jasnostj wrote:persianempire wrote:also , i only suggested manstein becuz i was thinking the hqs wer for fieldmarshalls only. if you decided to go with 2nd in command under paulus, then that is not rodenburg , he was the generalmajor of the 76th infantry division . parts of the 4th panzer army were in the city, herman hoth was commander but never made it inside so whichever of his generals was inside city would be next inline , being as after paulus is his adutant, and he didnt die so that is void. also i should have mentioned this earlier but the volga river itself was the only way for soviets to ferry troops to the west bank , which the germans could never take, but i guess there wouldnt be any room to even put ferrys on the water, then ud hafto set up artillery to attak them as well
Thanks Persianempire for the compliment. According to my Wikipedia sources (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Fourth_Panzer_Army), only the 24th Panzer Division of the 4th Panzer Army was encircled and destroyed, although that doesn't ofcourse mean that other divisions were never inside the city. As said before, the obvious choice for the second HQ would IMO be General Von Seydlitz-Kurzbach, as he was commanding almost half of the 6th Army's divisions. Even the location on the map is correct, as his divisions were the ones doing the frontal assaults on the city, as far as I can determine. Interestingly, Seydlitz also was one of the strongest backers of Hitler's demand that the 6th Army attempt a breakout of the encirclement (which he had successfully done in Demyansk), ánd one the leaders of Soviet-backed anti-Nazi organisations as a POW.
My Wikipedia sources don't claim that "Zhukov was never in the city", as I boldly stated. In fact, they do mention a short visit to "the front". But to me that is something else than actually commanding the fighting in the streets. It is quite simple: The Stalingrad Front (defending the city and its surroundings) was commanded by Yeryomenko from inside the city. The Stalingrad Front's most important armies were the 62nd (commanded by Chuikov) and the 64th. Being a local battle (the map covers a very limited area some 15 kilometers wide), it seems to me the most logical thing to do is have the local commanders on the map. Rokossovsky (as commander of the Don Front) only came in later, as the encirclement was being hammered out, and from a different direction (the north: wouldn't be much of an enCIRCLEment if he would also approach from the east). Zhukov was commanding the overall Stalingrad area.
yes the 24th division was encircled and destroyed by soviet forces , but as you urself said there was more divisions than 1 of the 4th panzer thant were inside the city. although they could not do much "blitzkrieg" in a bombed out city wirth rubble evrywer making tanks to move a snails pace and easy prey for soviet anti tank guns they wer still trying to fight. and 1 of hoths generals would undoubetldy be inside the city commanding watever dibisions of the 4th panzer that were inside , which was not many i know becuz the bulk was sent south for the oilfields.for which 1 of his geneerals was inside the actual city itself i suggest u comb through wikipidea and find the answer, becuz regardless a general of a panzer army takes rank 2nd only his own general (herman hoth) under paulus.
also man i hafot clear this up. hitler did NOT want the 6th army to break out of stalingrad . ALL of hitlers commanders and generals begged hitler , including paulus, manstein, hoth and many others. Hitler ordered the remainder of the 4th panzer army(hoth) and wat was left of army group don (mainstein) to break IN to the city from outside in wat was codenamed operation winterstorm. when they failed and were almost encircled themselves , they pulled away leaving the 6th army to its doom. hitler was still demanding they "hold the city at all costs" until the end when the 6th army surrendedred and hitlers promoted paulus to FM , so he would kill himself and save hitler some face.
although i can agree kurzbach would be adequate (altyhough it may be too late now for this mapnyways lol) becuz which of hoths commanders was in the city is quite cloudy and u need more research from wikipidea or werever to find out which of the 4th panzer army generals was actually inside the city itself.