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WWII Operation Iwo Jima [Quenched]

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Postby Qwert on Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:58 pm

I will try to make map similar to military map from invading of iwo jima, and bedplay these not a small battle ower 130000 involve in there battle. And i know that make map with theme WW2 itsa chalenge but i see that nobody make these maps, and these map its very interesting, ofcourse if you make to be for play. :wink:
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Postby bedplay on Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:24 pm

Well choose a more significant battle than Iwo Jima.

here are 25 battles in world war two, that were more bloody, or involving more forces than Iwo Jima:

Battle of Seelow Heights
Battle of Tunisia
Battle of El Alamein
Battle of Anzio
Battle of Guadalcanal
Battle of Philippines
Battle of Burma
Battle of Poland
Battle of Kirovograd
Battle of Chang-te
Battle of Okinawa
Battle of Imphal
Battle of Leyte Gulf
Battle of Midway
Battle of France
Battle of Britain
Battle of Atlantic
Battle of Ardennes
Battle of Moscow
Battle of Normandy
Battle of Berlin
Battle of Vistula
Battle of Stalingrad
Battle of Prussia
Battle of Kursk

there you go. Iwo Jima is too small of a place to map properly, I mean, A map where every beach section is mapped. (btw, the becah sections, was it just Red I and Red II or was it like operation overlord with fox red, easy red .etc.
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Postby Qwert on Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:29 pm

Bedplay if you want to work some of these 25 battles you can start working, i dont mine.
Im not only map author in CC and you can put these 25 battles in up topic like some of idea.

OK back to map, here new update my military map.


Next its most dificulty part of map- borders and defense(umpasabile borders) lines.
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Postby Teya on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:22 am

Im not sure you are getting enough support for this map. Why dont you start a poll to see if you should continue or not.
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Postby Qwert on Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:53 am

Teya, you again want to se my map out CC, i realy dont understand these, you only think how to eliminated map and not to help, please go to work in some map and dont atack me anymore.
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Postby Teya on Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:06 am

qwert wrote:Teya, you again want to se my map out CC, i realy dont understand these, you only think how to eliminated map and not to help, please go to work in some map and dont atack me anymore.

How the hell do you figure that? You dont seem to be getting the support. Put up a poll. only 3 people have said to go ahead. Everyone else has said not to bother.
I didnt even put my opinion. Just suggested the poll. In your eastern front map you put up a poll for every little thing, but wont put one up to see if you have the support to continue this map. Im trying to save you the time of putting many hours into the map if it isnt supported.

Its pretty simple really.
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Postby Qwert on Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:12 am

OK i put pool, i hope you satisfy now.
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Postby Skittles! on Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:16 am

I really like Eastern Front map, but I don't think the island of Iwo Jima is a good CC map to play on.
Sorry Qwert, but I'm not going to support this, at the moment, but if you can try and draw some territories in, then I might change my mind, but really at the moment, I don't think it's going to be a good enough shaped map.[/b]
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Postby KEYOGI on Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:18 am

qwert, I don't understand your constant accusations and attacks on other foundry members. In particular Teya, and often myself. If you have problem with members of the site, take it the Flame Wars and discuss it there.

I just hope a mod jumps in and stops this nonsense soon by removing the poll. You've got a large number of people telling you the map wont work, but you single out Teya as the scapegoat.

Back on topic though, the map really has no appeal. I'd love to see a WWII map and was looking forward to Eastern Front. Iwo Jima just doesn't lend itself to a good map. I suggest putting your effort into something else that would make for a better map, there's been plenty of suggestions.

And before you say I'm attacking you as well, check through the foundry. I don't like a lot of peoples ideas. :wink:
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Postby Qwert on Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:24 am

Skitles, drawing borders and terittory these my second job in these map, but teya first want to se result of pool, but if you vote, then you definitly can not change these vote. Its only a start of these map, others map authors dont wont to work in theme like wwl or wwll becouse its very dificulty, but when someon want to try to make these map, people want to eliminate these in begining(not all people).
I dont put borders becouse its not simply , and i must explore Battle of iwo jima to put bordes.
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Postby Qwert on Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:30 am

Keyogy when i say that Indonesia, and philipines not part of Australia and OCEANIA, you say that not right and Teya give you support, and i stop put post in these topic. What next topic ,where you be against my opinion, with support of Teya.
Mongol map you against my opinion. and some others map. You every time against my opinion,why.
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Postby Teya on Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:34 am

OMG this has nothing to do with this map. I said WHO CARES. That is not supporting keyogi, it is not supporting you.

