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happyflowers & hoffmji [CLEARED]ES

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happyflowers & hoffmji [CLEARED]ES

Postby 837204563 on Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:13 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 6601347

hoffmji never attacks happyflowers, even though happyflowers is significantly ahead
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Re: happyflowers & hoffmji

Postby hoffmji on Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:53 am

To whom it may concern,

This is a fog of war game (currently in progress) so my opponets have no way of seeing what a terrible postion I am in. I have had aweful rolls, a bad starting map position, and have been pushed to the point of near elimination several times throughout this game. The other two players don't see that, but they want to know why I have not attacked the strongest player on the board yet. IT IS BECAUSE I AM TRYING TO SURVIVE.

I can assure anyone looking into this that I don't even know who Happyflower is, let alone have a secret alliance with him/her. If you look over my game history you will find that there is NO PATTERN of throwing games for Happyflower, or anyone else for that matter. I play to win.

Thank you,
John (a.k.a. hoffjmi)
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Re: happyflowers & hoffmji

Postby Evil Semp on Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:09 pm

Looking at the game log, and I only looked at the log up until the time you started this thread I don't see the diplomacy that you are complaining about. So based on the game up until that time happyflowers and hoffmji are CLEARED.

You said that green and blue had not attacked each other, green did attack blue once but you and yellow never attacked each other also. Just saying that they might not have attacked each other because of position on the map. It is fog so some people are not as adept as reading the game log as others and seeing who the leader might be. Also some of their attacks made it easier for you to take red out.
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