Moderator: Tournament Directors
Here's my point....the team has been playing together through so many rounds...all of a sudden,this becomes a clan thing, where someone on the outside steps in for a clan mate to make a turn, but they are not part of the team. In the olympics or anything else...tour de france, you are disqualified.
NOT FAIR....only teammates can play for each other.
WE protest this game. Game 6788022
Commander62890 wrote:Here's my point....the team has been playing together through so many rounds...all of a sudden,this becomes a clan thing, where someone on the outside steps in for a clan mate to make a turn, but they are not part of the team. In the olympics or anything else...tour de france, you are disqualified.
NOT FAIR....only teammates can play for each other.
WE protest this game. Game 6788022
You fucking sore loser. He took 1 turn for Pimp because I had 130 games going, and was unable to take Pimp's turn. 1 FUCKING TURN. Are you seriously whining about this? Ljex is a member of our clan. Oh, and by the way: Pimp, Dustine, and I are all better than him at team games. So please, do us all a favor and shut the f*ck up.
Are Culs and Crash actually with you in "protesting this game?"
Separate note: Looks like we should be going 16-4 or 17-3 after this set of games.
ljex wrote:If you were thinking my score is higher its because of speed freestyle.
josko.ri wrote:ljex wrote:If you were thinking my score is higher its because of speed freestyle.
It is because you and Commander62890 play together 3 player games. it is not hard to suppose who will win and increase the rank, somebody of you or third player.
josko.ri wrote:ljex wrote:If you were thinking my score is higher its because of speed freestyle.
It is because you and Commander62890 play together 3 player games. it is not hard to suppose who will win and increase the rank, somebody of you or third player.
josko.ri wrote:@ ljex and commander:
lol, so you got for a medals with playing 3 players game together?... here are the facts... somebody of you (ljex or commander) won 17 of 20 3 player games where both participated (85%).
here are the games that you didnt won:
Game 6560721
Game 6579179
Game 6584797
and some highlight from chats of these games:
Game 6560721:
ljex: congrats on another win commander
ljex: how did you lose
ljex: you shouldnt have cashed
ljex: you need to block him fast...
Game 6579179:
ljex: commander what are we going to do about the current situation
commander: just start attacking him, ljex....
Game 6584797:
commander: the guy is 17 for 133 do you really think he's smart enough to do this deliberately?
commander: I've lost over a dozen speed freestyles due to accidental deadbeat
- so in third game commander says why he attacked ljex, because he expected third player deadbeat.
so 85% of win and non-successful dealings in the games that you lost? enough to anybody to conclude if you were together in these games or not. you shouldnt be obvious in cheating, that s why you lost some games, because if you were obvious in attacking third player, you would probably be reported in C&A reports.
ok, I concluded wrong that it was for rank, but probably it was then for medals, with deal that both of you will win about half of the games. I just hate when somebody dont play fairly, and I noticed these games were probably not played with fair behavior to the 3rd player, according to highlights from game chats that I wrote here and % of games that somebody of you won (85%).
ljex wrote:
Fixed game links
You take quotes that only help your cause.
ljex wrote:Also for the one where the 3rd player misses his turn and commander attacks me, not his target, the only thing that stopped me from yelling at commander62890 and foeing him is that i know him in real life and we play team games all the time together as i viewed that move as cheep tactics.
ljex wrote:Im going to refer you to my previous comment about our win percentages where I win 51% and he wins 53% if we win less percentage of games together and will only get 1 unique (max) instead of 2 unique (max) why in the world would we want to play games together in order to get medals? It wouldn't make any seance for us to do so right?
ljex wrote:NOW PLEASE, before you accuse someone of cheating have some concrete evidence
Commander62890 wrote:First of all, you obviously did not read my post carefully, as you do not understand how to get medals. You can only get medals be getting UNIQUE kills; therefore, once I have killed Ljex in an assassin game, beating him again will get me nothing but points. That is why, when I was going for medals (I am done now), I usually DID NOT want to play with him. We often had open speed games with the exact same settings up at the same time, both of us unwilling to join the others' game because it would be a waste of time (even a win wouldn't help us get our medal). We only joined each others' games when we were bored because no one else was joining up... and sometimes he joined mine just to piss me off (since I wanted a unique kill, which he wasn't).
