Industrial Helix wrote:There's something I want to suggest as I don't really like the starting point/conquer maps so much.
now I see that non-conquer maps are more popular. but if I change auto-deploy to manuly-deploy all my idea is gone... it need to find any balance between auto-deploy and manualy-deploy.
also castles will lost their regional importance, and as MarshalNay wrote: "Really, all of the auto-deploys will make the gameplay fairly different to my mind, and it's perfect for the single-territory 'stronghold' theme of medieval conquest, particularly in the relatively sparsely populated Baltic states."
Industrial Helix wrote: On the Third Crusade map Kabanellas coded a starting point for each player at 6 armies across the map and then lef tthe rest of the map to deploy randomly at 3 armies per territory. What if you Coded Castles at 6, Hanseatic towns at 5 and towns at 4, each autodeploy's +1. The rest is open to random deployment, and if you want to really spice things up the regular territories can start at 2.
o.k. what about to code more auto-deploy as now: Castles +6, Hansa towns + 3 (and bonus +1 if you hold Visby), Towns +3. come on and look how the start would looks: you have from start one Castle (6 armies), one Hansa town (3 armies) and one Town (3 armies). you have also 3 manualy-deploy armies from start. so if you deploy them to Castle you will have in 9 armies, so you can in one turn capture 1/2 or 1/3 of any Duchy. and yes we can add manualy-deploy armies for each Castle +2, Hansa town +1, Town +1 - than you can deploy to Castle 7 armies (3 you have from start, 2 for Castle, 1 for Hansa town, 1 for Town). so something similar as you wrote but contrariwise (auto-deploy will be still more important).
and we can code that territories belonging to player´s starting positions will be not neutral but player holds them. it is logical - when you hold Castle/Hansa town/Town you rule its region. so now there will be realy few neutral regions.
also do not forgot that there are much manualy-deploy bonuses for Duchies which are not large (they are mostly consist with 3-4 regions), also religion manualy-deploy bonus.
about regular territories, Helix, you think to do them neutral with 2?
Industrial Helix wrote:Also... i don't like how the bridges lead into castles... seems kind of strange to me. I'd prefer the bridges to link just the territories.
And speaking of the bridges... do the double clickon the layer and add some dropshadow.
I add bridges into castles because castles were buil to protect important river/mountain crosses. maybe I coud add bridges to territory and do small territory around castle (not as separate but belonging to castle)...
good idea with shadows.