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Secret Diplomacy Oserhijchuk Max15 [Cleared]

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Secret Diplomacy Oserhijchuk Max15 [Cleared]

Postby Arethusa on Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:42 am



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Deliberate turn missing (MAX15)

Game number 6482541

I suspect that the above named players are conducting secret diplomacy in that throughtout the above game MAX 15 has missed several opportunities to counter the conquering of North America, and the builld up of armies therein. The player has accomplished this by deliberately missing turns at an early crucial point in the game, and thereby giving a distinct advantage to Oerhijchuk, by forcing me to overstretch my forces in trying to stop Oerhijchuk from retaining the continent of North America.

Finally in turn 8 of the game MAX15 attacked my forces and by reducing my number of territories owned, thereby reducing the oppotrunity I may have had in coutering Oserhijchuk.

Game number(s):

Game 6482541

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Re: Secret Diplomacy Oserhijchuk Max15

Postby king sam on Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:16 pm

This is the 1st game both users have played together. Usually there has to be a substantial amount of evidence to support a secret diplomacy in that 1 game or a trend of games that exhibit this behavior.

This game lacks both of those.

Blue has missed turns. He may be using that as a tactic, or should I say may have seeing as he is near elimination, or he may have got caught up with life outside of Conquer Club. You can Rate & Foe him accordingly for his missed turns and gameplay. But unless he was around and intentionally missed 3 turns to deadbeat then he is not guilty of missing turns. And he has not done this.

Also his 1st missed turn in round 3. you had a bonus and were deploying 1 more troop then green. He held the South America bonus, even through the missed turn and was able to capitalize in a big way with a 7 army differed troop placement coming his way and probably went after you cause at the time you were the biggest threat to him.

You 2 then went after each other while green cashed and started working on the North America bonus for himself. Blue then missed his 2nd turn and green smartly broke his South America bonus not allowing his differed troop placement to hurt him.

Blue was then playing with 3 troops per round and less then 10 territories with only 2 cards, cause of the missed turns. He was pretty much out of the game and couldn't have helped contain either one of you.

Not to mention that your comments directed at him in game chat for this behavior could help him lean towards the side of solely going after you with the game out of reach for him.

Their is no Secret Diplomacy going on, just poorly timed missed turns on Blues part and possibly poor strategy if it was his strategy to miss the turns.

Foe & Rate Accordingly.
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