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NYVEK, very, very irritating behaviour.

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NYVEK, very, very irritating behaviour.

Postby Matt2006 on Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:35 am

Well, this post is not about cheating but about quite irritating behaviour, linked to cheating. May anyone get their own conclusions.

I will explain it: 95% of the games I play are Elite games or with similar colones or mayors. But from time to time, my usual double partner (Angry Anderson) and I open 12-15 doubles games which are open to everybody. As you may know, plenty of new players join that kind of games, so it is quite normal to have the same player in four or five games every time you make them.

GAME 233314

Pink guy has Scandinavia, while I have European Russia. I have been stronger all the game because the opening was very favourable (so far, 5 rounds, not a big deal) so, Pink, rather than attacking me decided to consolidate Scandinavia. I didn´t disturbed him because I preferred to get fat rather than get involved in a conflict yet. And there comes NYVEK, the smart player, in the fourth round.

2007-02-21 23:57:44 - Nyvek: Matt, do you and Jonny know each other?

I decided to ignore him. Having played more than 400 games, you find everything around. He returned later:

2007-02-22 10:01:24 - Nyvek: Jonnybgood, do you and Matt2006 know each other? I asked matt, but he didn't answer.

So, pink answered:

2007-02-22 12:47:06 - jonnybgood: i have no clue
2007-02-22 12:47:28 - jonnybgood: im new so i probably dont know anyone
2007-02-22 13:11:09 - Servant: He asked cause you both seem to be going lightly on each other.

And here the interrogatory and "accusations" start:

2007-02-22 19:58:17 - Nyvek: So that was a "No" then. You and Matt don't know each other? The reason I asked, is not only your strategy to avoid Team 1 at all costs.
2007-02-22 19:59:18 - Nyvek: It's also because of the thousands of players, your 1st 4 games ever, happen to have matt in 2 of them.

I hate this kind of things, but SPECIALLY IN THE FOURTH ROUND. 28 games and he feels free to accusate people in a more than normal situation. Incredible. He does not say "you are cheating" "you have a secret pact" or something like that. He suggests it, which is much more irritating.

Everybody can go the game and see it. For me, this kind of behaviour is very, very annoying. So, I have put NYVEK in my Ignore List and I have written this post with the idea that everybody may read it and include this smart guy in their Ignore Lists too if it is considered convenient.

Best Regards

Last edited by Matt2006 on Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby perchorin on Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:15 am

I agree, that is annoying. I'm also always on the lookout for bodies to fill up the second page of my ignore list so thanks Matt! :wink:
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Postby Matt2006 on Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:19 am

The funniest thing is this: I didn´t owe him any explanation, but I wanted to explain him what I wrote above. Basically, I said the same. That´s his reply.

2007-02-23 09:22:58 - Nyvek: your tired of my questions? You never aswered the 1st one! And considering your violent reaction, your probably guilty of foul play.


So, if any of you is going to play this guy, you must know that you will be accused of cheating if you don´t attack everybody by the fourth round.

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Postby AAFitz on Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:19 pm

it is annoying to be asked that in a game...ive been asked a few times is just bound to happen, and its usually a newbie, but not always...

really the best way to handle it is to just assure him you arent cheating....ive actually pmed people in games when theres a newbie that is just not attacking me, to assure them it isnt cheating...this lets them at least know they arent being cheated, or that if they are, its by a complete liar with no honor at all

Like you, i play almost all majors and colonels, and this is the main reason why, but try to take it personally....assure him theres no cheating and after that if they dont accept it, its their bad, not yours...

but also...players really should not throw out an accusation like that...wait till the game is the whole thing...get all the information...see if they play multiple games together and have similar occurances...this would save everyone a lot of trouble...

had he just watched the rest of the game, and waited to see if you guys were in more together afterwards, the whole thing could have been avoided...
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Postby Nyvek on Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:58 pm

If anyone's interested, this is the 1st time I've suspected collusion in a game. You can check the chat log. I asked matt2006 if he new jonnybgood and he ignored the question. So I asked jonnybgood. Jonny responded. I figured he deserved an explination, so I told him why I asked.

After that, I was done with the issue. I even told my partner that the evidence was too sketchy. Then matt2006 goes on a rant about he's tired of the interrogatory(interrogation). At that point, I wasn't even talking to matt2006.

Like I said, the log speaks for itself if anyone's interested. All this probably could have been avoided if matt2006 just gave a straight answer. Instead, he's decided to name call and make threats of getting his "high ranked friends" to put me on their ignore lists.
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Postby Matt2006 on Fri Feb 23, 2007 5:25 pm

Of course, the log speaks for itself. The most people see it, the most people will realize how pathetic your comments were.

The question is: if you are accusing me of cheating in round four, based just on your ignorance and your lack of experience, why should I give you any explanation? Why should I give explanations to someone making such stupid statements? Why do you think I owe you an explanation?

As I said, the only thing you deserve is being in my Ignore List, and there is where you are going to be for a while. And in other people´s list too.

I am glad you wrote here because the more you write, the more easily other players will see my point.

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Postby AAFitz on Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:43 pm

Nyvek wrote:If anyone's interested, this is the 1st time I've suspected collusion in a game. You can check the chat log. I asked matt2006 if he new jonnybgood and he ignored the question. So I asked jonnybgood. Jonny responded. I figured he deserved an explination, so I told him why I asked.

After that, I was done with the issue. I even told my partner that the evidence was too sketchy. Then matt2006 goes on a rant about he's tired of the interrogatory(interrogation). At that point, I wasn't even talking to matt2006.

Like I said, the log speaks for itself if anyone's interested. All this probably could have been avoided if matt2006 just gave a straight answer. Instead, he's decided to name call and make threats of getting his "high ranked friends" to put me on their ignore lists.

you do seem to be missing the point that you accused someone of cheating who was not...and someone who is not cheating does not have to explain himself, so if you are to accuse someone and are can guess they may get offended...many is the reason many high ranks wont play lower ranks...and you are only contributing to it...if you are going to accuse should be prepared to apologize...your attitude suggests you will have more confrontations in the future
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Postby b.k. barunt on Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:52 pm

A lot of people on this site make accusations of cheating very lightly. Learn the dynamics of the game before you jump the gun.
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Postby antjo on Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:26 pm

well in the beginning he just asked, didnt accuse, but whatever

but matt can i ask you something ?
why am i on your ignorelist
i NEVER accused you
is it because iwas so lucky that i could kill your 15 man with 11
that was pure luck
it wasnt even my intention to kill you, i just wanted to diminish you so you couldnt attack my teammate
or do you think im ALWAYS that lucky
i can tell you; that was the only time i had that kind of luck
ok my victory costed you a lot of points because i was new
but new my ranking is higher (1544); so you wont loose that much points if i beat you
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Postby kclborat on Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:13 pm

my guess is that he didnt ignore you because you killed a lot of his men.
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Postby IronE.GLE on Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:18 am

You guys are all cheaters!

Oh I know about this section of the MB. I used to think it was a place to submit complaints about multis and cheaters, but I've broken the code and you guys should be ashamed of yourselves. Using these threads to organize strategies to be used in secret alliances Image
There is no luck, only preparation and execution.

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Postby b.k. barunt on Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:20 am

AAARRRGGG He's broken the code!! We are found out!!
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