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JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Winner- HighlanderAttack)

Tournaments completed in 2011.

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JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (Winner- HighlanderAttack)

Postby jrh_cardinal on Fri May 07, 2010 11:28 pm

Here is the post order as it will probably remain the rest of the year:
First Post: Standings and Maps/Settings
Second Post: Original First Post: Rules/Expectations/etc.
Third Post: NL Schedule
Fourth Post: AL Schedule
lol, all together the schedule post was over 100,000 characters (apparently the limit for one post), so I had to split it up

Click image to enlarge.

You are allowed to change your home map/settings, I will send out your home games with the changes starting the week after you ask (iow I won't remake games). However, If someone abuses this (changes constantly) I reserve the right to say they aren't allowed to change any more

erikiscool is now the Tigers, on WWII Western Front, F, C, S
jsholty4690 is now the Yankees, on 8 Thoughts, E,C,F
Tucktovich is now the Marlins, on Canada, F,C,F
HighlanderAttack is now the Blue Jays, on Arms Race, NS,U,S
iamkoolerthanu is now the Mariners, on British Isles, NS,C,F
br4nd0n2002 is now the White Sox, on Treasures of Galapagos, NS,C,F
UTAlan is now the Athletics on USA West, F,C,F
dbandit70 is now the Orioles on Waterloo, E,C,F
Sniper08 is now the Reds on San Marino, NU,C,S

Click image to enlarge.

Please bear with my crappy photobucketing skills, hopefully they will improve as I work with it more.
Last edited by jrh_cardinal on Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:16 am, edited 68 times in total.
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season First Post, Rules/Expectation

Postby jrh_cardinal on Fri May 07, 2010 11:28 pm

Okay, my finals are basically over, so it's time for a new tourney! I know there is another tourney just like this already ongoing, and vykingsfan is doing a great job with it, but his is nearly half over and I wanted to start my own :)

Game Load: Okay, so this will be the full 162 game MLB Season, following the same schedule as the big leagues. This means you will be playing around 8 games at a time, so No Freemies. More specifically, I will send out 10 days worth of games (in the real schedule) every week. Most of the time, teams play about 6 games in a week, so each round, you will most likely play 8 or 9 games. My goal is to play the World Series around the same time as the real World Series, so our regular season needs to finish before the real regular season, as the playoffs will probably take longer.

Reserves: I will take a few reserves, but only about 3-5 reserves for now, because a reserve signing up now will not even remember this tournament exists in July or August when they will be needed.

My Rules: Join your games in 48 hours unless you have a valid excuse. DO NOT join anyone elses games. I will be sending PM's individually this tournament so that this doesn't happen. Therefore, you have to go out of your way to join someone elses game. If you do that, you WILL be kicked.

Map/Settings: The map is totally up to you. Everyone will have a home map, picked from any of the 160ish maps on CC at the time of sign up. You may pick a beta map if you so desire, BUT if you do, pick a non-beta backup as well, so that if the beta map goes down for a little while, you still have a map to play on.
Default settings will be: Standard, 1v1, Auto, Seq, along with your map, you have to pick spoils, reinforcements, and fog of war settings

So here is an example post:
in, Cardinals
American Civil War
flat, chained, foggy

End of the Year: This will be run exactly like the MLB, so there will be 4 teams in the playoffs from each league, the 3 Division Winners and a Wild Card, and, if necessary, I will use MLB Tiebreaker Rules. In the Tiebreaker Rules, there are lots of small, specific conditions, so when we get near the end of the season, I will post any relevant rules. The first round of the MLB playoffs (the Division Series) is 5 games, the second round (the League Championship Series) is 7 games, and the final round (the World Series) is 7 games.

Home Field Advantage: In the League Playoffs, home field advantage is determined by regular season record, then tiebreakers. In the World Series, home field advantage is decided by the All Star Game.

The All Star Game: For the All Star Game, I will take the four would-be playoff teams at that point, about 90-100 games into the season (around July 15thish in the real MLB), for each league. They will then play 2 "innings" each, 1 inning=1 game, against their counterpart from the opposite league, on the USA West map, the best map for Anaheim (where the 2010 All-Star Game is). The settings will be Escalating, Chained, Sunny. The top team in each league will also play a 3rd game against each other. Whichever league wins 5 or more of these 9 "innings" wins the All Star Game, and home-field advantage for the World Series.

Remember, I am expecting this tournament to last at least 6-7 months, please be prepared to put that amount of time into the tournament.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Last edited by jrh_cardinal on Thu May 13, 2010 4:08 pm, edited 31 times in total.
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season NL Schedule

Postby jrh_cardinal on Fri May 07, 2010 11:29 pm

Obviously game times are not relevant to this tournament
I am now deleting the schedule as I go through the year to make it easier on myself. Here is the schedule for prior dates. To get to your team look on the right where it says "More MLB Teams" and find your team in the drop down menu.