Commander62890 wrote:We each won 8 of those 19 games for 42%
Here is our stats when not playing with each other on these settings (brace yourself - yes, we are fucking awesome):
Comm- 197 for 371 (53%)
Ljex- 227 for 452 (50%)
Your analysis of the data is actually the OPPOSITE of the truth! We have LOWER win ratios when playing against each other!
You idiot!
josko.ri wrote:ljex wrote:Also for the one where the 3rd player misses his turn and commander attacks me, not his target, the only thing that stopped me from yelling at commander62890 and foeing him is that i know him in real life and we play team games all the time together as i viewed that move as cheep tactics.
yeah because he expected to deadbeat, but that player surprised you both.
josko.ri wrote:Commander62890 wrote:We each won 8 of those 19 games for 42%
Here is our stats when not playing with each other on these settings (brace yourself - yes, we are fucking awesome):
Comm- 197 for 371 (53%)
Ljex- 227 for 452 (50%)
Your analysis of the data is actually the OPPOSITE of the truth! We have LOWER win ratios when playing against each other!
You idiot!
again, like ljex, you dont have any sense for statistics. MAXIMUM that you could achieve in games that was played together is 50% each player, which is less than 53% and 50%, so how can these two percentages be for comparing?
for comparing is reliable: when playing alone you both have 424/823 = 51,5%
when playing together you both have 17/20 = 85%
awesome difference more than 30% I can see.
Commander62890 wrote:josko.ri wrote:ljex wrote:Also for the one where the 3rd player misses his turn and commander attacks me, not his target, the only thing that stopped me from yelling at commander62890 and foeing him is that i know him in real life and we play team games all the time together as i viewed that move as cheep tactics.
yeah because he expected to deadbeat, but that player surprised you both.
What does this have to do with anything? We expect to be playing a fair game, and then a player deadbeats 2 turns. Ever played speed 3-mans? The appropriate protocol in that situation is to wait 3 turns until that player deadbeats out before you attack. Because if you attack earlier and the deadbeater comes back, he wins. Well, I belived he would not come back (he was a cook with 90% attendance, I think), so I attacked Ljex after the cook missed only 2 turns, a cheap tactic in Ljex's (and many others') eyes. The cook promptly came back and won. What does this have to do with us playing together?
Commander62890 wrote:josko.ri wrote:Commander62890 wrote:We each won 8 of those 19 games for 42%
Here is our stats when not playing with each other on these settings (brace yourself - yes, we are fucking awesome):
Comm- 197 for 371 (53%)
Ljex- 227 for 452 (50%)
Your analysis of the data is actually the OPPOSITE of the truth! We have LOWER win ratios when playing against each other!
You idiot!
again, like ljex, you dont have any sense for statistics. MAXIMUM that you could achieve in games that was played together is 50% each player, which is less than 53% and 50%, so how can these two percentages be for comparing?
for comparing is reliable: when playing alone you both have 424/823 = 51,5%
when playing together you both have 17/20 = 85%
awesome difference more than 30% I can see.
Not sure where you're going wrong with your calculations... do you not see that we each have a better winning percentage playing alone than we do together? Pretend you're me. I win 42% of the time in a game with Ljex and 53% of the time in a game without him. Which game would I rather play? Right, the game he's not in, because he is a good player and he lowers my winning percentage (by beating me more often than the average player).
