Conquer Club

So You Think You Can Dance S1 [Winner: anamainiacks]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

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UPDATE - So You Think You Can Dance Season 1

Postby amazzony on Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:36 am

  • Scoreboard updated!
  • We still have 5 games to play in Round 2: Top 50:
    • Group 1 has 2 games to finish (both active).
    • Group 6 has 1 game to finish (it's active).
    • Group 8 has 2 games to finish (1 active, the other can't start before both freemium players have been eliminated from previous game).
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Re: So You Think You Can Dance Season 1 [Round 2]

Postby DresdenSooner on Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:23 pm

Game Game 6135628 ended.
Winner: Dresdensooner
2nd: Ctgottapee
3rd: Arkaxow
5th: shortcake710
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UPDATE - So You Think You Can Dance Season 1

Postby amazzony on Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:10 am

  • Scoreboard updated!
  • We still have 3 games to be played in Round 2 - Top 50:
    • Group 1 has 1 active game left.
    • Group 8 has 2 games to finish (1 active, the other can't start before both freemium players have been eliminated from previous game though we have decided that their last game will be with Escalating cards to speed up the play).

Group 6 has finished! DresdenSooner made an incredible round when winning 4 games out of 5 and in the 5th one finishing 2nd, therefore gaining 46 points (max. 50) which gives him a sure place in the top 16, congratulations! =D> In that group second was arkaxow with 24 points and needs a lot of luck to get to round 3. Already out are ctgottapee (17 points), shortcake710 (12 points) and Gargalee (11 points), thanks for participating!
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Re: So You Think You Can Dance Season 1 [Round 2]

Postby DresdenSooner on Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:25 am

Looking forward to the rest of the tournament. Hope if gets here before 2011.

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Re: So You Think You Can Dance Season 1 [Round 2]

Postby amazzony on Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:54 am

DresdenSooner wrote:Looking forward to the rest of the tournament. Hope if gets here before 2011.

I'm looking forward to the next stage, too :D It seems that the games are moving to some direction and not completely in stalemate. It's a tough competition we have here :D
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UPDATE - So You Think You Can Dance Season 1

Postby amazzony on Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:12 am

I wish I would have something more pleasant to say but we are where we we've been for awhile now: 2 games active and 1 waiting to be made: Game 5960131 and Game 6007738. I would have thought about some tiebraking measures but as there are freemium players in the games then I can't create extra games or something like that so lets just keep waiting for a bit more, maybe they'll find a way how to activate the games and finish them :)
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UPDATE - So You Think You Can Dance Season 1

Postby amazzony on Sat Mar 06, 2010 5:00 am

As I have some inside info about Group 8 then I thought I'd put it down here also. Game 5960131 seems to end soon and after that KidWhisky leaves our dancing crowd so I've decided that from the last game he will get 1 point and Salsa will be danced in a group of 4.

In other news, Game 6007738... well, not sure what to think of it. Group 1 has also managed to brake their stalemate games so I'm putting my trust in them that they manage to come out of this stalemate as well :)
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UPDATE - So You Think You Can Dance Season 1

Postby amazzony on Tue Mar 09, 2010 2:36 pm

Great news, group 8 has finished their 4th game and 5th game is active. Group 1 still has the one game active and kinda stalemate-ish, we'll see how it goes and how far have they reached after group 8 finishes their last game.
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UPDATE - So You Think You Can Dance Season 1

Postby amazzony on Thu Mar 18, 2010 5:28 am

Group 8 has finished and final results are in the updated scoreboard! Now we have only 1 game left to finish: Game 6007738. I'll think about the situation a couple of days and most likely need to figure out how to brake the game and move on with the tournament because it's pretty much in stalemate :(

Lets see how group 8 did. In the end, best of them was growler with 32 points and overall 7th in the scoreboard. anamainiacks gathered 27 points which gives him currently 13th place and KidWhisky 16th with 26 points. All of them have already assured a spot in the top 24 though KidWhisky will not continue as he has left CC for awhile. Asimov (16 points) and fuhook (9 points), thanks for playing with us!
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UPDATE - So You Think You Can Dance Season 1

Postby amazzony on Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:38 am

I won't be around much for the next 5-6 days so until next Thursday (March 25) there's no updates. As a note for future, you'll probably get to read more of these messages in the next 6 months so the speed of tournament might slow down due to that. Though, in this case, it doesn't matter if I'm around or not because we are waiting for the last game to end in round 2. When I get back and there's not much change in the game then I'll discuss with the players and see what they think about some options how to continue the tournament.
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UPDATE - So You Think You Can Dance Season 1

