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Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Thu Feb 25, 2010 8:52 pm



The accused are suspected of:

- Uninvited GAME CHAT abuse
- generally being obnoxious in someone else's game and Live Chat

Game number(s):

game: 6530027

- Making a comment or two in a Game Chat is normal, what he does is NOT normal, but ABUSE and offensive to not only myself but my opponent *
- It seems that since he isn't funny in Quality, he more than makes up for in QUANTITY
- after this guy has a bad showing in a C&A Abuse thread about my style, he Harrasses me in LiveChat (but have fun fending his weak jokes off) and now this.
- Please don't let the fact that he's a paying member let him get away with this crap -- or your rules are a joke. Give him a warning/ban -- especially if he and his cronies continue.
- I understood that CC wanted this site to be like: "friends around a campfire" and NOT flame people. Please review the following game chat. By Bobby's last comment, it seems he didn't appreciate JR's comments either:

2010-02-25 18:53:28 - Bobby14: gl
2010-02-25 19:25:24 - Bobby14: I think I learned one of your tricks to freestyle
2010-02-25 19:26:28 - Bobby14: bye the way why do you almost instantly start playing after I do? are you using some program?
2010-02-25 19:31:47 - Bobby14: now I get the map
2010-02-25 19:33:07 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: brb
2010-02-25 19:34:44 - Bobby14: I think I lose
2010-02-25 19:35:24 - Bobby14: every time I take something you take it back
2010-02-25 19:37:48 - Bobby14: well at least I didn't die by round 4 or 5
2010-02-25 19:38:34 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: Bobby, you are playing the BEST I've seen you
2010-02-25 19:38:43 - Bobby14: thanks
2010-02-25 19:39:07 - Bobby14: and at least I don't lose 10 to 1 as often this time
2010-02-25 19:39:20 - Bobby14: brb
2010-02-25 19:41:23 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: hey, you don't lose 10:1 much, do you REALLY?
2010-02-25 19:46:46 - Bobby14: yesterday, and the day before almost everybattle and today usally 5 to 1
2010-02-25 19:49:33 - Bobby14: oh and attackers could easily beat my troops even when outnumbered
2010-02-25 19:56:32 - JOHNNYROCKET24: great job david
2010-02-25 19:56:41 - JOHNNYROCKET24: you manage to sucker this player into a 2nd game
2010-02-25 19:57:06 - JOHNNYROCKET24: "I get map" half way after the game is over
2010-02-25 19:57:13 - JOHNNYROCKET24: nice for you to abuse this new player
2010-02-25 19:57:16 - JOHNNYROCKET24: all for points
2010-02-25 19:58:39 - JOHNNYROCKET24: 6529878
2010-02-25 19:58:55 - JOHNNYROCKET24: i see in that game you were very unwilling to play his maps he suggested
2010-02-25 19:58:57 - JOHNNYROCKET24: i wonder why
2010-02-25 19:59:06 - JOHNNYROCKET24: cause your in it for points and abuse
2010-02-25 20:02:50 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: hey JR24, why don't you grow up.. .and go away
2010-02-25 20:04:35 - Bobby14: could you end your turn david?
2010-02-25 20:05:29 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: kids at home Bobby
2010-02-25 20:15:53 - Bobby14: how did you get 21 troops
2010-02-25 20:16:22 - Bobby14: it isn't possible, you didn't turn in your cards
2010-02-25 20:18:12 - Bobby14: which railway do you own?
2010-02-25 20:18:47 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: Now Bobby, did I ask you which Bonus YOU owned?
2010-02-25 20:19:06 - Bobby14: no but you already know
2010-02-25 20:28:03 - Bobby14: why is it you turn in cards whenever I do?
2010-02-25 20:28:52 - Bobby14: it seems like game over
2010-02-25 20:32:31 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: not sure
2010-02-25 20:32:42 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: you turned in on 3, seems like I should be able to
2010-02-25 20:34:16 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: did you find JohnnyRocket24 helpful or entertaining?
2010-02-25 20:34:24 - JOHNNYROCKET24: he will be glad to help you when the game is over
2010-02-25 20:34:36 - JOHNNYROCKET24: first he wasnt to abuse new players and take their points
2010-02-25 20:35:35 - JOHNNYROCKET24: he will even play you for a 4th time now that he knows you are clueless and will come no where close in beating him
2010-02-25 20:35:43 - JOHNNYROCKET24: he is sitting there licking his chops
2010-02-25 20:35:47 - JOHNNYROCKET24: all over your points
2010-02-25 20:35:55 - JOHNNYROCKET24: wow
2010-02-25 20:36:07 - JOHNNYROCKET24: you get 4 troops to his 45
2010-02-25 20:36:15 - JOHNNYROCKET24: i wonder how that happened?
2010-02-25 20:36:19 - JOHNNYROCKET24: cause your clueless
2010-02-25 20:36:35 - Bobby14: I'm clueless?
2010-02-25 20:40:37 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: is Johnny an ass or what?
2010-02-25 20:40:45 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: obnoxious as anyone on CC
2010-02-25 20:41:45 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: sorry Bobby, JohnnyR is NOT a fan of mine
2010-02-25 20:41:49 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: thank you for good game
2010-02-25 20:41:54 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: VERY good game
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Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Thu Feb 25, 2010 8:58 pm

