Conquer Club

Master of Assassin - [Winner: Gypsys Kiss]

Tournaments completed in 2011.

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Master of Assassin - [Winner: Gypsys Kiss]

Postby poptartpsycho18 on Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:11 pm

Heylo all :) I've been wanting to do a true "Assassin" tournament for a while so here it goes!

Note: This is a quick version of the hopefully HUGE version of the same format that will be in the upcoming Tournament Players Association (TPA) that is being organized by barterer2002. So if you don't join this one, join up in that one because it's going to be (hopefully) huge on CC. ;)

Are you a Master at Assassin games? Is there a map that you do particularly well on when you play Assassin games? Would you mind proving your claim? Then feel free to join up!


What I need from you:
1] I need the map you think you're a hotshot Assassin on(you can pick a map that has already been picked, duplicates are okay by me) also, Beta maps are fine--it's your decision to risk it.
2] I need you to be a Premium player so that you're able to play as many as 6 or 7 games at a time
3] I need you to NOT be a "?" player; you must have a rank and have no less than an 92% turn ratio. Deadbeating your games is unacceptable, especially in Assassin games. Any instance of this that results in a player getting kicked from the game will get you kicked from the tournament. One miss in a game is fine if it's unavoidable, but anything else is a no-no.

How the tourney will be played:
You'll be randomly placed in a group of at least 6 players(or more). A set of games will be played that consists of one per every player's map of choice. In order to move on, you must win at least 1 game. It doesn't have to be on your map of choice, but if it is, you move forward AND you get an "immunity" that you can use if you should fail to win a game in a later round.

You only get to hold ONE "immunity". You can't build up a collection; if you use the one you have, then you can get another one. These "immunities" can change things just when you think they're going in one direction. Someone may win all the way through but fail before the final set of games. Then they use their "immunity" and they're back in. You never know. Immunities are valid until the final round, then it's pretty much a free for all to get the most wins.

All games will be with the following settings: Auto, Sequential, Esc., Chained, Sunny

When the numbers have reduced to the point where we are left with 6 or 7 players(haven't decided yet :P and you never know if an immunity will get played!) this will turn into the "Final" set of Assassin games. This final set will be played with EVERY MAP THAT WAS CHOSEN. As I'm trying to get as many people in this as I can over this week, this can be as many as 30+ different maps(more in the upcoming Tournament Players Association (TPA)). If a bunch of people picked the same map, don't worry you'll only play it once in this Final set ;) The person with the most game wins in the final set wins the title of "Master of Assassin"!

So...are you up to it? Do you think you're really that good? Good Luck ;)
Last edited by poptartpsycho18 on Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:41 pm, edited 27 times in total.
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Postby poptartpsycho18 on Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:11 pm

Players: (36)
AtreidesHouse - Chicago
murphy16 - Classic
adam666 - AoR 2
MEK - AoR 3
Bones2484 - Space
magneto_acolyte - Peloponnesian War
gogglez - Germany
vragus - Arms Race!
kendoh99 - Rail Europe
scottie - CCU
taxmanjle - Siege!
Metricsystemlove - Feudal War
madgoody - World 2.1
Gypsys Kiss - Asia
Dunk90 - Waterloo
wbt66 - Doodle Earth
Lucifer4o - Duck and Cover
Bad Speler - Asia
MrGlassB - Luxembourg
ralphcptc - Arms race
reahma - Bamboo Jack
coloradoguy - England
Don 1 - AoR 2
shaunchef - Route 66
agressivo - Berlin 1961
uckuki - Luxembourg
herus - Ireland
grant.gordon - AoR 1
Tracita - Draknor
Zivel - Luxembourg
4red - Waterloo
Phr34ky - Portugal
Yojimbo28 - The Citadel
musteriuz - Age of Merchants
dfp2dep - North America

LYR - Classic
ZionT - D-Day Omaha Beach
benga - AoR 2
de ross

gogglez - Game 6882445 - complete, gogglez wins
MrGlassB - Game 6882448 - complete, MrGlassB wins
AtreidesHouse - Game 6882449 - complete, musteriuz wins
MEK - Game 6882453 - complete, gogglez wins
Bones2484 - Game 6882454 - complete, musteriuz wins
musteriuz - Game 6882455 - complete, MEK wins

scottie - Game 6882458 - complete, Zivel wins
murphy16 - Game 6882465 - complete, murphy16 wins
magneto_acolyte - Game 6882468 - complete, magneto_acolyte wins
agressivo - Game 6882469 - complete, murphy16 wins
Zivel - Game 6882470 - complete, murphy16 wins
kendoh99 - Game 6882475 - complete, kendoh99 wins

uckuki - Game 6882476 - complete, vragus wins
vragus - Game 6882478 - complete, adam666 wins
PartyBangz - eliminated for rule violations - Game 6882479 - complete, coloradoguy wins
Lucifer4o - Game 6882480 - complete, adam666 wins
coloradoguy - Game 6882483 - complete, Lucifer4o wins
adam666 - Game 6882484 - complete, coloradoguy wins

ralphcptc - Game 6882487 - complete, Bad Speler wins
reahma - Game 6882491 - complete, ralphcptc wins
grant.gordon - Game 6882494 - complete, Don 1 wins
Bad Speler - Game 6882497 - complete, taxmanjle wins
taxmanjle - Game 6882499 - complete, Don 1 wins
Don 1 - Game 6882586 - complete, taxmanjle wins

