Conquer Club

1st RE2000 World League [Winner: wrexham]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby ViperOverLord on Sat May 08, 2010 2:28 pm

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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby gdbudman on Sat May 08, 2010 2:34 pm

i am in
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby adam666 on Sat May 08, 2010 5:42 pm

ready to roll
good luck
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby Beko the Great on Sun May 09, 2010 3:28 am

Count me in again!

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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby josko.ri on Fri May 14, 2010 6:11 am

The new games and update will be sent on Tuesday.
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby gambler21210 on Fri May 14, 2010 1:38 pm

am still here

count on me
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby amazzony on Thu May 20, 2010 3:45 pm

When do we get first games? :D
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby josko.ri on Thu May 20, 2010 5:33 pm

sorry, was very busy these days. really sorry. tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby josko.ri on Mon May 24, 2010 4:51 pm

still didnt have enough time. tomorrow will be update.sorry :(
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby josko.ri on Tue May 25, 2010 1:12 pm


Group 1
1. Rijeka 4-0
2. Portsmouth 2-1
3. Reykjavik 0-2
4. Derby 0-3

Group 2
1. Newmarket 2-1
2. Sydney 2-1
3. Belgrade 1-2
4. Crawley 1-2

Group 3
1. Leeds 3-1
2. San Diego 2-1
3. Rio de Janeiro 1-2
4. Lisboa 1-3

Group 4
1. Santo André 3-0
2. Fayetteville 1-2
3. Albuquerque 1-2
4. Valadares 1-2

Group 5

1. Saint Petersburg 3-0
2. Mokhsogollokh 2-1
3. Tartu 1-2
4. Horta 0-3

Group 6
1. Detroit 2-1
2. Calgary 2-1
3. Daytona Beach 1-1
4. Zemun 0-2

Group 7
1. Woodbury 2-1
2. Reading 2-1
3. Langley 1-2
4. Copenhagen 1-2

Group 8

1. Newcastle 3-0
2. Orlando 2-1
3. Abitureiras 1-2
4. Leningrad 0-3

if somebody see that I made some wrong update, please let me know. the games will be sent when I decide what to do with several deadbeaters, probably within a day or 2.
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby josko.ri on Sat Jun 12, 2010 3:28 am

I lost the paper where I made update for myself, that s why I am very late with sending games. will do update again and send games in next 2-3 days.
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:39 pm

I am on yourney, the games will be sent on Monday June 28th
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby josko.ri on Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:34 pm

The games finally sent. everyone who has played less than 4 games received invite or 2 invites if played only 2 games until now. please join ASAP.
I am really sorry for so long waiting for continue the tournament :(
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby gdbudman on Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:50 am

won 7238472
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby josko.ri on Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:47 pm


currently playoff format looks like: The eliminating phase (Eliminating round, Quarter Finals, Semi Finals, Final) will be played in a random map (except for the final, witch will be played in World 2.1 map) with the following rules: Standard, Automatic, sequential, Escalating, unlimited, foggy.

I would like to make one little change. in group phase players had home fields. map is random, but settings is home. I would like to change playoff into best 2 of 3, one on each player's home settings (included map choice in that settings) and third (extratime, if necesarry) on random map with following settings: Standard, Automatic, sequential, Escalating, chained, foggy.

finals will be: World 2.1, stand, auto, seq, esc, chained, foggy.

the reason why I changed playoff format from random map to home map is that in real Champions League home team has full home advantage when playing on home field. so I think it must include map choice also to be full advantage. if I can, I would like to change it in group phase also, but it is not possible because all group games were played on random map until now, so it will be like that until the end of group phase. I will contact every player who reach playoff to choose new home settings with map included. anyway, I must find several reserves, that s why tournament is little stopped right now.
Last edited by josko.ri on Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby josko.ri on Sat Jul 10, 2010 12:54 am

I am finding reserves, so every not filled game will be filled in next few days.
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby josko.ri on Sat Jul 17, 2010 3:01 pm

6 reserves joined, I am still finding 2 and then tournament will continue normally. anyway, group 2 and 3 have completed 4 rounds, so I sent them invitations for 5th round. other groups still dont have completed 4 rounds.


