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tottles, peem, gary29 [warned]es

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tottles, peem, gary29 [warned]es

Postby morley82 on Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:17 am



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 6615639
Game 4691348

I became very suspicious because these 3 often play each other and right from the onset I was being attacked in situations where it made little sense to attack me at all. Then tottles began securing a dominant position and then irrationally used up his armies attacking my strategically worthless and completely unthreatening but comparatively well defended remaining stacks than blaze a trail through a poorly defended Peem and eliminate her brand new bonus. I pointed out in the game chat that he irrationally attacked me, leaving Peem to build up and challenge him. This is a non spoils game. Tottles responded with

2010-03-19 06:51:03 - tottles: should come clean morley......peem is my daughter...gary is my grandson....

This makes me feel that rather than take a chance to win the game outright himself, he felt it was more important to completely remove me from contention and I was already a distant 4th at that time.

I checked their entire history and while they mostly play against each other and two other recurring players, the only other game where they played a together with other, non recurring players (Game 4691348) there was clear cut collusion so in games where they play with strangers they are 2/2 in conducting secret diplomacy. In that game Peem and Tottles didn't attack each other at all and easily eliminated the other players that had no idea they were up against a secret father-daughter team. However, they typically play with each other so I considered they maybe weren't even aware of what they were doing.

I made several posts in our game chat explaining that conscious or not, that was cheating and they should play team games in the future to avoid the temptation to irrationally attack the stranger over your own daughter.

However, I am now posting a complaint because after that warning they completely lied to me and didn't seem to take what I said seriously. Tottles said

2010-03-20 07:07:31 - tottles: Getting a bit carried away motley......its not true.....peem is my dog & gary lives on the moon as far as i know..loosen up..

Yet in another game with 2 others they play with often, (Game 5647757), peem wrote

2009-09-25 03:44:38 - peem: Hello everyone - welcome to our 5 way battle. For those that havent met...Tottles is my dad (big civil war fan), Gary is my brother in law (big strategy fan), Trevor Kettle is my colleague (another civil war fan) and finally Dr Teflon aka Rambo

Thus confirming the family relationship, this aside, the majority of the games they play are with each other, that is certainly not sheer coincidence and they must certainly know each other, hence the "peem is my dog & gary lives on the moon as far as i know..loosen up.." encouraged me to make a formal complaint as they show no remorse and now blatantly deny that they even know each other. I see no reason why they won't continue to do this in the future unless I take action now.

Lieutenant morley82
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Re: tottles, peem, gary29

Postby peem on Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:49 pm

Allow me to tell the other side of the story and try to put this issue to a sensible conclusion.
I will take the points raised by Morley82.
Morley 82 states - "...these 3 often play each other..." = This is correct - we usually play together and with one other player. On this occasion as we were setting up the game and co-ordinating the joining of the game, Morley82 joined instead of the other usual player. This is not a problem as we all enjoy playing conquerclub both together and with other players.
Morley82 states "...and right from the onset I was being attacked in situations where it made little sense to attack me at all." = I can say that I play to win the game as an individual and do not require the need to play with anyone else. The philosophy is just that...its a game. The idea and accusation of working in collusion with other players to win is unfounded and unfair. Sometimes in conquerclub you win sometimes you lose but the fact that everyone plays their own game strategy should not be penalised.

Morley82 stated - "Then tottles began securing a dominant position and then irrationally used up his armies attacking my strategically worthless and completely unthreatening but comparatively well defended ..." = Well done tottles for securing a dominant position...that is the name of the game...correct...but how he uses his armies is up to him...I was attacked regularly by tottles in the game in order for him to secure such a dominant position. This is simply sour grapes on the part of Morley82. Each of us were attacking each other and what Morley82 neglects to state is that tottles prevented peem from winning the game on 3 occasions.

To say that Morley82 "I made several posts in our game chat ..." is an understatement! The posts from Morley82 are confusing and reads like he has mixed up other games he is playing and the game he is playing with us.

Tottles reaction was originally made in jest...clearly Morley82 lacked the sense of humour required to see this. The follow up comment about peem is my dog...was in reply to Morley82 and his continual barrage of incomprehensible mutterings.

No denial - We do know each other - we play together regularly and equally enjoy beating each other regularly in a strategy battle WITHOUT the need to gang up or form secret alliances. Tottles is my father, Peem is his son (me), Gary29 is my brother-in-law, TrevK is a work colleague who Morley82 beat into the 4th slot of the game.

We would like to continue enjoying playing games both together and with others without this incredible level of hypersensitivity.

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Re: tottles, peem, gary29

Postby mr cookies on Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:25 pm

peem wrote:

No denial - We do know each other - we play together regularly and equally enjoy beating each other regularly in a strategy battle WITHOUT the need to gang up or form secret alliances. Tottles is my father, Peem is his son (me), Gary29 is my brother-in-law, TrevK is a work colleague who Morley82 beat into the 4th slot of the game.

We would like to continue enjoying playing games both together and with others without this incredible level of hypersensitivity.


I wish they would introduce a facility that you could set up a password for your games thus so eliminating the "chance" that somebody joins your private game by accident. they could put a section in the game set up screen maybe ?
Lol, you sit there and wait for people to join. Cookies chases people away.

by Mitsuko
on Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:15 pm

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Re: tottles, peem, gary29

Postby tottles on Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:59 pm

Can i just comment. Game No 4691348 was the 2nd game i played after joining Conquer club.A bit green to understand cheating or abusing games. Morely82 fails to note originally there were 5 who played "private games" Dr Teflon managed 2....out of 3 played.
There was no collusion, we all play to win as games history will show..I like to chat during games, and throw in the odd light banter. Morely82 obviously got the wrong end of the stick.
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Re: tottles, peem, gary29

Postby morley82 on Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:29 am

I understand you guys know each other and that is clearly influencing your decision making. In both games you have played together with strangers the strangers were both relentlessly attacked before you began fighting each other. That is cheating and makes a pretty lousy experience for the others involved who are irrationally attacked and eliminated because they aren't your friends.

