by HighlanderAttack on Tue May 04, 2010 2:34 pm
Drawing for groups--I will go in order 1-4 and so on-posted groups will be in the updates section.
There were 64 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
1. Zivel
2. Darin44
3. stevieQ
4. drunkmonkey
5. White Moose
6. dowian2
7. jonty125
8. japser_be
9. ZionT
10. krasnyckyj
11. danryan
12. HighlanderAttack
13. vykingsfan64
14. maasman
15. LB Ninja
16. Timminz
17. keiths31
18. JBlombier
19. benga
20. Bones2484
21. denominator
22. amazzony
23. ga7
24. Evil Semp
25. shaneback
26. MudPuppy
27. redbugal
28. Phr34ky
29. discotits
30. kuma32478
31. crbluth
32. jpcloet
33. hwhrhett
34. phantomzero
35. kratos644
36. kevlove102
37. cgblack
38. Blinkadyblink
39. masterhighlander
40. barterer2002
41. DimnjacarStef
42. Lindax
43. MrGlassB
44. jrh_cardinal
45. Enormastitz
46. JoshyBoy
47. adam666
48. der sniffter
49. Serbia
50. ubcman64
51. Erland
52. sonicsteve
53. shoop76
54. dtellis
55. padsta
56. Drew483
57. LucaV
58. killmanic
59. Risky_Stud
60. Gilligan
61. coacheberhardt
62. SirSebstar
63. Kinnison
64. Night Strike
Timestamp: 2010-05-04 19:34:03 UTC
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.