by skepticCS on Mon Mar 01, 2010 2:57 pm
Agriculture is, indeed, making an entrance into the upcoming version of the map. I'm going to try out what natty suggested and simply replace half of my manpower territories with agricultural territories and make the bonuses result from pairs of the two rather than cumulative control of one or the other. The manpower + mines combo will remain the same, but the manpower requirement to gain the shogun's hall and victory condition will be reduced. In this upcoming version of I will also be including European technology in the form of Galleons of the coast of certain locations of the map to simulate the important role the introduction of teppos (guns) had on Japanese warfare of the period. Right now, I am planning on attaching the European ships to the north and south coast territories of the central region (where the receiving end of the one way ship attacks land). Holding one of these ships grants the controller +3. However, holding both will negate the bonus entirely, simulating the social and political ramifications of embracing the other European import, Christianity, too enthusiastically. Both of these effects have some basis in history, but, most importantly, I think they make sense gameplay-wise by forcing players to choose between breaking an opponent's bonus and losing their own. I've thought about actually making it -1(to 3) armies for holding both as a real disincentive to break that bonus, but if I do that I would have to provide a way for players to at least neutralize the European ships, and I'm not certain I would like to do that. I'm open to suggestions, though.
Ghirrindin, your supply chain idea sounds really interesting. I know it's not what you meant, but reading your post made me envision a bonus structure based up control of contiguous territories as a prerequisite for gaining certain bonuses. I do not imagine that would be XML-able, but it would certainly be a unique feature and lead to some exciting gameplay. Imagine bringing the most powerful daimyo's march on the capital to it's knees be leading one risky assault behind his lines, forcing him to redeploy and counter your efforts.
Of course, I like completely agree with your perspective in its intended sense (as I understand it) as well. Right now, the bulk of every player's initial forces will be autodeployed on their castle(s). As they take more bonuses, they will gain a more flexible deployment, but I still envision that +6 autodeploy on every castle to be a continually important source of power requiring a careful management of "supply lines". You don't want to gun for the capital too quick, leaving an enemy in your half of the island who can sneak behind and cut off your fort routes of even knock out one of your castles. That's my goal, as I've said: push players into slower consolidation before making any hasty moves.
Just so you all know, I have not posted any updates because I am currently making significant graphical enhancements to the map before posting up the new version. They will still be extremely rudimentary in graphics foundry terms I'm sure, but at least it will be easier on the eyes.
Last edited by
skepticCS on Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
........................................................................................................Map in Development: