This is a continuation of the British Isles Doubles Tournament started by KingUncles.
You can view the original thread here
Hi people. This is a British Isles 2 Tournament. As i love This map i decided to create a tournament myself, this tournament is a 32 man tournament in pairs of 2. So 16 teams. So a doubles torny. All slots are available to the public.
Semi-Final's- 2v2 + 2v2
Quarter Final's- 2v2 + 2v2 + 2v2 + 2v2.
First Round - 2v2 + 2v2 + 2v2 + 2v2 + 2v2 + 2v2 + 2v2 + 2v2
That is how the game's will be played... each team will play 4 matches. Good luck all!
Game Type:: Doubles
Initial Troops:: Automatic
Play Order:: Sequential
Spoils:: Escalating
Reinforcements:: Unlimited
Fog of War:: No
Round Length:: Casual (24 hours)
KingUncles & b00060 ][
Lensois & ETROPAL ][
Tammy DeLee & jcstriker ][
sdh & hmsps ][
klut2z & shaz2 ][
Serbia &Tripitaka ][
jgalioto & bigragooch ][
MyTurnToWin & conquerhero ][
rishark1969 & SlayerQC ][
stevkov & SWeko ][
scottishleaf & phantomfears ][
ElectrickShock & shaneback][
Maasman & mgconstruction][
jester1974 & ScaryTeded][
nippersean & tdans][
guderian09 & cptbeefalo][
elmerfudd & lurkerleader
gannable & Expetrapaorpo
BagwellTheGreat & lucifer4o
dschulman & rookaz