Phr34ky - Game 6882509 - complete, wbt66 wins
wbt66 - Game 6882512 - complete, wbt66 wins
Tracita - Game 6882513 - complete, Yojimbo28 wins
herus - Game 6882514 - complete, Yojimbo28 wins wins
shaunchef - Game 6882515 - complete, shaunchef wins
Yojimbo28 - Game 6882516 - complete, Phr34ky wins

Metricsystemlove - Game 6882517 - complete, 4red wins
Dunk90 - Game 6882521 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins
dfp2dep - Game 6882526 - complete, dfp2dep wins
Gypsys Kiss - Game 6882528 - complete, Dunk90 wins
madgoody - Game 6882533 - complete, Dunk90 wins
4red - Game 6894532 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins

Through to Rd 2:
gogglez, has an immunity
wbt66, has an immunity
MrGlassB, has an immunity
murphy16, has an immunity
shaunchef, has an immunity
Don 1
Bad Speler
dfp2dep, has an immunity
magneto_acolyte, has an immunity
Gypsys Kiss
kendoh99, has an immunity

Zivel - Game 7000886 - complete, Dunk90 wins
vragus - Game 7000887 - complete, coloradoguy wins
coloradoguy - Game 7000888 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins
Don 1 - Game 7000890 - complete, Don 1 wins
Gypsys Kiss - Game 7000892 - complete, Zivel wins
Dunk90 - Game 7000894 - complete, Don 1 wins

4red - Game 7000898 - complete, musteriuz wins
murphy16 - Game 7000899 - complete, ralphcptc wins
MrGlassB - Game 7000900 - complete, 4red wins
musteriuz - Game 7000905 - complete, musteriuz wins
ralphcptc - Game 7000906 - complete, MrGlassB wins
taxmanjle - Game 7000907 - complete, musteriuz wins

shaunchef - Game 7000909 - complete, Yojimbo28 wins
adam666 - Game 7000913 - complete, MEK wins
MEK - Game 7000915 - complete, MEK wins
Lucifer4o - Game 7000916 - complete, MEK wins
kendoh99 - Game 7000918 - complete, kendoh99 wins
Yojimbo28 - Game 7000919 - complete, shaunchef wins

dfp2dep - Game 7000922 - complete, wbt66 wins
gogglez - Game 7000923 - complete, Bad Speler wins
magneto_acolyte - Game 7000925 - complete, magneto_acolyte wins
wbt66 - Game 7000926 - complete, magneto_acolyte wins
Phr34ky - Game 7000927 - complete, magneto_acolyte wins
Bad Speler - Game 7000933 - complete, Bad Speler wins

Through to Rd 3:
MEK, has an immunity
Don 1, has an immunity
magneto_acolyte, has an immunity from Rd 1
Gypsys Kiss
musteriuz, has an immunity
MrGlassB, has an immunity from Rd 1
Bad Speler, has an immunity
shaunchef, has an immunity from Rd 1
wbt66, has an immunity from Rd 1
gogglez (using his Rd 1 immunity)
murphy16 (using his Rd 1 immunity)
kendoh99, has an immunity from Rd 1
dfp2dep (using his Rd 1 immunity)

MrGlassB - Game 7100147 - complete, Bad Speler wins
Don 1 - Game 7100122 - complete, kendoh99 wins
kendoh99 - Game 7100127 - complete, kendoh99 wins
Bad Speler - Game 7100131 - complete, Dunk90 wins
Dunk90 - Game 7100136 - complete, Don 1 wins
musteriuz - Game 7100138 - complete, Bad Speler wins

MEK - Game 7100141 - complete, Yojimbo28 wins
wbt66 - Game 7100145 - complete, Zivel wins
Zivel - Game 7100274 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins
Gypsys Kiss - Game 7100150 - complete, wbt66 wins
Yojimbo28 - Game 7100171 - complete, Zivel wins
murphy16 - Game 7100157 - complete, murphy16 wins

magneto_acolyte - Game 7129512 - complete, magneto_acolyte wins
shaunchef - Game 7129513 - complete, 4red wins
coloradoguy - Game 7129514 - complete, shaunchef wins
4red - Game 7129516 - complete, 4red wins
ralphcptc - Game 7129517 - complete, ralphcptc wins
gogglez - Game 7129519 - complete, ralphcptc wins
dfp2dep - Game 7129522 - complete, magneto_acolyte wins

