The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Game number(s):
*netham*'s sig =

mathen's sig =

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer…
Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
*netham* wrote:No, I have the same [compulsive eating disorder?] because [manb] gave it to me.
*netham* wrote:not onley that i have a bad day coes my bets frend aka my rabbit dide in my arms so i am not with it today ok
Guðmundur Kjærne wrote:Let the kid be, it's not like he is playing himself to pad his rating.
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:- if CC has ANY moral compass, it would definitely treat a kid less severe than a player "of age"
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.
shit was badass
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Well, Natham/Mathen sure does sound like a Multi, but:
- wouldn't a REAL multi have used something more like Mathen/Nehtam? unless he though TH was a consonant
- or based on his spelling, wouldn't it be Nhetma, Anthem, or something like that?
But, if he is found guilty, I wonder what horrid punishment CC admin will bestow on him?
- if CC has ANY moral compass, it would definitely treat a kid less severe than a player "of age"
- Listen to the voices of reason that point out "what huge crime has been committed"?, and
- this situation is more like a kid that forgot his password, etc.
Then consider that this kid says he's using his hard earned chore money to buy premium at CC.
- my feeling is Money Talks, and greedy ol' CC will be GLAD to take his money -- THEN levy the punishment
- O M G, is he nuts? waste hard earned money here? with creeps bothering you?
- my bet is that dudes like the.killing.44 and JohnnyRockets24 had their nannies, mommies or trust fund pay for it
CC also claimed to want to promote friendships, like groups at a bon-fire
- better to foster reasonable friendships like this
- instead of nasty, fascist, purist, proctologists like JohnnyRockets24
I saw JohnnyRockets24's suggestion of trading leniency on Netham for info on "the bigger crime"
- the bigger crime is him and others wasting time on these threads
- and it sure make it look like he's either been watching too much Law and Order -- or flunked out of law school
Overall, I think Netham is just a 11 yr old kid that wants to play a game here and get better. JR24 and buddies may not like how I help SOME people (not all), but the fact is this kid APPRECIATES my help, as did Frankly, my dear, etc.
These guys' (complainers) time is better served sitting in a corner getting a time out -- or getting a real life.
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