Group 2
1. Newmarket 3-1
2. Sydney 2-2
3. Belgrade 2-2
4. Crawley 1-3

Group 3
1. Leeds (wrexham) 3-1
2. San Diego 2-2
3. Rio de Janeiro 2-2
4. Lisboa (johnboss13) 1-3
Last edited by josko.ri on Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby josko.ri on Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:44 pm


Group 1
1. Rijeka 4-0
2. Portsmouth 2-2
2. Rasaay Gray (spidey) 2-2
4. Derby 0-4

Group 4
1. Santo André 3-1
2. Fayetteville 2-2
2. Zagreb (benga) 2-2
4. Albuquerque 1-3

Group 5

1. Kuterevo (Moonchild) 4-0
2. Mokhsogollokh 2-2
3. Tartu 1-3
3. Horta 1-3

Group 6
1. Detroit 3-1
1. Daytona Beach 3-1
3. Calgary 2-2
4. Zemun (agressivo) 0-4

Group 7
1. Woodbury 3-1
2. Reading 2-2
2. Langley 2-2
4. Copenhagen (ThePope) 1-3

Group 8

1. Newcastle 3-1
1. Orlando 3-1
3. Flat (Kritical) 1-2 (1 game incomplete)
4. Leningrad 0-3 (1 game incomplete)

if somebody see that I made some wrong update, please let me know.
games for round 5 are sent. good luck to everybody and have fun :)
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby gdbudman on Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:58 am

won 7370518
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby josko.ri on Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:51 am

Standings before last round in group stage:

Group 1
1. Rijeka 5-0
2. Portsmouth 2-3
2. Rasaay Gray 2-3
4. Derby 1-4

Group 2
1. Newmarket 4-1
2. Sydney 3-2
3. Belgrade 2-3
4. Crawley 1-4

Group 3
1. Leeds 3-2
1. Rio de Janeiro 3-2
3. San Diego 2-3
3. Lisboa 2-3

Group 4
1. Santo André 3-2
1. Fayetteville 3-2
3. Zagreb 2-3
3. Albuquerque 2-3

Group 5

1. Kuterevo 5-0
2. Mokhsogollokh 3-2
3. Tartu 1-4
3. Horta 1-4

Group 6
1. Detroit 3-1 (1 game incomplete)
1. Daytona Beach 3-1 (1 game incomplete)
3. Calgary 3-2
4. Zemun 0-5

Group 7
1. Woodbury 4-1
2. Reading 3-2
3. Langley 2-3
4. Copenhagen 1-4

Group 8

1. Newcastle 3-2
1. Orlando 3-2
3. Flat 3-2
4. Leningrad 1-4

all games for last round are sent, except for group 6. there s_uperdave became freemium so couldnt start his game so I decided to wait for him to have free slot. good luck to everybody and have fun :)
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby amazzony on Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:09 am

Group 5: Tartu vs Mokhsogollokh - Game 7435560 - Beko the Great (Mokhsogollokh) wins.

amazzony (Tartu) leaves this tournament with 1 win :cry: Oh well, god luck to other participants and thanks again josko for rescuing this tournament! =D>
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby gdbudman on Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:51 pm

won 7435557
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby josko.ri on Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:42 pm

Portsmouth (RustyGoat) declined multiple invitations for round 6 without any explanation, so I will drop that game without finding reserve because any result of the game wouldnt change playoofs positions in group 1. 1st and 2nd place in that group is already decided.
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby josko.ri on Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:25 pm


Group 6
1. Daytona Beach 4-1
2. Detroit 3-2
2. Calgary 3-2
4. Zemun (agressivo) 0-5

last round for group 6 are sent. it will be the last games of group stage, and then will start playoff.
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Re: 1st RE2000 World League [New TO, see page 6]

Postby josko.ri on Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:42 pm

Final standings, without group 6:

Group 1
1. Rijeka 6-0
2. Rasaay Gray 3-3
3. Portsmouth 2-4
4. Derby 1-5

Group 2
1. Newmarket 4-2
2. Sydney 3-3
2. Belgrade 3-3
4. Crawley 2-4

Group 3
1. Leeds 4-2
2. Rio de Janeiro 3-3
2. Lisboa 3-3
4. San Diego 2-4

Group 4
1. Fayetteville 4-2
2. Santo André 3-3
2. Zagreb 3-3
4. Albuquerque 2-4

Group 5

1. Kuterevo 5-1
2. Mokhsogollokh 4-2
3. Horta 2-4
4. Tartu 1-5

Group 7
1. Woodbury 5-1
2. Reading 3-3
3. Langley 2-4
3. Copenhagen 2-4

Group 8

1. Flat 4-2
2. Orlando 3-3
2. Newcastle 3-3
4. Leningrad 2-4

The teams highlighted with red will play tiebreaker match with following settings(given by former organizer):
Random map, Standard, Automatic, sequential, Escalating, unlimited, foggy.
the tie breaker games are sent.
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