Through to Rd 4:
Bad Speler, has an immunity from Rd 2
Gypsys Kiss
kendoh99, has an immunity from Rd 1
Don 1, has an immunity from Rd 2
MrGlassB (using his Rd 1 immunity)
murphy16, has an immunity
4red, has an immunity
wbt66, has an immunity from Rd 1
MEK (using her Rd 2 immunity)
magneto_acolyte, has an immunity from Rd 1
ralphcptc, has an immunity
shaunchef, has an immunity from Rd 1
musteriuz (using his Rd 2 immunity)

Don 1 - Game 7250396 - complete, Yojimbo28 wins
Yojimbo28 - Game 7250399 - complete, wbt66 wins
murphy16 - Game 7250409 - complete, murphy16 wins
kendoh99 - Game 7250411 - complete, Yojimbo28 wins
magneto_acolyte - Game 7250418 - complete, Yojimbo28 wins
wbt66 - Game 7250421 - complete, Don 1 wins

MEK - Game 7250480 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins
Gypsys Kiss - Game 7250483 - complete, MrGlassB wins
musteriuz - Game 7250485 - complete, MEK wins
Dunk90 - Game 7250487 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins
MrGlassB - Game 7250490 - complete, Dunk90 wins

ralphcptc - Game 7250508 - complete, 4red wins
shaunchef - Game 7250511 - complete, ralphcptc wins
4red - Game 7250514 - complete, ralphcptc wins
Zivel - Game 7250516 - complete, Zivel wins
Bad Speler - Game 7250526 - complete, 4red wins

Through to Rd 5:
Don 1, has an immunity from Rd 2
4red, has an immunity from Rd 3
Gypsys Kiss
Zivel, has an immunity
ralphcptc, has an immunity from Rd 3
shaunchef(using his Rd 1 immunity)
Bad Speler(using his Rd 2 immunity)
murphy16, has an immunity from Rd 3
wbt66, has an immunity from Rd 1
kendoh99(using his Rd 1 immunity)
magneto_acolyte(using his Rd 1 immunity)

shaunchef - Game 7372420 - complete, 4red wins
Don 1 - Game 7372423 - complete, Zivel wins
4red - Game 7372426 - complete, 4red wins
Zivel - Game 7372427 - complete, Don 1 wins
Bad Speler - Game 7372428 - complete, 4red wins

wbt66 - Game 7372431- complete, ralphcptc wins
Gypsys Kiss - Game 7372432 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins
ralphcptc - Game 7372433 - complete, murphy16 wins
MrGlassB - Game 7372434 - complete, MrGlassB wins
murphy16 - Game 7372435 - complete, wbt66 wins

Yojimbo28 - Game 7372438 - complete, magneto_acolyte wins
MEK - Game 7372439 - complete, MEK wins
magneto_acolyte - Game 7372442 - complete, Dunk90 wins
Dunk90 - Game 7372446 - complete, magneto_acolyte wins
kendoh99 - Game 7372448 - complete, Dunk90 wins

Through to Rd 6:
ralphcptc, has an immunity from Rd 3
Gypsys Kiss, has an immunity
MrGlassB, has an immunity
Zivel, has an immunity from Rd 4
Don 1, has an immunity from Rd 2
MEK, has an immunity
wbt66, has an immunity from Rd 1
4red, has an immunity from Rd 3

Don 1 - Game 7492413 - complete, 4red wins
MEK - Game 7492415 - complete, Zivel wins
magneto_acolyte - Game 7492416 - complete, Zivel wins
Zivel - Game 7492417 - complete, Zivel wins
4red - Game 7492420 - complete, 4red wins
ralphcptc - Game 7492422 - complete, magneto_acolyte wins

MrGlassB - Game 7492424 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins
murphy16 - Game 7492425 - complete, murphy16 wins
Gypsys Kiss - Game 7492426 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins
wbt66 - Game 7492427 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins
Dunk90 - Game 7492428 - complete, wbt66 wins

Through to Rd 7:
Gypsys Kiss, has an immunity from Rd 5
MrGlassB (using his Rd 1 immunity)
wbt66, has an immunity from Rd 1
murphy16, gains an immunity
Zivel, has an immunity from Rd 4
4red, has an immunity from Rd 3
ralphcptc (using his Rd 1 immunity)
Don 1 (using his Rd 1 immunity)
MEK(using her Rd 1 immunity)