put me on ignore

"We take a liberal stance here at CC, if the chat that you think was/is abusive is above and beyond the occasional 4 letter word then you should think about submitting it, but if not then don't bother.
Its an adult web site, and we can not/will not moderate every thing that can/is said in chat. If you do however run across a player that is way over the top, using bigotry or anything that commonly you could consider extremely harsh then submit it and we will step in"....King Sam
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Postby King_Herpes on Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:14 pm

JR's a nice guy David. It just really really flips his pancakes when people aren't playing internet games the way he prefers!

I think you guys would benefit greatly from a hug and a wank.
Sorry about your little butt āœŖ Dumb fucking e-lambs the lot of you
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Postby Beckytheblondie on Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:36 pm

King_Herpes wrote:JR's a nice guy David. It just really really flips his pancakes when people aren't playing internet games the way he prefers!

I think you guys would benefit greatly from a hug and a wank.

Just like you'd benefit from a nice hot karl, dope.
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Postby Army of GOD on Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:38 pm

King_Herpes wrote:It just really really flips his pancakes

Phrase of the year?
mrswdk is a ho
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Postby Beckytheblondie on Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:39 pm

Army of GOD wrote:
King_Herpes wrote:It just really really flips his pancakes

Phrase of the year?

I wouldn't give this dingbat the honour.
2011-11-07 14:19:43 - StinknLincoln: whoa, what happened?
2011-11-07 14:19:50 - Beckytheblondie: Becky happened
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Postby King_Herpes on Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:56 pm

Just staying in character is all Brocky. Kinda like you pretending to be a girl and always posting girly things.
Sorry about your little butt āœŖ Dumb fucking e-lambs the lot of you
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Postby lord voldemort on Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:14 pm

I feel like i have already told both of you to simply stay away from each other...This petty argument makes you look immature and to be frank I assumed you were both better than that
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Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:29 pm

hey JR and your buds,
You conveniently use PARTS of guidelines and miss the ones that apply to you, such as:

Flaming: Will not be tolerated.

o Note: This is not an exhaustive list of Chat Rules. Please remember the general community guideline to not be annoying.
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Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:36 pm

JR and his buds,

Your quoting of the site guidelines is a bit slanted. Note those you conveniently forgot:

1) Flaming: Will not be tolerated.

2) o Note: This is not an exhaustive list of Chat Rules. Please remember the general community guideline to not be annoying.

3) Chatters are expected to adhere to the rules and their own warnings in an interest of fairness. If you feel that a Chatter is abusing their position, please inform the Head Chatter or an Admin; don't try to cause a riot over it in the public rooms.

LordV, you mention US.. .JR24 is the big instigator here. What is this place, like the NBA. . .retaliation gets a foul? This dude is against all CC thoughts of friendship and decency.

King Herpes: Great comments, keep them coming.

. . .and come on, this guy (JR24) is COMICAL, but he insults my opponents -- and they don't like it. Grow some nads CC admin and ban JR24.

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Postby TheOtherOne on Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:40 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:hey JR and your buds,
You conveniently use PARTS of guidelines and miss the ones that apply to you, such as:

Flaming: Will not be tolerated.

o Note: This is not an exhaustive list of Chat Rules. Please remember the general community guideline to not be annoying.

You know David, i find farming annoying, and this topic annoying.
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Postby Bones2484 on Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:05 pm

lord voldemort wrote:I feel like i have already told both of you to simply stay away from each other...This petty argument makes you look immature and to be frank I assumed you were both better than that

Are you saying that this report is wrong? Sure he has a bias, but you can't ignore the fact that JR knows the rules... and this is against them (as has been pointed out to countless people countless times).

king sam wrote:It is typically advised to not post in the chats of games you are not playing. If you do wish to post in another player's game, please keep your comments limited to a Good Luck comment or a quick question. Spamming or trolling other player's games is not allowed.

