by phantomzero on Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:22 pm
Old thread is here ( )
Kotaro is no longer on CC and frozen_flame is busy with university so Lindax has asked me to save this tourney from being abandoned.
We have completed round 10 and new rounds will be going out shortly.
I will continue to update this thread as things progress.
show: standings
Kot and FF's War : 19 Players. Phantomzero: 33 to 17 b00060: 29 to 21 Fairman: 29 to 21 AndrewB: 28 to 22 Danryan: 27 to 23 amazzony: 27 to 23 Cubs24: 27 to 23 Chiefsfan4ever: 25 to 25 Frozen_flame: 25 to 25 HighlanderAttack: 25 to 25 Bruno fountain: 25 to 25 LucaV: 23 to 27 Redbugal: 21 to 29 Supermarioluigi: 19 to 31 Kotaro: 17 to 29 Ubersky: 15 to 31
viewtopic.php?f=91&t=95727 show: old first thread
Kot and FF's War! Postby Kotaro on Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:09 pm Welcome to the 2nd War. Same style as the 1st one. Every Batch will be 5 games, where you play with a randomly selected opponent thanks to Different Batch, different opponent. Tie-breaker at the end will be dealt with by a Rush 15, where you will get 15 randomly selected maps. Winner of more then 8 of those gets the medal. This one shall be played under the watchful eye of the Frozen_flame. 1v1. Chained, Escalating, Sunny. This tournament will be encompassing EVERY map CC has to offer. These are the 135 maps available for play on Conquer Club. Click on any map to preview. To participate in the community-run development of maps, please visit the Map Foundry section of the Forum At the beginning of this tournament, there are 135 maps available to be played. Premium is Required Each week, I will send out 5 games to every person. Likewise, Frozen_flame will send out 5 himself. After all 27 Batches are complete (each one consisting of 5 games), then the totals will be tallied, and the winner named. hide: Batches Batch 1: Classic Shapes Classic Art 8 Thoughts Africa Age Of Merchants Batch 2: Age Of Realms 1 Age Of Realms 2 Age Of Realms 3 Alexander's Empire American Civil War Batch 3: Ancient Greece Archipelago Arctic Arms Race! Asia Batch 4: Australia Bamboo Jack Battle For Iraq! Battle Of Actium BeNeLux Batch 5: Berlin 1961 Brazil 2 British Isles 2 Cairns Coral Coast Cairns Metro Batch 6: Canada Caribbean Islands CCU Charleston Chinese Checkers Batch 7: Circus Maximus City Mogul Conquer 4 Conquer Man Crossword Batch 8: D-Day: Omaha Beach! Discworld Doodle Earth Draknor - Level 1 Duck And Cover Batch 9: Dust Bowl Eastern Hemisphere Egypt: Lower Egypt: Nubia Egypt: Upper Batch 10: Egypt: Valley Of The Kings Europa Europe Europe 1914 Extreme Global Warming Batch 11: Feudal War Forbidden City France France 1789 Germany Batch 12: Great Lakes Greater China Haiti Halloween Hollows High Seas Batch 13: Holy Roman Empire Hong Kong Iberia Iceland Imperium Romanum Batch 14: Indochina Ireland Italy King Of The Mountains Land And Sea Batch 15: Luxembourg Madagascar Madness Malta Middle East Batch 16: Midgard Midkemdil Mongol Empire Montreal Netherlands Batch 17: New World North America NYC Oasis Operation Drug War Batch 18: Pearl Harbor Philippines Poker Club Portugal Prohibition Chicago Batch 19: Puget Sound Rail Australia Rail Europe Rail USA San Francisco Batch 20: San Marino Scotland Siege! Solar System South America Batch 21: Soviet Union Space Supermax: Prison Riot! Sydney Metro Tamriel Batch 22: Texan Wars The Citadel Treasures Of Galapagos Triple Alliance U.S. Senate Batch 23: USA USA Great Lakes USA New England USA Rockies USA Southeast Batch 24: USA Southwest USA West USApocalypse Wales Waterloo Batch 25: World 2.1 WWI Ottoman Empire WWII Ardennes WWII Australia WWII Eastern Front Batch 26: WWII Europe WWII Gazala WWII Iwo Jima WWII Western Front Castle Lands Batch 27: Greenland Indian Empire Oceania Peloponnesian War Poison Rome hide: Players phantomzero amazzony Frozen_flame redbugal bruno fountain HighlanderAttack LucaV AndrewB danryan b00060 SFX! Supermarioluigi Cubs24 chiefsfan4ever fairman ubersky show: Reserves 1. Kotaro 3. ViperOverLord 4. Darin44 hide: Player Log ubersky replaces colton24 SFX! replaces Mad Pineapples Kotaro replaces SFX! show: Standings
Last edited by
phantomzero on Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.