These are suspected of Secret Alliance
Suspect users: MathiasJack & Tisha
Game number:
Comments: I have posted my game chat below. That will explain my accusations.
2007-02-25 10:03:28 - Evil Semp: Hey Mathias thats twice you came across the map to hit me but not Tisha
2007-02-25 10:03:47 - Evil Semp: or bustedyam. Is there a reason?
2007-02-25 13:57:21 - MathiasJack: The reason? They haven't attacked me, kept weak forces bordering me, but had huge forces elsewhere. I didn't want to anger 'em and wake up a giant. You & I both seem to have eyes on East Asia, plus you did keep large force near me. know?
2007-02-25 13:57:41 - MathiasJack: Nothing personal

2007-02-25 13:59:03 - MathiasJack: And now that strategy has biten me in the butt with the Tisha European Consolidation sitting at my doorstep, with bustedyam sitting on my other side, nipping my ankles!

2007-02-25 14:31:38 - Evil Semp: It just appears that you only fortified to you continent border and left the green continent for tisha to take over
2007-02-25 16:15:26 - Evil Semp: It seems very odd you are close to her and you keep coming after me.
2007-02-25 16:16:53 - Evil Semp: You both have attcked each othr 4 times
2007-02-25 16:17:14 - Evil Semp: You bypass her continent to attack mine
2007-02-25 16:18:42 - Evil Semp: you only fortify to your border so she can get Europen Russia.
2007-02-25 16:19:03 - Evil Semp: Then you pull back from your border
2007-02-25 16:19:34 - Evil Semp: I dought that you are mulit's even though I think Tisha has been busted before
2007-02-25 16:20:05 - Evil Semp: I do believe there is an alliance
2007-02-25 16:20:34 - Evil Semp: Just pointing it out in here becasue there is nothing that an be done about it
2007-02-25 16:21:31 - Evil Semp: Your next turn you are set up to hit bustedyam, which I think you will
2007-02-25 16:22:04 - Evil Semp: And that is understandable, why would you waste your troops trying to win?
2007-02-25 16:25:47 - Evil Semp: Yeah I konw you are going to say she just busted your continent so save your breath