Common Trolling can be:
  • Posting controversial or irrelevant messages or topics with the intent to provoke/bait someone else into a pissing match, emotional response, flame fest or to generally disrupt the discussion.
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Postby karel on Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:47 pm

:cry: :cry: :cry:
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Postby the.killing.44 on Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:55 pm

Uhh, David, those rules are about Live Chat, not Game Chat.
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Postby Night Strike on Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:23 am

JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:put me on ignore

"We take a liberal stance here at CC, if the chat that you think was/is abusive is above and beyond the occasional 4 letter word then you should think about submitting it, but if not then don't bother.
Its an adult web site, and we can not/will not moderate every thing that can/is said in chat. If you do however run across a player that is way over the top, using bigotry or anything that commonly you could consider extremely harsh then submit it and we will step in"....King Sam

Except that you weren't playing in his game:

The Correct Section of the Community Guidelines wrote:Chats of Games you are not in

* It is typically advised to not post in the chats of games you are not playing. If you do wish to post in another player's game, please keep your comments limited to a Good Luck comment or a quick question. Spamming or trolling other player's games is not allowed.
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Postby Imaweasel on Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:13 am

this seems to be bad for the JOHNNYROCKET24 guy if that is true Night Strike.
GabonX wrote:The fact of the matter is that reality does not conform to your sense of political correctness.
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Postby lord voldemort on Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:23 am

Bones2484 wrote:
lord voldemort wrote:I feel like i have already told both of you to simply stay away from each other...This petty argument makes you look immature and to be frank I assumed you were both better than that

Are you saying that this report is wrong? Sure he has a bias, but you can't ignore the fact that JR knows the rules... and this is against them (as has been pointed out to countless people countless times).

Im not saying the report is wrong at all. I am just saying that I feel like this argument has turned really petty and there is no reason it should of escalated.
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Postby alster on Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:24 am

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

- Uninvited GAME CHAT abuse
- generally being obnoxious in someone else's game and Live Chat

Game number(s):

game: 6530027

Grow up. You're abusing these new players and everybody knows it. And sure, one shouldn't post in game chats one aren't in - but seriously, just grow some skin (or suck up a cupcake) and, if still feeling a sense of necessity, file an e-ticket. This is just childish going on in the C&A forum like this. Jez.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Postby jammyjames on Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:54 am

alstergren wrote:
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

- Uninvited GAME CHAT abuse
- generally being obnoxious in someone else's game and Live Chat

Game number(s):

game: 6530027

Grow up. You're abusing these new players and everybody knows it. And sure, one shouldn't post in game chats one aren't in - but seriously, just grow some skin (or suck up a cupcake) and, if still feeling a sense of necessity, file an e-ticket. This is just childish going on in the C&A forum like this. Jez.

c'mon alster... you know thats not the correct saying... Suck it up cupcake ;)
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Postby Serbia on Fri Feb 26, 2010 8:01 am

Just because David farms, doesn't mean that jr is innocent here.
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may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
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Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Fri Feb 26, 2010 8:57 am

Night Strike wrote:
JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:put me on ignore

"We take a liberal stance here at CC, if the chat that you think was/is abusive is above and beyond the occasional 4 letter word then you should think about submitting it, but if not then don't bother.
Its an adult web site, and we can not/will not moderate every thing that can/is said in chat. If you do however run across a player that is way over the top, using bigotry or anything that commonly you could consider extremely harsh then submit it and we will step in"....King Sam

Except that you weren't playing in his game:

The Correct Section of the Community Guidelines wrote:Chats of Games you are not in

* It is typically advised to not post in the chats of games you are not playing. If you do wish to post in another player's game, please keep your comments limited to a Good Luck comment or a quick question. Spamming or trolling other player's games is not allowed.

1- I decided too even though it is "typically advised to not" since he just abused that player 3 times with his private game invite abuse.

2- "please", is asking you not to but not required to only ask questions. in this case it was a warning not a question.

3- Spamming or trolling is multiple or many games. warning a new player in 1 game about his abuse is not spam ( singular ) spamming/trolling ( plural )
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Postby Bones2484 on Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:12 am

JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:3- Spamming or trolling is multiple or many games. warning a new player in 1 game about his abuse is not spam ( singular ) spamming/trolling ( plural )

Or maybe it's also multiple comments in 1 game, especially after you're asked not to post in said game?

This was said after your first spamming of the game:

2010-02-25 17:02:50 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: hey JR24, why don't you grow up.. .and go away

And then you still followed up with another spam attack.

I've seen many other people given warnings for exactly what JR has done. Remember, mods, we're looking for consistency. While I agree it should not have come to this petty argument, Serbia hit the nail on the head a few posts up.
Last edited by Bones2484 on Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby firth4eva on Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:14 am

Both players need to take this game less seriously and David seriously needs to grow up.
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Postby #1_stunna on Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:20 am

I have called my good friend who works in the soap opera industry and told him about JR24 and DH.

he said that this would make a great story line.

"The Saga of JOHNNYROCKET24 AND Gen.LeeGettinhed" or a long those lines

y'all get my drift.
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Postby AAFitz on Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:22 am

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:hey JR and your buds,
You conveniently use PARTS of guidelines and miss the ones that apply to you, such as:

Flaming: Will not be tolerated.

o Note: This is not an exhaustive list of Chat Rules. Please remember the general community guideline to not be annoying.

Ok, im not going to suggest there wasn't an element of spam in the chat, funny as it may or may not have been...

but could you please highlight the part of the chat that would be considered "flaming"?
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