Moderator: Cartographers
qwert wrote:Teya, you again want to se my map out CC, i realy dont understand these, you only think how to eliminated map and not to help, please go to work in some map and dont atack me anymore.
KraphtOne wrote:when you sign up a new account one of the check boxes should be "do you want to foe colton24 (it is highly recommended) "
boberz wrote:no
Coleman wrote:I have no interest in it until Eastern Front is finished.
KEYOGI wrote:I don't think Iwo Jima lends itself to a great map just because of the shape of the island.
Guiscard wrote:Doesn't look too promising.
Incandenza wrote:I'm not sure iwo jima is the best option here.
Ruben Cassar wrote:Iwo Jima doesn't seem exciting to me.
bedplay wrote:it's just too small of an area, Iwo Jima wouldn't really be good for me at all...
Teya wrote:Im not sure you are getting enough support for this map. Why dont you start a poll to see if you should continue or not.
Lt. Valerian wrote:Ok, look guys, please stop taking quotes out of context and leave qwert alone. Yes, there are a few people who have stated their opposition to the map, but there are others who have said it looks really interesting. I think that we should reserve our judgment until qwert has placed territories and continents on the map. The Battle of Iwo Jima is one of the most remembered battles of WWII and is deserving of treatment in a map. Further, to those of you who are opposing this map because you want qwert to bring back the Eastern Front map, give him a break. Qwert was harried to no end about little inane details, leaving him no choice but to place that map on hold for a few months. Seriously guys, it doesn't make sense to criticize a map for such inconsequential things as whether it is ok to represent Germany with the Iron Cross (which has nothing to do with Nazism, but instead has to do with Germany), what colors the territories are, or what the impassable borders look like (by the way, the yellow triangles along a line are a military symbol used to represent a hardened line of fortification and therefore were perfect to represent an impassable border).
Please guys, lets play nice and let qwert work on his map(s) as he sees fit. It is truly unfair that a small group of nay-sayers can wreak such havoc upon a member who only wants to better the CC experience. Keep up the good work qwert, we support you!
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