The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Other: It was admitted in chat that jefjef and another player that didnt reveal his name are both account sitting for alex951 I believe this is against the Rule of multi-accounts as they now play alex951 and their accounts.
Game number(s):
Game 5445365
Look i may just be annoyed because these two sitter have ruint a very good 400+ turn game, but these two admited openly to acccount sitting and therefore they are clearly using multiple accounts, they then only weaken my defenses when i dont agree with them in chat and after hiting them back (sufficiently but not enough to ruin the 3 way game left in anyones favour) they go all out attack and ruin the game entirely when its not even their game from the start.
Account sitting should Not be allowed, just as much as Multi accounts
2010-02-21 10:00:49 - alex951: jefjef is a players name
2010-02-21 10:01:01 - alex951: me and him are taking alezs turns fo r the punk