Conquer Club

Conquistador888 // tarzan38 - Multis [Busted]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

Conquistador888 // tarzan38 - Multis [Busted]

Postby Frankly, my dear on Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:08 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

A combined 124 Middle East games to a total 236 games total. Numbers are dead even, Conquistador888 56/115 Middle East, tarzan38 68/121 Middle East. This relation is bazaar in and by itself... but it get's better.

Game 6044722:

In this game you will notice no chat and either two morons attacking neutral all night for massive bonus and final hoo rah, or 1 person realizing he can rack up some serious bonus because he is not going to attack himself.... ever. They missed games back and fourth starting on the same day and the game was decided because the first of his two (2) accounts to miss the third turn was ejected. There was never a fight.

Game 6402102:

This is the multis first stab at a group game. You will notice from here on out the multis wisely stays close to himself in order to be able to leave one border weak... This is best illustrated in his current games which will be listed below. Again, little to no attacking each other until the end of the game. Easy to win when you are playing 2 accounts. In the comments you will even see Wild1 being confused as to how the events unfolded... funny.

Game 6404875:

Same as the previous but tarzan38 kills Conquistador888 just in time for the mid-cash needed to take out the last player.

Game 6442736, Game 6447160, and Game 6490091:

All of these games are ongoing and again are showing the same characteristics of the last ones... right next to each other, minimal attacking each other, unprotected borders etc.

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Major Frankly, my dear
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Re: Conquistador888 // tarzan38 - Multis

Postby scarface99x on Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:09 pm

After viewing the games listed... I have to agree. At the very least it is secret alliances.

I mean they aren't even trying to hide it. The borders, the set up, the time stamps. It is just so weird that no one ever caught it before.
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Re: Conquistador888 // tarzan38 - Multis

Postby Frankly, my dear on Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:21 pm

Thanks for the support. I need some more input or a moderator to take a look at this because it is going to ruin current games if not dealt with quickly. Thank you again.
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Major Frankly, my dear
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Re: Conquistador888 // tarzan38 - Multis

Postby king sam on Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:42 pm

They have been Busted.

A 2 day turn around on a case is quite fast, just cause you suspect wrong doing in a game and want it handled swiftly does not mean that it will happen.

Until C&A starts getting taken more seriously for claims then you can expect a delay on rulings as we have to sift through all the ones that should never have made it to this stage. It takes time to moderate through all of these. So if you wish for the cheaters and manipulators of this site to see justice swiftly I suggest that we keep all this trolling and unnecessary reports being filed in here to a minimum.

Review the community guidelines and if a suspected user is in what you see a violation of rules there then report them, but reporting someone for saying a cuss word in chat is taking time away from cases that could cost you points.

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