Moderator: Tech Team
slowreactor wrote:I just noticed this:
In foggy nuke games, if you nuke a foggy territory owned by an opponent, BOB does not register it, while the in-game stats do. Is it possible to link the BOB territory counter to the existing in-game stats to prevent this from happening?
dvanraven wrote:I have the
same problem with the non-stop parsing xml. any ideas? I have reoaded a number of times. It also does not allow me to do any attacks .
maximegousse wrote:And if you do make your future version Chrome compatible, I will no longer have to open Firefox.![]()
Namor wrote:The side stats are set to yes.
And they appear as the map first loads (for a second), then once BOB has finished initializing, it knocks them out.
I know what you're thinking, "If you use BOB then why do you need side stats?" The fact is, BOB only counts the number of enemy territs that are visable in a foggy game, where as sidestats give you the info that you would otherwise have to count manually from the log.
Rakio wrote:The shortcut for the next game link doesnt work since the next game link have been changed by CC.
Easy fix, please do
Its distrubing the fine cycle of pressing B and N to go through all of your games.
manc wrote:maximegousse wrote:And if you do make your future version Chrome compatible, I will no longer have to open Firefox.![]()
The only thing holding me back from switching to chrome is that i'll miss BOB
Any news on a chrome version?
// upgrade refreshGMScript with new version.
originalRefreshGMScript = unsafeWindow.refreshGMScript;
unsafeWindow.refreshGMScript = function(armiesArray, date) {
cc_log($('#middleColumn script').html());
return true;
cspare wrote:BOB currently prevents other scripts to subscribe to the refreshGMScript function. this is currently breaking the refresh of ConquerStats' data+charts.
In the code you change the implementation of unsafeWindow.refreshGMScript by assigning a new function to it. But you still need to call the original implementation of the function, like this:
- Code: Select all
// upgrade refreshGMScript with new version.
originalRefreshGMScript = unsafeWindow.refreshGMScript;
unsafeWindow.refreshGMScript = function(armiesArray, date) {
cc_log($('#middleColumn script').html());
return true;
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