Postby amazzony on Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:50 am

There has been a slight change in the game so I'm hoping from some eliminations soon, we'll see how things really go though.
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Re: So You Think You Can Dance Season 1 [Round 2]

Postby amazzony on Sun Mar 28, 2010 6:09 am

Yep, 1 elimination. Nevertheless, game still active, keeping fingers crossed for some action soon :)
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UPDATE - So You Think You Can Dance Season 1

Postby amazzony on Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:36 am

Still the 1 game going.
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UPDATE - So You Think You Can Dance Season 1

Postby amazzony on Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:43 am

Round 2

Game 6007738 is still active (last game of round 2). I'll let them play it until round 100 and if after that there aren't real signs of hope that it'll end soon then I'll think of something so we could move on with the tournament.
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UPDATE - So You Think You Can Dance Season 1

Postby amazzony on Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:51 am

Round 2

As Game 6007738 is still active (last game of round 2) then I've decided to add a rule to round 2 to make the tournament move on. I've given them until round 115 (including) to finish the game. If it is not over by that time then remaining points will be divided equally among the players alive. Eliminated players will get points according to the rules stated in the first post.
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UPDATE - So You Think You Can Dance Season 1

Postby amazzony on Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:17 pm

Round 2

I'm off until Sunday (May 2nd) and won't be updating nor even keeping an eye on the tournament until then. Game 6007738 is still active and most likely won't reach round 115 before I return (unless they'll do some heavy real-time playing) so my absence shouldn't cause any problems.
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UPDATE - So You Think You Can Dance Season 1

Postby amazzony on Mon May 03, 2010 4:22 am

Round 2 & 3

Scoreboards updated! I can't believe it but last game of round 2 has finished, thank you guys! :D Anyways, this means that we can move on to next round which is the surprise round and its setup depends on the results of previous round.

According to results of previous round I've decided that following people will advance to round 4 directly: DresdenSooner, cloudcatcher, Daviedoo, Aaron234, DBandit70, hwhrhett and growler. When looking at the score it was really hard to decide who should advance automatically but in the end I've decided that those who won 3 or more games (exception of Daviedoo who was playing extremely stable games) will advance directly.

Also, round 3 was supposed to be top 24 but due to a tie situation I've decided to let the top 29 advance to round 3 (it includes the top 7). In round 3 5 games will be played (1 at a time) and scoring will be similar (but might not be exactly the same) to round 2. Settings for this round will be Casual, Sequential, Automatic, Sunny, Escalating, Chained + random maps on my choice (I won't use random option because I wish to exclude huge maps like Conquerman, Hive and a few others). Number of players per game will be decided after I know how many players wish to continue.

But, before we'll start with round 3, I will make a fast roll call to see who are still interested in continuing because a lot of time has passed since most people finished their games and I know for fact that at least 1 person isn't around anymore. Message sent to those who advanced to R3.
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Re: So You Think You Can Dance Season 1 [Round 3]

Postby adam666 on Mon May 03, 2010 4:30 am

still here and waiting 2 dance my way 2 the top :D
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Re: So You Think You Can Dance Season 1 [Round 3]

Postby cletus on Mon May 03, 2010 5:12 am

still waiting, too ;-)
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Re: So You Think You Can Dance Season 1 [Round 3]

Postby Darin44 on Mon May 03, 2010 5:42 am

i'm waiting to dance
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Re: So You Think You Can Dance Season 1 [Round 3]

Postby PaulusH on Mon May 03, 2010 6:18 am

I still can't dance, but hope to learn in the next round.
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Re: So You Think You Can Dance Season 1 [Round 3]

Postby Keebs2674 on Mon May 03, 2010 6:27 am

I'm in.
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Re: So You Think You Can Dance Season 1 [Round 3]

Postby heatz on Mon May 03, 2010 6:54 am

Im still up for it :D
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Re: So You Think You Can Dance Season 1 [Round 3]

Postby i_am_cheri_too on Mon May 03, 2010 7:05 am

i'm still up for it
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Re: So You Think You Can Dance Season 1 [Round 3]

Postby ifinci on Mon May 03, 2010 8:05 am

still here, and waiting next round :)
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