There will be five leagues each with five players. There will be nine games in each league using the maps, in this order, USA, USA Great Lakes, USA New England, USA Rockies, USA Southeast, USA Southwest, USA West, U.S. Senate, and USApocalypse.
The settings will be Terminator, Automatic, Freestyle, Escalating, Unlimited, and Sunny.
The winner of each league will be the player who terminates the most opponents. In the case of a tie, the player who won more games will be deemed superior. In the case of a further tie, the player who gained the most points will be deemed superior and win the league. The five winners will go through to the final league to compete for the tournament title.
As all nine games will be played simultaenously, sorry, it's Premiums Only. When you sign up, please state which league you want to be in (i.e. one, two, three, four, or five). These leagues can be found in the next post.
Cheers, JB