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Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post [WARNED]

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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby AAFitz on Mon Mar 01, 2010 9:16 pm

Timminz wrote:
AAFitz wrote:
HapSmo19 wrote:
Timminz wrote:That's not a photo of the Obama. Why would you think it was?

I never said that was a photo of obama. Why would you think I did?

You already answered this question. With the exact opposite answer.

HapSmo19 wrote:20/20 vision?

Never mind, I figured it out. Here's what he wrote.
Frigidus posted this following a photo of the president of the United States of America:

And here's what some of us read.
Frigidus posted this following photo of the president of the United States of America:

Simple mistake, compounded by confusion in a previous response.

Nice job figuring that out. Apparently it was just the use of the word N***** he was refering to. The problem with that word is, it is only racist, when used by a white person. When used by an african american, it is usually to mock the White persons use of it, and used to take control of it.

I agree the picture is in bad taste, and may be meant racist, but its also very possible that the green person with horns is meant to be a black person using the phrase for fun.

its also possible its meant to mock a white person using the word, and being a stupid racist chump about it.

The abiguity of the race of the being in question, means that it is a parody, and any racism, is more percieved, or implanted by the reader/viewer.

Family Guy does it a lot. It makes jokes which at first seem truly racist, but almost always are meant to mock anyone who is racist, and are usually a trap.

On this one, its very possible that the picture of green man with horns is meant to make you assume he is really a black man...which makes you a racist bastard, but it means he can use the word N*****

that is the complication of judging pictures. What sometimes appears to be one thing, often is another, or at least can be percieved to be another...and that is the very point of them in the first place.

more often, its just meant as a joke...inappropriately or not.
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby Army of GOD on Mon Mar 01, 2010 9:50 pm

I know it was a joke, and I get that Frigidus is not a racist, but:

It really does not matter if you hear P. Diddy say it on his latest scheme show to gain more money or you hear it used openly in the grocery store it is not and will not be acceptable on this site period.

The word in reference is a derogatory word that no matter the context belittles a certain race. If another black person chooses to use that word to describe another person/or what have you then that's their prerogative. But seeing as you cant tell each others races on this site anyone that is reported or caught talking like this will be punished as per the Major Infractions under Bigotry, which just happens to be one of the sternest categories besides breaking rule 1 & rule 2.

Bottom line take that language elsewhere, we don't want to hear it or have the users here subjected to it. No matter who it is or who they are talking to.

They're going to have to maintain consistency...
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby ws1 on Mon Mar 01, 2010 10:40 pm

You funny man, all of you
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby Woodruff on Mon Mar 01, 2010 11:29 pm

Army of GOD wrote:I know it was a joke, and I get that Frigidus is not a racist, but:

It really does not matter if you hear P. Diddy say it on his latest scheme show to gain more money or you hear it used openly in the grocery store it is not and will not be acceptable on this site period.

The word in reference is a derogatory word that no matter the context belittles a certain race. If another black person chooses to use that word to describe another person/or what have you then that's their prerogative. But seeing as you cant tell each others races on this site anyone that is reported or caught talking like this will be punished as per the Major Infractions under Bigotry, which just happens to be one of the sternest categories besides breaking rule 1 & rule 2.

Bottom line take that language elsewhere, we don't want to hear it or have the users here subjected to it. No matter who it is or who they are talking to.

They're going to have to maintain consistency...

"One of the sternest categories besides breaking rule 1 & rule 2"...that right there is a thoroughly laughable statement. There's nothing stern about the response to breaking rule 1 at all.
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby Army of GOD on Mon Mar 01, 2010 11:46 pm

Woodruff wrote:
Army of GOD wrote:I know it was a joke, and I get that Frigidus is not a racist, but:

It really does not matter if you hear P. Diddy say it on his latest scheme show to gain more money or you hear it used openly in the grocery store it is not and will not be acceptable on this site period.

The word in reference is a derogatory word that no matter the context belittles a certain race. If another black person chooses to use that word to describe another person/or what have you then that's their prerogative. But seeing as you cant tell each others races on this site anyone that is reported or caught talking like this will be punished as per the Major Infractions under Bigotry, which just happens to be one of the sternest categories besides breaking rule 1 & rule 2.

Bottom line take that language elsewhere, we don't want to hear it or have the users here subjected to it. No matter who it is or who they are talking to.

They're going to have to maintain consistency...

"One of the sternest categories besides breaking rule 1 & rule 2"...that right there is a thoroughly laughable statement. There's nothing stern about the response to breaking rule 1 at all.

If you're talking about the "ETROPAL Rule", then I totally agree.
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby Frigidus on Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:53 am


By the way, john9blue, if you want me to drop the signature i can do that. It isn't meant to be an attack or anything.
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby john9blue on Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:47 am

Oh man, I click this topic because of the title and I'm already being namedropped...

I don't really mind your sig lol, I said I'd be quoted out of context before it happened so I totally called it. Plus the idea of dave seeing it all the time makes me chuckle. But you can remove it if you want... there's always going to be hilarious quotes... :lol:
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby Serbia on Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:38 am

Does anyone else find it odd that the two people posting in this thread who annoy me most are THORN and AAFitz? I'm seriously considering adding both to my foe list, something I've never done just to avoid reading posts.
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby nagerous on Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:10 am

Aw and I thought I had created a fun thread...