Anyone reviewing those two games I posted would agree with me. I just want you guys to acknowledge your mistakes and stop doing it in the future but the message clearly isn't getting received which is why I brought it here.
Lieutenant morley82
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Re: tottles, peem, gary29

Postby mr cookies on Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:42 am

seems my sarcasm was missed, but the easy solution to this thread is acknowledge that error's in judgement "may" have been made, agree to make all future games u intend to ploay together as friends are private games with passwords so that only u guys can enter. it doesnt seem that morley wants an official warning pressed on this occasion, just making mods and other players aware, so i believe a [noted] from the mods and an agreement from the accused to use the private game function should make all involved happy at this point :)
Lol, you sit there and wait for people to join. Cookies chases people away.

by Mitsuko
on Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:15 pm

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Re: tottles, peem, gary29

Postby peem on Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:31 am

Dear Mr Cookies

Thank you for your moderation in this matter. Your sarcasm was sadly missed and I must own up to my own stupid error as I believed that the password protected option was not available to non members - I take responsibility for this.

All future games with friends will be password protected so only our group can play - this makes perfect sense. Hopefully there will not be a repeat of this event.

I hope that this closes this short and unpleasant affair.

Corporal 1st Class peem
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Re: tottles, peem, gary29

Postby mr cookies on Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:50 pm

dear peem

it may be my sarcasm was misplaced, i never actually set up a prvate game before i became a fully fledged member, u may be correct in that private games are only for premium members. if this is the case, then maybe it is something the mods were to consider allowing non premiums to set passwords to eliminate the possibilty of this occuring in the future.... would be interested to know if private games are in fact allowed to non premiums :)
Lol, you sit there and wait for people to join. Cookies chases people away.

by Mitsuko
on Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:15 pm

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Re: tottles, peem, gary29

Postby morley82 on Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:55 pm

If you guys held this attitude from the get-go this would never have been an issue. Conscious or not, they clearly ganged up on me and the two other opponents and nobody outside their group ever stood a chance. A simple review of the games backs up my charges of collusion. I also think it is too late for a warning, I tried that and they denied it. They still don't fully own up to it, still show no remorse and haven't apologized. I feel the evidence undeniably supports my charges of collusion and this matter isn't being taken seriously.

The fact that they set up a game that wasn't intended for me to play doesn't excuse their actions.
Lieutenant morley82
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Re: tottles, peem, gary29

Postby peem on Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:49 am

Private games cannot be set up by non members - which means this situation could happen again. I will make every effort to ensure that games between me and family/friends do not include non-family/friends - however due to the limitations to conquerclub nonmembers I cannot guarantee this.
If a non-family/friend joins the game I will inform them at the start of our relationship with each other so that they are aware - I feel that this is a fair way forward.

Let me once again try and make my position VERY clear. I feel that no warning is required because we did not 'collude' against Morley82...simple as that. On closer examination of the game posts - Morley82 makes requests of other players to gang up on tottles...and he accuses us of collusion? Influencing other players? I won the game and I attacked tottles without mercy throughout.
Morley82 lost the game, as did tottles and Gary29. I have lost games in the past and will continue to lose games against both the people I know (i.e. my father...who likes to rub it in when he wins)and total strangers. I will continue to lose games with good grace and dignity knowing that its only a game that we all enjoyed playing.

To conclude...
1. Non-family/friends in any future games will be informed of our relationship to each other. This will not change our gameplay as we will all continue to play our own individual strategies and play to win.
2. Morley82 will receive no apology. His claims purely subjective and without any substantive evidence hence why he will feel my unrepentant lack of remorse. I feel the accusation is both unfounded and has left him embittered.

Thank you
Corporal 1st Class peem
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Re: tottles, peem, gary29

Postby eddie2 on Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:57 am

peem wrote:Hello
Private games cannot be set up by non members - which means this situation could happen again. I will make every effort to ensure that games between me and family/friends do not include non-family/friends - however due to the limitations to conquerclub nonmembers I cannot guarantee this.
If a non-family/friend joins the game I will inform them at the start of our relationship with each other so that they are aware - I feel that this is a fair way forward.

Let me once again try and make my position VERY clear. I feel that no warning is required because we did not 'collude' against Morley82...simple as that. On closer examination of the game posts - Morley82 makes requests of other players to gang up on tottles...and he accuses us of collusion? Influencing other players? I won the game and I attacked tottles without mercy throughout.
Morley82 lost the game, as did tottles and Gary29. I have lost games in the past and will continue to lose games against both the people I know (i.e. my father...who likes to rub it in when he wins)and total strangers. I will continue to lose games with good grace and dignity knowing that its only a game that we all enjoyed playing.

To conclude...
1. Non-family/friends in any future games will be informed of our relationship to each other. This will not change our gameplay as we will all continue to play our own individual strategies and play to win.
2. Morley82 will receive no apology. His claims purely subjective and without any substantive evidence hence why he will feel my unrepentant lack of remorse. I feel the accusation is both unfounded and has left him embittered.

Thank you

think your best option then is to post in the forum game nos. then at least you will have tried to notify players
Last edited by eddie2 on Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: tottles, peem, gary29

Postby brian fletcher on Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:12 pm

This is a clear violation of the rules.
However, as there are four members of family and friends, then why dont they all chip in and send off 25 dollars. That way the one with the account can set up PW protected games and invite the other 3.
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Re: tottles, peem, gary29 [warned]es

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:54 pm

tottles, peem, and gary29 have been WARNED .
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