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Secert alliance MathiasJack & Tisha

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Secert alliance MathiasJack & Tisha

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:43 pm

Subject line: MathiasJack & Tisha

These are suspected of Secret Alliance

Suspect users: MathiasJack & Tisha

Game number:

Comments: I have posted my game chat below. That will explain my accusations.

2007-02-25 10:03:28 - Evil Semp: Hey Mathias thats twice you came across the map to hit me but not Tisha
2007-02-25 10:03:47 - Evil Semp: or bustedyam. Is there a reason?
2007-02-25 13:57:21 - MathiasJack: The reason? They haven't attacked me, kept weak forces bordering me, but had huge forces elsewhere. I didn't want to anger 'em and wake up a giant. You & I both seem to have eyes on East Asia, plus you did keep large force near me. know?
2007-02-25 13:57:41 - MathiasJack: Nothing personal :)
2007-02-25 13:59:03 - MathiasJack: And now that strategy has biten me in the butt with the Tisha European Consolidation sitting at my doorstep, with bustedyam sitting on my other side, nipping my ankles! :P
2007-02-25 14:31:38 - Evil Semp: It just appears that you only fortified to you continent border and left the green continent for tisha to take over
2007-02-25 16:15:26 - Evil Semp: It seems very odd you are close to her and you keep coming after me.
2007-02-25 16:16:53 - Evil Semp: You both have attcked each othr 4 times
2007-02-25 16:17:14 - Evil Semp: You bypass her continent to attack mine
2007-02-25 16:18:42 - Evil Semp: you only fortify to your border so she can get Europen Russia.
2007-02-25 16:19:03 - Evil Semp: Then you pull back from your border
2007-02-25 16:19:34 - Evil Semp: I dought that you are mulit's even though I think Tisha has been busted before
2007-02-25 16:20:05 - Evil Semp: I do believe there is an alliance
2007-02-25 16:20:34 - Evil Semp: Just pointing it out in here becasue there is nothing that an be done about it
2007-02-25 16:21:31 - Evil Semp: Your next turn you are set up to hit bustedyam, which I think you will
2007-02-25 16:22:04 - Evil Semp: And that is understandable, why would you waste your troops trying to win?
2007-02-25 16:25:47 - Evil Semp: Yeah I konw you are going to say she just busted your continent so save your breath
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Postby Rasengan on Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:48 pm

lol just a sore loser no secret alliance
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Postby Evil Semp on Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:50 pm

Game isn't over yet.
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Postby Rasengan on Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:52 pm

then stop acting like a child and play the game secret alliance lol i played that mathiasjack dude and he=noob
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Postby Evil Semp on Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:54 pm

And you played Tisha how many times? I wondered why you came to her defence so fast.
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Postby AAFitz on Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:54 pm

Semp is not a sore loser....he is usually an advocate for falsely accused if hes posting he is absolutely sure that they are favoring each other...Tisha does happen to play a lot with Fireside, who is a multi hunter, so I actually hope this isnt the case, but the rest of the game will be watched, at the very least
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Postby Rasengan on Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:56 pm

hmn i dunno cause i know her play style... not like her to make secret alliances
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Postby Tisha on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:08 am

you will believe what u will....i am not going out of my way to attack someone because of their color.... if he hasn't been in my way then why attack him? i do have alot of artic games going on....but i believe i have only just moved up to share a border with mathiasjack also.... and i am sure it is the same for mathiasjack... so since u and green had only attacked each other about four times each should i have suspected a secret alliance?
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Postby AAFitz on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:09 am

though this may get me in is possible that MJack is just letting her win because she is a girl....its only a theory, but ive seen it before, and more blatantly than this....

also...i find it dificult to predict female player moves....and not just in CC :lol:

all you can do is see how the game unfolds from here on out...

