Round 2 & 3Scoreboards updated! I can't believe it but last game of round 2 has finished, thank you guys!

Anyways, this means that we can move on to next round which is the surprise round and its setup depends on the results of previous round.
According to results of previous round I've decided that following people will advance to round 4 directly: DresdenSooner, cloudcatcher, Daviedoo, Aaron234, DBandit70, hwhrhett and growler. When looking at the score it was really hard to decide who should advance automatically but in the end I've decided that those who won 3 or more games (exception of Daviedoo who was playing extremely stable games) will advance directly.
Also, round 3 was supposed to be top 24 but due to a tie situation I've decided to let the top 29 advance to round 3 (it includes the top 7). In round 3 5 games will be played (1 at a time) and scoring will be similar (but might not be exactly the same) to round 2. Settings for this round will be Casual, Sequential, Automatic, Sunny, Escalating, Chained + random maps on my choice (I won't use random option because I wish to exclude huge maps like Conquerman, Hive and a few others). Number of players per game will be decided after I know how many players wish to continue.
But, before we'll start with round 3, I will make a fast roll call to see who are still interested in continuing because a lot of time has passed since most people finished their games and I know for fact that at least 1 person isn't around anymore. Message sent to those who advanced to R3.