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[TPA1] Tournament Players Association

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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby MrGlassB on Mon May 03, 2010 9:43 am

amazzony wrote:Get in touch with barterer2002 through PM and if you've talked about it and he confirms that you are one of the TPA organisers then let me know and I will grant you access to the TO usergroup forums :)

I'm one completed tournament away from being able to join anyways, so I have no problem waiting until then. :)

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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby barterer2002 on Mon May 03, 2010 11:43 am

It'll be up sometime today.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Mon May 03, 2010 1:03 pm

Link to the first event

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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby benga on Mon May 03, 2010 3:44 pm

i hope that players that sign up for TPA
and dont show/join their games
will get penalty pts
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby MrGlassB on Mon May 03, 2010 3:52 pm

Indeed. I think that's a good idea. :)

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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby barterer2002 on Mon May 03, 2010 3:58 pm

There is no signing up for the TPA. Anyone who joins any TPA sanctioned event is in the TPA itself. This is because we need to have at least 50% of the slots open to everyone.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby MrGlassB on Mon May 03, 2010 4:04 pm

Regardless of the semantics, no-shows should receive some sort of penalty imho. :)

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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby drunkmonkey on Mon May 03, 2010 4:20 pm

barterer2002 wrote:There is no signing up for the TPA. Anyone who joins any TPA sanctioned event is in the TPA itself. This is because we need to have at least 50% of the slots open to everyone.

I think he means a penalty for people who sign up for a TPA tournament and then deadbeat or don't show up.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby benga on Mon May 03, 2010 4:29 pm

drunkmonkey wrote:
barterer2002 wrote:There is no signing up for the TPA. Anyone who joins any TPA sanctioned event is in the TPA itself. This is because we need to have at least 50% of the slots open to everyone.

I think he means a penalty for people who sign up for a TPA tournament and then deadbeat or don't show up.

yeap you are right
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby barterer2002 on Mon May 03, 2010 8:17 pm

I thought I posted this earlier but apparently it was somewhere else.

My general feeling is that in tournaments there are two reasons that people do not join their games. 1) they are unaware of how tournaments work and are generally not joining any more of them or 2) they have unexpectedly left CC for whatever reason. In either of these cases there doesn't seem to be much reason to penalize. Are there reasons to penalize someone that I'm not seeing?
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby Kinnison on Mon May 03, 2010 11:40 pm

I think the idea here is that someone is taking up a valuable resource (i.e. a spot in a TPA event) and then wasting it/hurting the event for others. I think that the loss of position they will suffer is probably sufficient. At worst, TPA deadbeaters could be given whatever the lowest available rank is for that event. (T-XX)
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby poptartpsycho18 on Tue May 04, 2010 12:59 am

barterer2002 wrote:I thought I posted this earlier but apparently it was somewhere else.

My general feeling is that in tournaments there are two reasons that people do not join their games. 1) they are unaware of how tournaments work and are generally not joining any more of them or 2) they have unexpectedly left CC for whatever reason. In either of these cases there doesn't seem to be much reason to penalize. Are there reasons to penalize someone that I'm not seeing?

Well, I just had someone who signed up, went through the effort to PM me for the password(which I had included with the game PM) then read the PM and never joined their games. I ended up replacing him. I consider that an annoyance to say the least, but I'm strictly enforcing the "48 hr time limit" and had all the info he needed to join, well before that limit was up. So what would have been thought of that case?
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby MudPuppy on Tue May 04, 2010 5:25 am

barterer, can you provide the calculation for how the points work? In this first tourney, I see that the multiplier will be 3 since there are 61-89 participants. But what is the formula that multiplier is applied to???
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby barterer2002 on Tue May 04, 2010 5:37 am

poptartpsycho18 wrote:
barterer2002 wrote:I thought I posted this earlier but apparently it was somewhere else.

My general feeling is that in tournaments there are two reasons that people do not join their games. 1) they are unaware of how tournaments work and are generally not joining any more of them or 2) they have unexpectedly left CC for whatever reason. In either of these cases there doesn't seem to be much reason to penalize. Are there reasons to penalize someone that I'm not seeing?

Well, I just had someone who signed up, went through the effort to PM me for the password(which I had included with the game PM) then read the PM and never joined their games. I ended up replacing him. I consider that an annoyance to say the least, but I'm strictly enforcing the "48 hr time limit" and had all the info he needed to join, well before that limit was up. So what would have been thought of that case?

But I guess the question I would have in terms of TPA point sanctions is what would be the point. Is this person a) likely to sign up for future TPAs b) are the points of this person likely to be important in any sense? I suspect that the answer to b is no, that such a person isn't likely to be in the points chase and isn't likely to be affected by a point sanction. The question then at this point is what is the point of any such sanction? As I said, I'm willing to revisit this is it is an issue as we go forward.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby barterer2002 on Tue May 04, 2010 5:52 am

MudPuppy wrote:barterer, can you provide the calculation for how the points work? In this first tourney, I see that the multiplier will be 3 since there are 61-89 participants. But what is the formula that multiplier is applied to???

Total points Player will get a total number of points based on their finish in each tournament so coming in 2nd in a 16 player tournament would garner .9375 points while a 2nd in a 64 player tournament would garner a score of .9844.

