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fl1pp1ng3n1us & e50zn1k [cleared/blocked]es

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fl1pp1ng3n1us & e50zn1k [cleared/blocked]es

Postby alster on Sun Mar 14, 2010 3:55 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

See below.

There are five 1v.1 games with fl1pp1ng3n1us and e50zn1k - fl1pp1ng3n1us has won 5 out of 5.

Game 3926663
Game 3927619
Game 6204702
Game 6629096
Game 6629278

A bit puzzling, the accounts have existed for quite a long time. Looking at these games, I get the impression that e50zn1k isn’t trying too hard. Attacks neutrals, don’t attack where fl1pp1ng3n1us’ bonus is, or merely deploys (even in two cases where he drops a bonus / early on grabs a bonus, doesn’t take advantage of it). So it may be worth a check.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: fl1pp1ng3n1us & e50zn1k

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:59 am

fl1pp1ng3n1us and e50zn1k are CLEARED of being multi's.

Looking at their games together is does look like e50zn1k isn't even trying. I checked some of his other games that didn't have fl1pp1ng3n1us in them and he does put more effort in to trying to win.

I looked at this for a couple of days trying to see if there was a reason NOT to block these two and I couldn't find it. So fl1pp1ng3n1us and e50zn1k are BLOCKED from joining games with each other. they will be able to finish any games that are in progress.
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Sergeant 1st Class Evil Semp
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