I also reported the post as soon as I saw it for the mods to deal with, whether it was conceived racism or not. It was then up for the mods of that particular forum to deal with the post how they saw fit, quietly and efficiently. There was no need for a detailed debate on it resulting in lots more trolling and flaming.
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby karel on Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:02 am

this whole thread is fucking gay as can be....just stupid....lock it
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby Snowgun on Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:12 pm

karel wrote:this whole thread is fucking gay as can be....just stupid....lock it

LOL, nice flaming redirect using another loaded, bigoted term. :lol:
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby karel on Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:28 pm

your welcome
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby c-rod91339 on Tue Mar 02, 2010 2:16 pm

i dont c this going good
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby comic boy on Tue Mar 02, 2010 3:07 pm

Racism is vile , Thornheart and Hapsmo make racist remarks on a regular basis, just ban them and we can all go off for a nice cup of tea :D
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby Serbia on Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:52 pm

comic boy wrote:Racism is vile , Thornheart and Hapsmo make racist remarks on a regular basis, just ban them and we can all go off for a nice cup of tea :D

Shaun of the Dead.
saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby c-rod91339 on Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:22 pm

im with comic 100 percent
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby SlayerQC on Wed Mar 03, 2010 6:58 pm

Frigidus, so you come in and incriminate yourself.Nice.lolol

LMAO, this again confirms racists are not the smartest bunch.
I mean, you could be black then it wouldnt be considered racist....Let me guess, you're from the states right?

Edit: yup, an american. Seems they breed racists down there. I've actually never met a racist from anywhere else, yet.

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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby john9blue on Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:20 pm

^ Ever since Canada won 1 out of 2 hockey games against us they've been getting even cockier, why is that? :?
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby Timminz on Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:50 pm

john9blue wrote:^ Ever since Canada won 1 out of 2 hockey games against us they've been getting even cockier, why is that? :?

Not quite. You've just only started noticing that all those people who are better than you, just happen to be Canadian.

Both teams were great in the Olympics though. In fact each only lost one game, and the only team to beat either, was the other, of course. The difference was that Canadians tend to be better comedians, and anyone who can tell a good joke will tell you, it's all in the timing.
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby john9blue on Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:59 pm

Well of course I can't hope to be better than a Canadian ;) but seriously, what's with the America hate? They think they can talk shit about us cuz they beat us at a sport? :P
natty_dread wrote:Do ponies have sex?
Army of GOD wrote:the term heterosexual is offensive. I prefer to be called "normal"
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby pboy on Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:19 pm

Hey slayer you just met another racist thats not from america yourself im not a racist and im from america but you said everyone from america are racists
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby Imaweasel on Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:25 pm

SlayerQC wrote:Frigidus, so you come in and incriminate yourself.Nice.lolol

LMAO, this again confirms racists are not the smartest bunch.
I mean, you could be black then it wouldnt be considered racist....Let me guess, you're from the states right?

Edit: yup, an american. Seems they breed racists down there. I've actually never met a racist from anywhere else, yet.

EDit: Funny how most of the dumb posts on here are people ALREADY in my foe list.

yes that does seem very racist towards the usa as a whole.
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby pboy on Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:34 pm

arent we all friends your just a few miles above us were allies and i dont get the olympics the only time we compete against the whole world thats not a war countries still cheat thats sad and yes canada is good at hockey and didnt you guys start the game too
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby Gold Knight on Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:03 pm

Imaweasel wrote:
SlayerQC wrote:Frigidus, so you come in and incriminate yourself.Nice.lolol

LMAO, this again confirms racists are not the smartest bunch.
I mean, you could be black then it wouldnt be considered racist....Let me guess, you're from the states right?

Edit: yup, an american. Seems they breed racists down there. I've actually never met a racist from anywhere else, yet.

EDit: Funny how most of the dumb posts on here are people ALREADY in my foe list.

yes that does seem very racist towards the usa as a whole.

Being racist has to do with one's race, not where they live... but it was a very ignorant statement and shows how educations can be wasted so easily. Pull your head out of your ass before you start incriminating an entire group of people, its none better than posting what Frigidus posted...
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Re: Frigidus -- Racism/Bigotry In Forum Post

Postby TheForgivenOne on Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:24 am

Gold Knight wrote:
Imaweasel wrote:
SlayerQC wrote:Frigidus, so you come in and incriminate yourself.Nice.lolol

LMAO, this again confirms racists are not the smartest bunch.
I mean, you could be black then it wouldnt be considered racist....Let me guess, you're from the states right?

Edit: yup, an american. Seems they breed racists down there. I've actually never met a racist from anywhere else, yet.

EDit: Funny how most of the dumb posts on here are people ALREADY in my foe list.

yes that does seem very racist towards the usa as a whole.

Being racist has to do with one's race, not where they live... but it was a very ignorant statement and shows how educations can be wasted so easily. Pull your head out of your ass before you start incriminating an entire group of people, its none better than posting what Frigidus posted...

I gotta say, Most cases of someone being racist towards a country, is usually directed towards Canadians
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