Ok its finally good bye to 'CC', iV'e reached the end of the line and as iv'e been paying for the privilege for some time i thought i might air some of the disappointments in the game.
1. the endless rubbish that 'cc' call an interface, poorly designed, constantly jumping, making it tiresome to place and reinforce men.
2. Server problems and the inability of 'cc' to return points lost through no fault of ones own.
3. Endless and consistent 'Ridiculous Dice', every player has had them
4. The inability of 'CC' to point punish players who strategically miss goes or dead beat games, these players are the lowest.
5. the utterly stupid scoring system, in which a player can spend months climbing the ranks and hours losing hundreds of points to cooks and privates.
6 . the inability of 'CC' to get back to you after a complaint, using the forum as a safety valve instead as vehicle of change (with the exception of maps), I do hear from them when my subscription needs re-newing.
'CC', like any other business should look after its clients and players.
So with regret i say good bye to the friends i have made and i wish them much climbing of ranks.
Oh and by the way, if you play a speed game my point are up for grabs, sorry if you want them, you will have to put up with my deadbeating for the first time in my 'CC' career. i will be posting speed games over the next few days