Indonesia is not part of australia, but australia IS part of oceania and Indonesia CAN be included or excluded. To me it seems you have to be right. No one can have a different opinion to you or they are "attacking" you. My advice is grow up.
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Postby KEYOGI on Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:41 am

First up, lets get this Oceania issue out of the way. I never disagreed with you, I said Indonesia can be part of Oceania or it can be excluded, depending on sources and opinion.

A list of countries that make up Oceania
Christmas Island
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
New Zealand
Norfolk Island
New Caledonia
Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands
Federated States of Micronesia
Marshall Islands
Northern Mariana Islands
American Samoa
Cook Islands
French Polynesia
Pitcairn Islands
Wallis and Futuna
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Postby KEYOGI on Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:47 am

boberz wrote:no

Coleman wrote:I have no interest in it until Eastern Front is finished.

KEYOGI wrote:I don't think Iwo Jima lends itself to a great map just because of the shape of the island.

Guiscard wrote:Doesn't look too promising.

Incandenza wrote:I'm not sure iwo jima is the best option here.

Ruben Cassar wrote:Iwo Jima doesn't seem exciting to me.

bedplay wrote:it's just too small of an area, Iwo Jima wouldn't really be good for me at all...

Teya wrote:Im not sure you are getting enough support for this map. Why dont you start a poll to see if you should continue or not.

So you have 7 people saying Iwo Jima probably isn't a good idea and you have a go at Teya who suggests you put up a poll to get a better idea on the level of interest. :roll:
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Postby Qwert on Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:41 am

Keyogy why you so hury to eliminate these map, people dont say that i must eliminate map.
1. Coleman say that no have interest before i finish Eastern front, he dont say that he hate these map.
2.Yours and Teya dont want to comment.
3.Guiscard also dont say to eliminate these map.
4. only Bobecz say no.
I dont look all but sems to me that you heave only these words what you mean its good for you
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Postby Lt. Valerian on Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:29 am

Ok, look guys, please stop taking quotes out of context and leave qwert alone. Yes, there are a few people who have stated their opposition to the map, but there are others who have said it looks really interesting. I think that we should reserve our judgment until qwert has placed territories and continents on the map. The Battle of Iwo Jima is one of the most remembered battles of WWII and is deserving of treatment in a map. Further, to those of you who are opposing this map because you want qwert to bring back the Eastern Front map, give him a break. Qwert was harried to no end about little inane details, leaving him no choice but to place that map on hold for a few months. Seriously guys, it doesn't make sense to criticize a map for such inconsequential things as whether it is ok to represent Germany with the Iron Cross (which has nothing to do with Nazism, but instead has to do with Germany), what colors the territories are, or what the impassable borders look like (by the way, the yellow triangles along a line are a military symbol used to represent a hardened line of fortification and therefore were perfect to represent an impassable border).

Please guys, lets play nice and let qwert work on his map(s) as he sees fit. It is truly unfair that a small group of nay-sayers can wreak such havoc upon a member who only wants to better the CC experience. Keep up the good work qwert, we support you!
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Postby bedplay on Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:36 am

qwert, grow up, i normally defend you, I have done in the past but theres no need to start pointing accusations for people wanting to "eliminate" your map.

this map isn't a map yet, it's an idea, so there is no "eliminating" about it.

The truth is, the battle hasnt got enough support. basing a battle on ONE 10 mile long island won't work. 14 of the territoties are just landing zones for god's sake!

if you did many other WWII maps, I would have a lot more support. Operation Overlord, it would make a brilliant map!
Operation olympus, I think has been mentioned.
The battle of the bulge?
The battle of Berlin?
Operation Market garden?
battle of midway?
Battle of El Amein, tobruk?

I know these are ideas, but Iwo Jima just isn't a good idea. it doesn't lend itself for a good Conquer Club map, plus most people who play CC wouldn't know much about it!