Group 1:
Gypsys Kiss - Game 7597788 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins
wbt66 - Game 7597790 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins
magneto_acolyte - Game 7597793 - complete, Don 1 wins
Don 1 - Game 7597794 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins
MEK - Game 7597797 - complete, MEK wins

Group 2:
murphy16 - Game 7597800 - complete, murphy16 wins
4red - Game 7597803 - complete, 4red wins
MrGlassB - Game 7597806 - complete, MrGlassB wins
Zivel - Game 7597809 - complete, MrGlassB wins
ralphcptc - Game 7597811 - complete, Zivel wins

Moving on to Rd 8:
MrGlassB, gains an immunity
MEK, gains an immunity
Gypsys Kiss, has an immunity from Rd 5
Zivel, has an immunity from Rd 4
murphy16, has an immunity from Rd 6
4red, has an immunity from Rd 3
Don 1
wbt66 (using his Rd 1 immunity)

Final Round: COMPLETE
Tie Breaker: Game 8046177

MrGlassB - 2
murphy16 - 1
MEK - 3
Gypsys Kiss - 6
Zivel - 5
4red - 3
Don 1 - 5
wbt66 - 5

Chicago - Game 7681917 - complete, wbt66 wins
Classic - Game 7681918 - complete, wbt66 wins
Luxembourg - Game 7681920 - complete, Zivel wins
Space - Game 7681999 - complete, MEK wins
Peloponnesian War - Game 7682003 - complete, Don 1 wins
Germany - Replay w/o Zivel - Game 7747547 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins
Arms Race! - Game 7725228 - complete, Zivel wins
Rail Europe - Game 7747574 - complete, 4red wins
CCU - Game 7763266 - complete, MrGlassB wins
Siege! - Game 7763267 - complete, Zivel wins
World 2.1 - Game 7763268 - complete, Zivel wins
Asia - Game 7813264 - complete, 4red wins
Waterloo - Game 7823847 - complete, MrGlassB wins
Bamboo Jack - Game 7850102 - complete, MEK wins
England - Game 7882495 - complete, Don 1 wins
Draknor - Game 7938940 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins
The Citadel - Game 7938943 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins
Age of Merchants - Game 7938951 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins
North America - Game 7938952 - complete, murphy16 Kiss wins
Portugal - Game 8113207 - complete, wbt66 wins
Ireland - Game 8113208 - complete, 4red wins
Duck and Cover - Game 8113209 - complete, Zivel wins
Luxembourg - Game 8113210 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins
Route 66 - Game 8113213 - complete, Don 1 wins
Berlin 1961 - Game 8113214 - complete, Don 1 wins
Feudal War - Game 8113216 - complete, Gypsys Kiss wins
AoR 1 - Game 8113222 - complete, Don 1 wins
AoR 2 - Game 8113223 - complete, wbt66 wins
AoR 3 - Game 8113224 - complete, MEK wins
Doodle Earth - Game 8113242 - complete, wbt66 wins
Last edited by poptartpsycho18 on Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:39 pm, edited 127 times in total.
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby AtreidesHouse on Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:24 pm

in, Pearl (if it's out of revamp by tournament start) otherwise Chicago
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby murphy16 on Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:27 pm

In on classic
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby adam666 on Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:43 pm

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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby MEK on Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:44 pm

I'll play, AOR3
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby Bones2484 on Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:26 pm

I'll play. Let's use... Uhm... Space. Yes. Space!
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby magneto_acolyte on Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:38 pm

I'll play & will chose map shortly(need to check my stats).
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby monster10 on Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:24 pm

in doodle
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby gogglez on Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:48 pm

in, Germany
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby vragus on Sat Apr 24, 2010 12:48 am

Arms race!
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby kendoh99 on Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:05 am

in rail europe
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby scottie on Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:19 am

In please - CCU
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby taxmanjle on Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:25 am

i'm in. I'll take Siege!
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby Metricsystemlove on Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:41 am

in - Feudal War
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby madgoody on Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:52 am

World 2.1 please
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby Gypsys Kiss on Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:07 am

I'll give it a shot.

Asia, please
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby Dunk90 on Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:14 am

I'll play....give me Waterloo as my map
I like to kick ass and chew bubble gum and right now I'm out of bubble gum......
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby wbt66 on Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:32 am

I`m in. Doodle earth 8-)
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby Lucifer4o on Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:40 am

in...I`ll go with Duck And Cover :shock:
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby Bad Speler on Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:19 am

I've been meaning to get a few more Assassin games in, sounds like a good way to do it. In with Asia please. Thanks!
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby MrGlassB on Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:38 am

In, please. Luxembourg.

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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby ralphcptc on Sat Apr 24, 2010 12:03 pm

arms race please
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby mickunited333 on Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:27 pm

Count me in
Cheers Mick
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Re: Master of Assassin

Postby reahma on Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:33 pm

In please with Bamboo Jack
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