Conquer Club

Indy Sebastian [Closed]

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Indy Sebastian [Closed]

Postby ognjenko on Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:21 pm


Indy Sebastian

The accused are suspected of:

Other: Abusing in game chat to give out enemies position to others

Game number(s):

Game 6463758


In game chat he wrote this:

2010-02-22 18:06:41 - Indy Sebastian: Red and green, I suggest that we work together to contain yellow before it is to late. he has 2 castles and a illage already and if he take my castle this game is finished.
2010-02-22 18:08:30 - Indy Sebastian: Yellow controls the center two castles so if both of you can put aside your differences for a bit maybe we can make this game a little longer...
2010-02-22 20:12:42 - Indy Sebastian: If one or both of you could attack hiim form the North we can slow him down. He is not defending his terts, only attacking (effectively), so his home bases are not heavily fortified.

This is highly inapropriate in game where fog is applied, so please kick him out of the game or it is really not fair.

Thank you
Private ognjenko
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Re: Indy Sebastian

Postby The Neon Peon on Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:27 pm

Ever heard the saying "All's fair in love and war." ?

This type of diplomacy is not against the rules, and I for one think that it adds a great aspect of strategy to foggy games. If you don't wish the locations of your stacks of troops to be known:
- Place a couple of troops on the front line, and build on the territory right behind it, so the other players can't see and give it away.
- Take over all but 1 territory of a bonus, secure it, then take it. Don't give away that you're controlling a region before you're able to defend it.
- Take a lot of 1's, then fort your men back and let the other person take them back. Repeat. This makes it look like you're in the middle of the action and not a threat, while in reality you're only using 5 troops a turn to fight and building with the rest.

About half of CC will call it unfair and cheap tactics, but the other half believes it merely to be strategy. Either way, the rules aren't on your side here, so the best thing you can do is foe the person, leave a bad rating, and keep playing.
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Re: Indy Sebastian

Postby VampireM on Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:33 pm

though it is not very sportsman like to tell people positions in a fog of war game its not against the rules... foe and rate as u see fit is the best ur going to get out of this
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Re: Indy Sebastian

Postby king sam on Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:36 pm

"Be Sure Before You Accuse Someone"

In the community guidelines it clearly states:

Fog of War Games:
  • Using the game chat to announce where a player's territories and troops may (or may not ;) ) be is NOT against the rules. It may come across as unfair or not in the spirit of the game, but feel free to find strategic applications of this non-rule.

I'm guessing had you read this prior to posting as you should have then this would not be an issue. It as said above is not against the rules, it can be considered poor form and unsportsmanlike. The game will not be deleted and nothing from the administrative side will come of this. Foe & or Rate Accordingly, or play dirty yourself.


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