i would suggest watching the whole game next time, because if you bring up the accusations during the game, the play will probably be altered so youll never know...if you suspect the whole thing out....give them every chance to redeem themselves...and then youll know for sure...or at least youll be more sure either way good luck with arent gonna win that one either way
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Postby Tisha on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:11 am

by redeeming myself would that be attacking mathiasjack...even when i don't feel it nessecary?
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Postby Rasengan on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:15 am

how do i become a multi hunter. (so i can use my muscles for something other then phsycal pain)
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Postby AAFitz on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:28 am

Tisha wrote:by redeeming myself would that be attacking mathiasjack...even when i don't feel it nessecary?

my advice was in general play it how you want

Im far more interested in the games you and Rasengan seem to guys seem to do very well together dont you...granted many are privates, so they dont matter...but i saw a lot of games one of you won right in a of you always seems to must be really good....
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Postby Tisha on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:31 am

watch us if ur interested.. ;)
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Postby Rasengan on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:33 am

AAFitz wrote:
Tisha wrote:by redeeming myself would that be attacking mathiasjack...even when i don't feel it nessecary?

my advice was in general play it how you want

Im far more interested in the games you and Rasengan seem to guys seem to do very well together dont you...granted many are privates, so they dont matter...but i saw a lot of games one of you won right in a of you always seems to must be really good....

i am good thanks fitz i wish i could say yeah were Secret alliances but my poiliy is zero truce zero alliance anyone who knows me can vouch for it so im not worried have loads of fun

EDIT* actually i try to have a zero alliance but every once and a while i make one so i RARELY make alliances but none secret check my games all legit
Last edited by Rasengan on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Georgerx7di on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:34 am

Tisha has played over 200 games on CC and this is the first time anyone has said something like this. I personally have played many games with her, and have never seen the other person you're talking about. I think if she had someone helping her I would have noticed by now. It's very easy to complain when you're loosing. I have suspected people of working together in the past, but would not say anything unless it had happened repeatedly, b/c I wouldn't want to falsley accuse people.

I'd like to add that I am a colonel, and I do not think it is good strategy to attack people for the sole purpose of taking they're bonus away, except maybe on boards like world 2.0. Many people have bitched at me for this, but I am farely consistent in not attacking anyones bonus, so therefore am fare about it.

Tisha is a good player, and a nice person, and I hope that you will reconsider your comments.
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Postby Tisha on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:39 am

actually not the first time. on my feedback, there was another sore loser.......who cried pregame alliance...
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Postby AAFitz on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:48 am

ive played a few myself...and i cant comment on the game in the thread, but semp doesnt make accusations lightly...and he may very well be wrong...

but i can say that the odds of someone winning a game that both Rasengan and Tisha are in is pretty slim....she seems to win quite a few of them...way more than one would expect...and when rasen isnt there, she doesnt seem to win

this could be a cooincidence...but winning 4 or 5 5 player gamesin a row even though they are terminator in a row is pretty my instincts tell me there is some favoritism going on....i cant promise you im right, but it sure looks suspicious

if i had the same record playing with one of my friends i would expect an accusation at any time...the odds of winning that many jsut arent all that good, so I sure wouldnt want to join a game with the two of them, because the odds of winning are just nill based on how the rest of them have gone...and Tisha was busted for a multi...I dont know the details, maybe it was a mistake...but these are hardly unfounded suspicions here....

there may very well not be any secret alliance..but you have to be crazy to join one of their open games...because one of them wins almost every one of them...

at one point one of them wins 14 games in a favortism? kind of hard to believe...even a supporter is gonna have a hard time getting around this and that isnt the only streak...players get blocked with half as many games like this together...
Last edited by AAFitz on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: rediculous

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:49 am

Georgerx7di wrote:ITisha has played over 200 games on CC and this is the first time anyone has said something like this.

Fisrt I want to say I took so time before I made these accusations.

Hey George do you make it to the forums ofter? Check these out.
First she has been accused before and has been busted for being a multi. ... sha#203510 ... sha#170962

Georgerx7di wrote:Tisha is a good player, and a nice person, and I that you will reconsider your comments.

