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*netham* [busted +++

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*netham* [busted +++

Postby the.killing.44 on Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:29 pm


The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis

Game number(s):

*netham*'s sig = Image
mathen's sig = Image

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer…
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Re: *netham*

Postby THORNHEART on Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:31 pm

they both say their 11...

both male

both from uk

both from crawley is there any doubt?

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Re: *netham*

Postby *netham* on Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:32 pm

no i have the same coes he gave it to me that is why :( :o
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Re: *netham*

Postby the.killing.44 on Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:35 pm

*netham* wrote:No, I have the same [compulsive eating disorder?] because [manb] gave it to me.

Err, no, but okay.
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Re: *netham*

Postby THORNHEART on Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:36 pm

so that explains why your profiles are exactly the same?

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Re: *netham*

Postby *netham* on Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:37 pm

yes :( can we foget this problem plz
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Re: *netham*

Postby THORNHEART on Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:37 pm


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Re: *netham*

Postby *netham* on Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:38 pm

not onley that i have a bad day coes my bets frend aka my rabbit dide in my arms so i am not with it today ok
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Re: *netham*

Postby the.killing.44 on Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:39 pm

*netham* wrote:not onley that i have a bad day coes my bets frend aka my rabbit dide in my arms so i am not with it today ok

You, my friend, have succeeded in making me fall out of my chair in disbelief (i.e. laughing).

Bravo, good sir, bravo.
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Re: *netham*

Postby *netham* on Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:45 pm

can we foget about this plz :cry:
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Re: *netham*

Postby phantomzero on Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:49 pm

Now this is an interesting thread!
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Re: *netham*

Postby *netham* on Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:52 pm

there is a nother one JR24
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Re: *netham*

Postby THORNHEART on Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:59 pm

im sorry about your rabbit maybe thats god punishing you for being a multi

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Re: *netham*

Postby Deathwind on Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:15 pm

FUNNIEST shit ive seen in awhile....WOW. BYE BYE BUNNY.....i killed it btw. It wasnt fast enough.
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Re: *netham*

Postby Guðmundur Kjærne on Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:19 pm

Let the kid be, it's not like he is playing himself to pad his rating.
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Re: *netham*

Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:20 pm

perhaps we can less the sentence if hes willing to help out with the bigger crime 8-)
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Re: *netham*

Postby Deathwind on Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:21 pm

Guðmundur Kjærne wrote:Let the kid be, it's not like he is playing himself to pad his rating.

Still cheated m8
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Re: *netham*

Postby THORNHEART on Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:23 pm

lol @ jonnyrocket

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Re: *netham*

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:15 pm

CC Admin and Players (apologies if something similar posts twice, didn't see it),

Well, Natham/Mathen sure does sound like a Multi, but:
- wouldn't a REAL multi have used something more like Mathen/Nehtam? unless he though TH was a consonant
- or based on his spelling, wouldn't it be Nhetma, Anthem, or something like that?

But, if he is found guilty, I wonder what horrid punishment CC admin will bestow on him?
- if CC has ANY moral compass, it would definitely treat a kid less severe than a player "of age"
- Listen to the voices of reason that point out "what huge crime has been committed"?, and
- this situation is more like a kid that forgot his password, etc.

Then consider that this kid says he's using his hard earned chore money to buy premium at CC.
- my feeling is Money Talks, and greedy ol' CC will be GLAD to take his money -- THEN levy the punishment
- O M G, is he nuts? waste hard earned money here? with creeps bothering you?
- my bet is that dudes like the.killing.44 and JohnnyRockets24 had their nannies, mommies or trust fund pay for it

CC also claimed to want to promote friendships, like groups at a bon-fire
- better to foster reasonable friendships like this
- instead of nasty, fascist, purist, proctologists like JohnnyRockets24

I saw JohnnyRockets24's suggestion of trading leniency on Netham for info on "the bigger crime"
- the bigger crime is him and others wasting time on these threads
- and it sure make it look like he's either been watching too much Law and Order -- or flunked out of law school

Overall, I think Netham is just a 11 yr old kid that wants to play a game here and get better. JR24 and buddies may not like how I help SOME people (not all), but the fact is this kid APPRECIATES my help, as did Frankly, my dear, etc.
These guys' (complainers) time is better served sitting in a corner getting a time out -- or getting a real life.

