commander62890 - 2576 pimphawks70 2586 -- 5162
2. johloh 2337 - donpalmero 1928 -- 4265
3. SirSebstar 2342 - uptothemax 1758 -- 4100
4. MyTurnToWin 1600 - conquerhero 2003 -- 3603
5. sdh 1628 - hmsps 2143 -- 3771
6. katd89 1813 - IrishAnnie 1508 -- 3321
7. benga 1761 - SOAB69 1501 -- 3262
8. shipmthisway 1502 - kumandgo13 1427 -- 2929

First Round --- 1v8 2v7 3v6 4v5
winners are in bold
1. Commander62890 pimphawks70 vs 8. shipmthisway kumandgo13
6999582, 6999619, 6999620
4. MyTurnToWin conquerhero vs 5. sdh hmsps
6999623, 6999624, 6999625
3. SirSebstar uptothemax vs 6. katd89 IrishAnnie
6999626, 6999627, 6999628
2. johloh donpalmero vs 7. benga and SOAB69
6999629, 6999630, 6999661

Semifinal Round --- 1v5 and 2v3
1. commander62890 pimphawks70 v sdh hmsps
7069387, 7069384, 7069382
2. johloh donpalmero vs SirSebstar uptothemax
7069385, 7069381, 7069380

Final Round --- 1 v 2
1. commander62890 pimphawks70 v johloh donpalmero
Last edited by johloh on Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:58 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [1/8 teams]

Postby benga on Fri May 14, 2010 3:07 am

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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [2/8 teams]

Postby Commander62890 on Fri May 14, 2010 7:56 am

& Pimphawks70
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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [2/8 teams]

Postby katd89 on Fri May 14, 2010 11:49 am

katd89 and irishannie

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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [4/8 teams]

Postby shipmthisway on Fri May 14, 2010 2:23 pm

In please

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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [5/8 teams]

Postby tsoukos on Sun May 16, 2010 4:09 am

i am in. thanks
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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [5/8 teams]

Postby sdh on Sun May 16, 2010 4:51 am

sdh & hmsps are in please
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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [5/8 teams]

Postby johloh on Sun May 16, 2010 10:49 am

tsoukos wrote:i am in. thanks

do you have a partner?

If another single adds I'll put you guys in as a team, otherwise I'll give preference to a doubles team.
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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [6/8 teams]

Postby MyTurnToWin on Sun May 16, 2010 10:28 pm

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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [7/8 teams]

Postby SirSebstar on Mon May 17, 2010 5:53 pm

sirsebstar and uptothemax
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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [7/8 teams]

Postby ViperOverLord on Mon May 17, 2010 6:10 pm

In (Alternate)

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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [7/8 teams]

Postby Luvr on Mon May 17, 2010 7:28 pm

If you need alternates
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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [FULL]

Postby johloh on Mon May 17, 2010 8:36 pm

ok, good to go...all spots full and two alternates.
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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [Round 1]

Postby johloh on Mon May 17, 2010 9:20 pm

Good Luck all and thanks for playing...

Invites are out, best of 3. Round 1 begins!!

ok here are the seedings...
1. Commander62890 - 2576 pimphawks70 2586 -- 5162
2. johloh 2337 - donpalmero 1928 -- 4265
3. SirSebstar 2342 - uptothemax 1758 -- 4100
4. MyTurnToWin 1600 - conquerhero 2003 -- 3603
5. sdh 1628 - hmsps 2143 -- 3771
6. katd89 1813 - IrishAnnie 1508 -- 3321
7. benga 1761 - SOAB69 1501 -- 3262
8. shipmthisway 1502 - kumandgo13 1427 -- 2929

First Round --- 1v8 2v7 3v6 4v5
1. Commander62890 pimphawks70 vs 8. shipmthisway kumandgo13
6999582, 6999619, 6999620
4. MyTurnToWin conquerhero vs 5. sdh hmsps
6999623, 6999624, 6999625
3. SirSebstar uptothemax vs 6. katd89 IrishAnnie
6999626, 6999627, 6999628
2. johloh donpalmero vs 7. benga and SOAB69
6999629, 6999630, 6999661
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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [Round 1]

Postby johloh on Tue May 18, 2010 9:35 am

if you didnt notice I named all the games round1 game1...of course it should have read round1game1 round1game2 and round1game3. but I'm sure everyone understands.
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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [Round 1]

Postby donpalmero on Tue May 25, 2010 3:17 am

Johloh is out of town. He'll be back and update the next tourney round on Thursday (if/where necessary I suppose).

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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [Round 1]

Postby johloh on Thu May 27, 2010 9:50 am


johloh and donpalmero defeat benga and SOAB69 (2-1)

sdh and hmsps defeat MyTurnToWin and conquerhero (2-1)

SirSebstar and uptothemax defeat katd89 and IrishAnnie (3-0)

Commander62890 and pimphawks70 ahead of shipmthisway and kumandgo13 (2-1)

Round 2 will start once each match up has a winner, even if the last game is not finished yet.
Last edited by johloh on Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [Round 2]

Postby johloh on Mon May 31, 2010 11:23 am

Round 2 has begun! best of 3. map is scotland.

Semifinal Round --- 1v5 and 2v3
1. commander62890 pimphawks70 v sdh hmsps
7069387, 7069384, 7069382
2. johloh donpalmero vs SirSebstar uptothemax
7069385, 7069381, 7069380
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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [Round 2]

Postby johloh on Sat Jun 05, 2010 11:16 am

2nd Round Results...

johloh donpalmero defeat SirSebstar uptothemax (3-0)
commander62890 pimphawks70 defeat sdh hmsps (3-0)
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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [FINALS]

Postby johloh on Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:03 am

Here we go with the finals!!! the top two ranked teams survived to the last round...

Final Round --- 1 v 2
1. commander62890 pimphawks70 v johloh donpalmero
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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [FINALS]

Postby johloh on Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:51 pm

finals are tied 1 to 1...

1 more game to finish!
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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [FINALS]

Postby Commander62890 on Thu Jul 01, 2010 4:41 pm

Well played in the finals, johloh and donpalmero

Thanks for hosting, johloh
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Re: "Save the Wales" Doubles Tourney [FINALS]

Postby johloh on Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:56 pm

thanks commander...

The tournament is over!!

commander62890 & pimphawks70 are the winners in a 2-1 victory over myself and donpalmero. congrats!
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