Thus essentially to figure out the points for a tournament it would be (1/No of players)* ((No of players+1)-finish position) So that in a 16 player bracket tournament (not TPA sanctioned but used for point example) each position would get .0625. So the winner would get 1 point, the runner up would be .9375, the semifinal losers (tied for 3rd) would get .875 the Round 2 losers (tied for 5th) would get .75 and the round 1 losers (tied for 9th) would get .5

Thus in this example, the winner gets twice as many points as those eliminated in the first round but all participants will get enough to keep players wanting to play.

Now this was a simple bracket tournament. Other longer tournaments will sometimes have a more effective method of determing and breaking out standings so potentially the players could be ranked with certainty from 1-16. In those situations, the 16th place player would receive .0625 points, the 9th .5, and the winner 1. The ultimate standings will be up to individual TOs
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Tue May 04, 2010 1:59 pm

The first tourney is full. I should have games out as early as tonight. I am still taking reseves. If you read this you must post for reserve on the thread for the tourney.

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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby IWearRed24 on Tue May 04, 2010 8:08 pm

can I be a reserve?
and where is the TPA tournaments posted at?
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby drunkmonkey on Tue May 04, 2010 8:37 pm

IWearRed24 wrote:can I be a reserve?
and where is the TPA tournaments posted at?

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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby kratos644 on Tue May 04, 2010 9:44 pm

drunkmonkey wrote:
IWearRed24 wrote:can I be a reserve?
and where is the TPA tournaments posted at?


Come on guys. We have an influx of new tournament players. Instead of making belittling posts making them feel dumb how about we make helpful posts instead otherwise it's likely that some of these people will get a bad experience and no longer want to play in tournaments.

So in response to the actual question...

If you want to be a reserve for HA's tournament, you need to sign up in the actual thread for the tournament. That can be found by clicking -->HERE<--

For the list of all current and past TPA sanctioned events check the third post on the front page of this thread. That can be found by clicking -->HERE<--

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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby IWearRed24 on Tue May 04, 2010 11:09 pm

Well the reason I couldn't find it is because it didn't show up on the tournament tab...
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby amazzony on Wed May 05, 2010 2:17 am

IWearRed24 wrote:Well the reason I couldn't find it is because it didn't show up on the tournament tab...

Don't mind drunkmonkey, he had to have a bad day as things get a bit frustrating sometimes, especially if you read back in this topic.

Anyways, it happened that the tournament got full before it was put to the tab and therefore you couldn't find it there. Next Monday, if you are interested, just in case check out the Create/Join forums directly. If I'm not mistaken then next one should be opened for freemium players also.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby Sir. Ricco on Wed May 05, 2010 6:43 am

IWearRed24 wrote:Well the reason I couldn't find it is because it didn't show up on the tournament tab...

It filled up before it could be put on the tournament tab.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby JoshyBoy on Wed May 05, 2010 6:48 am

drunkmonkey wrote:
IWearRed24 wrote:can I be a reserve?
and where is the TPA tournaments posted at?


Shame on you drunkmonkey. [-X
drunkmonkey wrote:I honestly wonder why anyone becomes a mod on this site. You're the whiniest bunch of players imaginable.

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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby josko.ri on Wed May 05, 2010 12:12 pm

hmm, it sounds very interesting and competitive but I have suggestion about how to improve point system...

"1. Total points Player will get a total number of points based on their finish in each tournament so coming in 2nd in a 16 player tournament would garner .9375 points while a 2nd in a 64 player tournament would garner a score of .9844. Additionally larger tournaments will have a multiplier as its more difficult to win a 64 player tournament than it is to win a 16 player tournament and more difficult still to win a 128 player tournament. Thus the multipliers will be as follows: For tournaments with 16-31 players have a multiplier of 1, 32-60 would have a multiplier of 2, 61 to 89 would be a multiplier of 3, 90-130 would be a multiplier of 4, 131-220 a multiplier of 5 and 221 and over would be a multiplier of 6. In other words that 2nd place finish in a 64 player tournament would then be multiplied by 3 to garner that player a score of 2.95. There will be a running scoreboard with total scores for all players."

so basically a player who plays all 52 tournaments will probably be between TOP 20 because his/her points will grow up every week. I am not fun of PGA so I dont really know how point system there is, but I am fun of tennis (ATP) and I know very good how there is point system. I suppose on PGA is similar. my point is that Roger Federer is number one player in tennis by years but he plays very low number of tournaments. it can be chacked here he has 18 tournaments while the others from top 10 have 25,26.

so, my suggestion is to make only one difference in point system: divide all players' points by number of tournaments played, and we will then get reliable ranking. to avoid that someone plays only 1 tournament and be high ranked, you may take 20 tournaments as a minimum played for getting full rank. so, points of the players who played less than 20 tournaments can be sum and divided by 20, and for the players who played more than 20 tournaments can be sum and divided by number of tournaments played. I think then you will get more representative ranking, at most because of fact that tournaments will be full very quickly, so many interested players will stay without some tournaments.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby drunkmonkey on Wed May 05, 2010 12:53 pm

JoshyBoy wrote:
drunkmonkey wrote:
IWearRed24 wrote:can I be a reserve?
and where is the TPA tournaments posted at?


Shame on you drunkmonkey. [-X

I just wish more people would take it upon themselves to read the thread and find out what's going on. HA's post said to sign up in the tourney thread, and then gave a link to the tourney thread. Maybe it was just a long day for me.

I apologize; it won't happen again. :oops:
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