I'm not really sure where you're going wrong... I think it's because, when you added our "playing together" percentages (42%+42%=84%), you simply added them. When you added the "playing alone" percentages, you added and divided by 2 (51%+53%/2=52%). You can't do that and pretend that you're accurately comparing two numbers. You need to either divide both sides by 2 or divide neither side by 2. But make a decision.
josko.ri wrote:your logic is not for comparing because you couldnt have more than 53, 50% when play together in the game. even if you win all together games, you could have 50-50% of win , or 53-47% or 60-40%, which can never be more than 53,50 =103%. the reason is simple, you cant have more than 50% in average because if you won he will lost. but, when you play together, once you will won, other time he will won and at all you both will be in positive series.
josko.ri wrote:that s why it is reliable for comparing:
when playing alone you both have 424/823 = 51,5%
424=197+227 (games won by you and ljex), 823 = 371+452 (games played by you and ljex).
when playing together you both have 17/20 = 85%
17 (games won by you and ljex together), 20 (games played by you and ljex together)
Commander62890 wrote:josko.ri wrote:your logic is not for comparing because you couldnt have more than 53, 50% when play together in the game. even if you win all together games, you could have 50-50% of win , or 53-47% or 60-40%, which can never be more than 53,50 =103%. the reason is simple, you cant have more than 50% in average because if you won he will lost. but, when you play together, once you will won, other time he will won and at all you both will be in positive series.
This is true. If we were to play 1,000,000 3-player games, and cheat so that one of us always won, then yes, we could be 1st and 2nd on the scoreboard. We wouldn't make it that far, though, because CC would kick us out first.
Commander62890 wrote:josko.ri wrote:that s why it is reliable for comparing:
when playing alone you both have 424/823 = 51,5%
424=197+227 (games won by you and ljex), 823 = 371+452 (games played by you and ljex).
when playing together you both have 17/20 = 85%
17 (games won by you and ljex together), 20 (games played by you and ljex together)
Aha! I understand it now. You are comparing statistics that CAN be compared. However, are comparing the wrong stats, and therefore you came out with incorrect conclusions.
Playing together INDIVIDUAL stats: 42% (Me), 42% (Ljex)
Playing alone INDIVIDUAL stats: 53% (Me), 51% (Ljex)
And here's the clincher:
Playing together COMBINED stats: 84%
Playing alone COMBINED stats: 104% (error)
It is literally impossible for us to do as well as we do when playing together as we do when playing separately. It is impossible to win more games playing together than we do separately, and therefore, we have no incentive to play together. Thanks for clearing this up. 52% and 84% = NOT COMPARABLE, YOU IDIOT. Do you understand now?
josko.ri wrote:Commander62890 wrote:josko.ri wrote:your logic is not for comparing because you couldnt have more than 53, 50% when play together in the game. even if you win all together games, you could have 50-50% of win , or 53-47% or 60-40%, which can never be more than 53,50 =103%. the reason is simple, you cant have more than 50% in average because if you won he will lost. but, when you play together, once you will won, other time he will won and at all you both will be in positive series.
This is true. If we were to play 1,000,000 3-player games, and cheat so that one of us always won, then yes, we could be 1st and 2nd on the scoreboard. We wouldn't make it that far, though, because CC would kick us out first.
that s exactly what you did. only difference is that you didnt play 1,000,000 games, you played only 20.Commander62890 wrote:josko.ri wrote:that s why it is reliable for comparing:
when playing alone you both have 424/823 = 51,5%
424=197+227 (games won by you and ljex), 823 = 371+452 (games played by you and ljex).
when playing together you both have 17/20 = 85%
17 (games won by you and ljex together), 20 (games played by you and ljex together)
Aha! I understand it now. You are comparing statistics that CAN be compared. However, are comparing the wrong stats, and therefore you came out with incorrect conclusions.