I think that is proof that you could be wrong.
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Postby Tisha on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:55 am

i am saying that both of those are wrong, and ur right..i can't prove that they are wrong....u will believe what u want......

and u are saying that i can't win without playing rasengan?
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Postby Rasengan on Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:59 am

AAFitz wrote:ive played a few myself...and i cant comment on the game in the thread, but semp doesnt make accusations lightly...and he may very well be wrong...

but i can say that the odds of someone winning a game that both Rasengan and Tisha are in is pretty slim....she seems to win quite a few of them...way more than one would expect...and when rasen isnt there, she doesnt seem to win

this could be a cooincidence...but winning 4 or 5 5 player gamesin a row even though they are terminator in a row is pretty my instincts tell me there is some favoritism going on....i cant promise you im right, but it sure looks suspicious

if i had the same record playing with one of my friends i would expect an accusation at any time...the odds of winning that many jsut arent all that good, so I sure wouldnt want to join a game with the two of them, because the odds of winning are just nill based on how the rest of them have gone...and Tisha was busted for a multi...I dont know the details, maybe it was a mistake...but these are hardly unfounded suspicions here....

there may very well not be any secret alliance..but you have to be crazy to join one of their open games...because one of them wins almost every one of them...

at one point one of them wins 14 games in a favortism? kind of hard to believe...even a supporter is gonna have a hard time getting around this and that isnt the only streak...players get blocked with half as many games like this together...

14 in a row??? wheres that lol. but the matter AT hand isnt my record with tisha its evil semps if you like i can report my self for suspected "favoratisim" and you can review me if you like?
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Postby AAFitz on Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:05 am

Tisha wrote:i am saying that both of those are wrong, and ur right..i can't prove that they are wrong....u will believe what u want......

and u are saying that i can't win without playing rasengan?

im saying one of you always wins....or damn close to are obviously favoring each other, if not outright helping each other....statistically there is no way for one of two people to win 14 single games in a row....

ive honestly never seen so many in a row...and when they are all tallied, the percentage is going to be ridiculous....

maybe your doing it subconciously...but if you think people want to play a game with the two of you, you're nuts....they have nearly no chance of winning....i honestly cant believe noones picked up on it before...

you can call all the people you want sore losers...but it isnt gonna make this go away...
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Postby Rasengan on Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:14 am

*slides fitz a 20* will that make it go away

EDIT* that was a joke just in case and where do you see 14 im looking at my games now and i dont see it you mean the RT games? even then i still dont see 14

edit2* to add to my unneccesary defence ive never had a negative or any bad comments on mine or tishas games how could that be if we are as you say "favoring eachother" secondly its has been in games where i am not present that she is accused?
Last edited by Rasengan on Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby AAFitz on Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:22 am

Rasengan wrote:*slides fitz a 20* will that make it go away

EDIT* that was a joke just in case and where do you see 14 im looking at my games now and i dont see it you mean the RT games? even then i still dont see 14

look at tishas games...there may not be 14...i may have counted wrong..but it was an honest mistake...ill delete it....but i see very few....very few that both of you lose in singles games....and in between them are multiple multiple of you almost always has to be 90% or more...just guessing i think its 95% .which just doesnt happen without favoritism....I have only seen games this blatant one or two times before...

and granted, many are private at least the people knew what they were getting into, but the open games were completely unfair to the other players...they never had a shot....
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Postby Rasengan on Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:30 am

now your insinuating that we are Secret alliances which we arent
in those games to have you read the game chat? also i use the exact tactics everytime. also my name isnt anywere on the title of this thread there for im not on trial

*edit* now i have a question the matter at hand is mathiasjack and tisha not Rasengan and tisha so ill end our chat here, untill someone reports me or leaves me a negative saying i did something wrong ill continue playing with who i want to when i want to isnt that my right? i see your concern over suspected faveritism but you neednt worry i play fair thus why i havent had any negatives or reports
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Postby Tisha on Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:38 am

i'm not going throught all of my games...u can do that if u please.....but outta 13 that both rasengan and i were in...that either one of us only came down to the two of us in three of those 13....and no i didn't pick which 13.....
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