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jonesy1 [CLEARED]ES

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jonesy1 [CLEARED]ES

Postby jleonnn on Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:40 am



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Verbal hostility toward Singapore(forgive me if I'm using fancy words wrongly) and communism

Game number(s):

Game 6666014


This is taken from game chat:
2010-03-20 18:29:12 - jonesy31: singapore is shit, i live here(first offence)
2010-03-20 18:29:30 - jonesy31: its virtually communist(note he says Singapore is shit and its virtually communist, thus implying communism is shit)
2010-03-20 18:29:58 - jonesy31: inhabited by the dim wittedest people on earth( :o :( :x )
2010-03-20 18:30:25 - jonesy31: 4 million droids(this just seals his coffin)
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Re: jonesy1

Postby danodukebb on Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:16 am

really????? You don't think people call America shit all the time? You don't hear us whining about it grow a pair and grow up
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Re: jonesy1

Postby Mitsuko on Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:18 am

Some one whining to whine. Another frivelous post.
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Re: jonesy1

Postby jleonnn on Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:57 am

Ok, so I suppose we can freely insult each other, our countries, religions, and culture? I don't think so. Besides, whoever called america shit, just report him or something, if not on this site, then tell him to stop
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Re: jonesy1

Postby jleonnn on Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:59 am

From where I come from, racial and religious harmony are important values, without them, Singapore will fall. We have Chinese, Indians, Malays, Eurasians, and many more races amongst us
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Re: jonesy1

Postby Snowgun on Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:00 pm

I definitely think he should be dinged for the communism. As a money making venture, CC doesn't put up with pinko sympathizers!

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Re: jonesy1

Postby danodukebb on Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:02 pm

jleonnn wrote:Ok, so I suppose we can freely insult each other, our countries, religions, and culture? I don't think so. Besides, whoever called america shit, just report him or something, if not on this site, then tell him to stop
I would but Im not a baby that runs to the forums every time someone insults me
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Re: jonesy1

Postby Lucarilover240 on Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:55 am

I'm not sure about the rest of what he says, but in the real world, NOT thinking communism is shit will more than likely get you a bullet to the skull. :lol:

But in all seriousness, according to his profile, he lives in Singapore. He's free to talk however he likes about where he lives. I could start an entire thread about how much I think my hometown sucks if I wanted to, nothing wrong with it. He's just expressing his opinion, and if you don't like it, oh well. Foe him if it will make you feel better, but other than that, you'll just have to suck it up.
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Re: jonesy1

Postby Lucarilover240 on Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:04 am

jleonnn wrote:From where I come from, racial and religious harmony are important values, without them, Singapore will fall. We have Chinese, Indians, Malays, Eurasians, and many more races amongst us

This is the internet. No one individual country's values or laws apply here. What you think is important may not be important to others. People WILL have different opinions than you, that's just something you'll have to get used to if you plan on sticking around.
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Re: jonesy1

Postby jak111 on Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:42 pm

well the dimwitted part is a bit going over the edge with the droid part but seriously mate... he can talk about his own place how he wishes since he LIVES there too... + communism part you will not get too many people's sympanthy on that. Sorry. But in most places people can actually see what Communist is doing to countris... Russia is communist and the president is controlled by A GANG!!! and China... well can't say much about China since the leader is doing pretty well for a place with over 1 billion people in it.

So yea mate you might get him with him making fun of OTHER people but not his home country and probably not communist stuff. I hate my government and that's just because I don't believe their truely doing everything they could to fix up the country. But they MAY be trying >.>
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Re: jonesy1

Postby Evil Semp on Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:24 am

This taken from the community guidelines.

# Banter and some trash talking IS allowed in the Game Chats, so don't waste time complaining about that.
# You may not be used to hearing or reading those "four-letter words", but some people do and will use them. This isn't a reason to open a complaint about the player; just kindly ask them to stop or ignore them.

I don't think the comments were that bad. I would suggest that you foe this player, then he won't be able to join any games you are in and you won't see any game chat by him. You can also rate him accordingly. This is CLEARED.
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