This tournament will be a 32 person, 1v1, double-elimination tournament. All games will be played on a Random Map. Initial game placements will be made through
Premium and Non-Premium players are allowed to sign up, but if you are a non-premium, please leave a spot open. Match Details: * Number of entrants: 32 (1v1) * Map: Random * Initial Troops: Automatic * Game Type: Standard * Play Order: Sequential * Spoils: Escalating * Reinforcements: Unlimited * Fog of War: No
To Sign Up: Just post a reply on this thread stating you want in the tournament, and if a spot is open you will get it!
Puis,c'est très difficile pour moi d'essayé de comprendre la langue de Shakespeare, alors parler moi pas ou parler moi en français, la langue de molière.