Pick a more famous battle, over a bigger area.

And for your own sake start acting more mature!
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Postby bedplay on Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:43 am

Lt. Valerian wrote:Ok, look guys, please stop taking quotes out of context and leave qwert alone. Yes, there are a few people who have stated their opposition to the map, but there are others who have said it looks really interesting. I think that we should reserve our judgment until qwert has placed territories and continents on the map. The Battle of Iwo Jima is one of the most remembered battles of WWII and is deserving of treatment in a map. Further, to those of you who are opposing this map because you want qwert to bring back the Eastern Front map, give him a break. Qwert was harried to no end about little inane details, leaving him no choice but to place that map on hold for a few months. Seriously guys, it doesn't make sense to criticize a map for such inconsequential things as whether it is ok to represent Germany with the Iron Cross (which has nothing to do with Nazism, but instead has to do with Germany), what colors the territories are, or what the impassable borders look like (by the way, the yellow triangles along a line are a military symbol used to represent a hardened line of fortification and therefore were perfect to represent an impassable border).

Please guys, lets play nice and let qwert work on his map(s) as he sees fit. It is truly unfair that a small group of nay-sayers can wreak such havoc upon a member who only wants to better the CC experience. Keep up the good work qwert, we support you!

I was like you before, but qwert is taking everything out of proportion.

I can see you only have 1 post, so therefore think you probably don't know what qwert is like.

To me, Iwo Jima was not one of the most remembered battles (I know of it, as I study WWII in my free time, but I'm guessing the average Joe wouldn't,) maybe to Americans it was, but since I'm british, I remember the big battles, for things that mattered a bit more?

qwert is being a moron.
This map DOES NOT suit conquer club, and I would never play it, not once.

how would you split it into continents?
how would you cut down attack routes and borders?
let alone space...

it wouldn't work, lets face it.

choose a battle over a wider area, most of the people who have showed interest have never made a map before, so therefore don't know the problems faced.

choose another idea qwert, or I'll never comment on any of your maps again, as I'm getting fed up.
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Postby Lt. Valerian on Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:43 am


Look familiar bedplay???
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Postby bedplay on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:09 pm

Great, Americans raising the flag at Iwo Jima, It still wasn't a great event of world war II in my opinion. And definately not worth making a map of.

does qwert propose to have all the tunnels as territories?
How will he do that?

the main battle was fought firstly taking the beaches, then the Americans against underground Japanese, it isn't exactly the best setting for a map with territories.

Plus it doesn't interest me particalurly, I have said, in my opinion. it wouldn't make a good map, and I think he should make a map in Western Europe or North Africe.

Generally, when more than half of people are telling someone to quit with a map, they do.


Plus, this is not about the map anymore, it's about qwert mouthing off at keyogi and teya, which he seems to do a lot.
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Postby Lt. Valerian on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:23 pm

Sadly, this is only because they give him such a hard time. He worked hard for about 3 months, I believe, on the Eastern Front map before being forced to put it off due to unfair and illegitimate criticism.

The Battle of Iwo Jima may not have played as decisive a role as the Battles of Midway or Coral Sea, but it is by far one of, if not the most remembered of the Pacific Theater.

I think that the aspect of tunnels make the map very interesting. Perhaps there can be a tunnel network, sort of like the warp gates on the space map, where each tunnel entrance leads to another.
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Postby Qwert on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:54 pm

bedplay wrote
qwert is being a moron

Bedplay, im not American, and Americans Bombard my country, if i look in that way these mean that i never must work map where present america.
Why you dont work in these map, i see that easy for all authors to create map only with country borders, becouse its easy to create, but when somebody want to try to create something new, then its a moron, and must in a start delete all work in these map.
Why people dont want to create map with theme WW2?
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Postby Unit_2 on Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:04 pm

i voted to support teya. becouse i think you need to work on the other map and finsh that map before you do another one.. :roll:
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Postby Qwert on Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:19 pm

These very bad thinking Unit 2, i say Guiscard to, if you pursuing people to do something in a force then work go in wrong way.
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Postby Unit_2 on Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:21 pm

ok, you just made no sense :? .. and i'm not tring to get you to do the WW2 map all i am saying is that you don't need to start another map..
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