Playing together INDIVIDUAL stats: 42% (Me), 42% (Ljex)
Playing alone INDIVIDUAL stats: 53% (Me), 51% (Ljex)
And here's the clincher:
Playing together COMBINED stats: 84%
Playing alone COMBINED stats: 104% (error)
It is literally impossible for us to do as well as we do when playing together as we do when playing separately. It is impossible to win more games playing together than we do separately, and therefore, we have no incentive to play together. Thanks for clearing this up. 52% and 84% = NOT COMPARABLE, YOU IDIOT. Do you understand now?
ok, you again compare something that cant be compared, so I will explain you again...
when you play alone, you have 53%, ljex has 51%. but, maximum here is 100% for both, which means that you theoretically can have 100(you)+100(ljex)=200%. so if you look at your both statistics, you have 104 (achieved)/200 (max possible) = 52%.
when you play together, maximum that you both can achieve is 100%, not 200%. because, you can have maximum 50+50 or 40+60 or 70+30... you CANT have both 100% when playing together, but you CAN have both 100% when playing alone.
so ,you achieved 42,5%+42,5% = 85% of maximum possible of 100.
so 85/100 = 85% (when playing together), while 104/200 = 52% (when playing alone).
Playing together COMBINED stats: 85% (achieved)/100% (max possible) = 85%
Playing alone COMBINED stats: 104%(achieved)/200%(max possible) = 52%
I hope you understand now which is the difference.
josko.ri wrote:another interesting thing... your last 3 player game where you were together was 31st of March. it was game 6731942.
check game 6720344 chat. there I played with ljex and said to him: "it is not so hard to achieve colonel rank if you play 3-players terminator games with one friend (that you together play doubles) and one unknown player"
interesting, it was 2nd of April, only 2 days after your last 3 player game together. so, you played these 3 player games together hoping that nobody will notice it and when ljex saw that I noticed that cheating then you stopped playing?
josko.ri wrote:another interesting thing... your last 3 player game where you were together was 31st of March. it was Game 6731942.
check Game 6720344 chat. there I played with ljex and said to him: "it is not so hard to achieve colonel rank if you play 3-players terminator games with one friend (that you together play doubles) and one unknown player"
interesting, it was 2nd of April, only 2 days after your last 3 player game together. so, you played these 3 player games together hoping that nobody will notice it and when ljex saw that I noticed that cheating then you stopped playing?
josko.ri wrote:I think I cant put you on C&A because I didnt participated in these games, I just watched it. but I will check if I can report you. I hate cheaters.
one obvious evidence of cheating:
game 645618: assasin game.
from gamechat:
commander: "BG's a unique kill, tho", which was enough for ljex to conclude that it will be commander's game, because 3rd player was his unique player.
and game finished like that:
Incrementing game to round 5
2010-02-13 05:05:12 - ljex received 3 troops for 8 regions
2010-02-13 05:05:14 - ljex deployed 3 troops on Sarah Desert
2010-02-13 05:05:15 - ljex assaulted Conga from Sarah Desert and conquered it from ~barnygumble~
2010-02-13 05:05:22 - Commander62890 received 3 troops for 6 regions
2010-02-13 05:05:38 - Commander62890 deployed 3 troops on Europe
2010-02-13 05:05:38 - Commander62890 assaulted UK from Europe and conquered it from ~barnygumble~
2010-02-13 05:05:41 - Commander62890 assaulted Greenland from UK and conquered it from ~barnygumble~
2010-02-13 05:05:46 - Commander62890 assaulted USA from Greenland and conquered it from ~barnygumble~
2010-02-13 05:05:46 - Commander62890 eliminated ~barnygumble~ from the game
so ljex, even if commander was your target in assasin game, you helped him to kill green by attacking green in last turn? when you eliminated green from conga, commander had easy job to finish him.
Commander62890 wrote:3 things
1) You can still put in C+A even if you didn't participate
2) There is no Game 645618
3) When you post a game, use this: [Game][/Game], and put the game # inside the brackets.
EDIT: HAHAHAHA wow Ljex totally just fastposted me and we typed the same thing
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