NL East
show: Phillies

show: Braves

show: Nationals

show: Marlins

show: Mets

NL Central
show: Cardinals

show: Cubs

show: Brewers

show: Pirates

show: Reds

show: Astros

NL West
show: Dodgers

show: Giants

show: Rockies

show: Padres

show: Diamondbacks

AL Schedule
lol, all together the schedule post was over 100,000 characters (apparently the limit for one post), so I had to split it up
Last edited by jrh_cardinal on Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:03 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season AL Schedule

Postby jrh_cardinal on Fri May 07, 2010 11:29 pm

Obviously Game times are not relevant to this tournament.
I am now deleting the schedule as I go through the year to make it easier on myself. Here is the schedule for prior dates. To get to your team look on the right where it says "More MLB Teams" and find your team in the drop down menu.

AL East
show: Yankees

show: Red Sox

show: Rays

show: Blue Jays

show: Orioles

AL Central
show: Twins

show: Tigers

show: White Sox

show: Indians

show: Royals

AL West
show: Angels

show: Athletics

show: Mariners

show: Rangers

NL Schedule
lol, all together the schedule post was over 100,000 characters (apparently the limit for one post), so I had to split it up
Last edited by jrh_cardinal on Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:04 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (1/30)

Postby mrbang on Fri May 07, 2010 11:35 pm

in Twins
Age of Merchants Escalating Chained Sunny
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (2/30)

Postby jrh_cardinal on Sat May 08, 2010 2:01 am

updated, I'll update photobucket once we get to about 10 players
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (2/30)

Postby ViperOverLord on Sat May 08, 2010 2:54 am

In, Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim
Feudal War
(Auto) No Spoils, chained, foggy
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (3/30)

Postby shaunchef on Sat May 08, 2010 2:59 am

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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (3/30)

Postby Chewie1 on Sat May 08, 2010 3:01 am

In braves feudal war esculating chained sunny
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (5/30)

Postby jrh_cardinal on Sat May 08, 2010 3:02 am

updated, I'm also updating image
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (5/30)

Postby vragus on Sat May 08, 2010 3:03 am

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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (5/30)

Postby trenchcoat on Sat May 08, 2010 3:04 am

In Cubs

Italy, Chained, Seq, Sunny, Flat, Auto
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (5/30)

Postby edwinissweet on Sat May 08, 2010 3:05 am

yankees, aor 2, flat rate, manual, unlimited, fog
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (5/30)

Postby NotNowKato on Sat May 08, 2010 3:08 am

Dodgers plse jrh
Feudal War - Flat Rate - Unlimited - Foggy
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (5/30)

Postby jrh_cardinal on Sat May 08, 2010 3:16 am

vragus wrote:in

I need more stuff :) (map, settings, team)
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (5/30)

Postby alaskanassassin on Sat May 08, 2010 3:17 am

WWII Poland
flat rate, sunny, unlimated, auto

Phillies please!
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (5/30)

Postby thetiger on Sat May 08, 2010 3:27 am

in pls
pirats , middle east , auto , seq , flat , chained , sunny
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (5/30)

Postby TalynStarburst on Sat May 08, 2010 3:30 am

gah, i'm going to regret this as i'm really trying to cut my games back.. but i can't pass this one up either!

Seattle Mariners

Battle For Iraq!, No Spoils, Chained, Foggy
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (5/30)

Postby jrh_cardinal on Sat May 08, 2010 3:32 am

TalynStarburst wrote:gah, i'm going to regret this as i'm really trying to cut my games back.. but i can't pass this one up either!

Seattle Mariners

Battle For Iraq!, No Spoils, Chained, Foggy
I agree. I'm playing 54 games at a time in the ESS: British Isles tourney which is plenty all by itself, but I can't stop making and joining all these new tourneys
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (11/30)

Postby jrh_cardinal on Sat May 08, 2010 3:33 am

also, updated
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (5/30)

Postby TalynStarburst on Sat May 08, 2010 3:35 am

jrh_cardinal wrote:
TalynStarburst wrote:gah, i'm going to regret this as i'm really trying to cut my games back.. but i can't pass this one up either!

Seattle Mariners

Battle For Iraq!, No Spoils, Chained, Foggy
I agree. I'm playing 54 games at a time in the ESS: British Isles tourney which is plenty all by itself, but I can't stop making and joining all these new tourneys

lol, the feeling is mutual. ideas will come into my head for a new tournament format and i have to start it up that day!! i avoid looking at the tournaments so that i'm not tempted to join any new ones.. doesn't always work :p
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (11/30)

Postby shoop76 on Sat May 08, 2010 3:36 am

in any team

Treasures of galapagos

no spoils, chained and foggy
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (12/30)

Postby jrh_cardinal on Sat May 08, 2010 3:48 am

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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (12/30)

Postby aglenist on Sat May 08, 2010 3:53 am

in white sox, or any team if unavailable
flat, foggy, world 2.1
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Re: JRH's Full 2010 MLB Season (12/30)

Postby jrh_cardinal on Sat May 08, 2010 4:00 am

aglenist wrote:in white sox, or any team if unavailable
flat, foggy, world 2.1

I put you down for chained reinforcements, if that is wrong let me know
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