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Re: *netham*

Postby rutherfoo on Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:00 pm

Yeah, we'd better not deprive David the pleasure of milking one of his best point-cows over and over again.
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Re: *netham*

Postby Gold Knight on Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:15 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:- if CC has ANY moral compass, it would definitely treat a kid less severe than a player "of age"

If this holds true, you open up the door for every person creating a multi to just fake their age. Sorry, rules are posted: if he receives leiniency, then this site has taken a major step backwords. I can make up stories about spending my hard earned money too, what difference does my age make about the same currency spent?

You can also quit with the childish insults back and forth with killing and JR, makes you look like the 11 year old of the situation by encouraging this petty conflict.

Maybe you should spend a little more time worrying about yourself then a player who clearly is faking his age, for the grammar used is more suited to the age of 3.
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Re: *netham*

Postby The Neon Peon on Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:20 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Well, Natham/Mathen sure does sound like a Multi, but:
- wouldn't a REAL multi have used something more like Mathen/Nehtam? unless he though TH was a consonant
- or based on his spelling, wouldn't it be Nhetma, Anthem, or something like that?

You're right. The username is too bad a replica to be a multi. No one's ever had another account without using the same letters in their username as the first.

But, if he is found guilty, I wonder what horrid punishment CC admin will bestow on him?
- if CC has ANY moral compass, it would definitely treat a kid less severe than a player "of age"
- Listen to the voices of reason that point out "what huge crime has been committed"?, and
- this situation is more like a kid that forgot his password, etc.

1. You're right, we should let people cheat if they say they aren't a teen yet. There's no way that could go wrong. Great idea!
2. You're right. We should only enforce laws if the person is harming someone. Why aren't you president yet, you're coming up with so many good ideas!

Then consider that this kid says he's using his hard earned chore money to buy premium at CC.
- my feeling is Money Talks, and greedy ol' CC will be GLAD to take his money -- THEN levy the punishment
- O M G, is he nuts? waste hard earned money here? with creeps bothering you?
- my bet is that dudes like the.killing.44 and JohnnyRockets24 had their nannies, mommies or trust fund pay for it

1. You're right, we should bust cheaters right before they pay so that they're no consequences for them. Great idea!
2. You're right, everyone should shut up and be nice to him so you can farm him at a faster rate if he buys premium.
3. Baseless flamming the people that disagree with you. Wow! You must be some wise old man who we must all listen to for guidance.

CC also claimed to want to promote friendships, like groups at a bon-fire
- better to foster reasonable friendships like this
- instead of nasty, fascist, purist, proctologists like JohnnyRockets24

You're right, people should stop accusing people that abuse the score system. What good has using a system the way it was intended ever done?

I saw JohnnyRockets24's suggestion of trading leniency on Netham for info on "the bigger crime"
- the bigger crime is him and others wasting time on these threads
- and it sure make it look like he's either been watching too much Law and Order -- or flunked out of law school

More baseless flamming of other people. Guys, I think we should really listen to him, doesn't he just seem like a rational person?

Overall, I think Netham is just a 11 yr old kid that wants to play a game here and get better. JR24 and buddies may not like how I help SOME people (not all), but the fact is this kid APPRECIATES my help, as did Frankly, my dear, etc.

You're right. Everyone should go out and play no one but low ranks to gain points so that maybe one out of the hundreds that we play will learn something.

These guys' (complainers) time is better served sitting in a corner getting a time out -- or getting a real life.

You know, if the Dalhi Lamma was here, I bet he'd say the exact same thing. Nothing is better as an argument than throwing random insults at people.

We agree on so many things DH, maybe we should play a game sometime so you can teach me how to play like a general instead of major/colonel.
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Re: *netham*

Postby The Neon Peon on Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:23 pm

Hm... I just agreed with DH on everything, but for some reason my post seems ridiculous.

I just can't figure out why...
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Re: *netham*

Postby the.killing.44 on Tue Feb 16, 2010 9:52 pm

I <3 satire.
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Re: *netham*

Postby SlayerQC on Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:22 am

I feel sad for that boy.
specially when there's tons of other accusations not taken care of and "forgotten" and that I saw malicious cheaters walk away.

Why was this case taken care of so fast while this forum keeps getting bigger and bigger for at least a week.

I didnt see the point dumper abusers get sentenced, even when a mod did say he was cheating.
What about the other cases that are hanging with no one looking at them.

Older threads should be dealt with before fresh threads. Pretty logic no?

This forum seems to be falling apart. Time to fire some hunters and hire some active ones who have straight priorities.

Did he actaully purchased premium on one account and got instantly banned anyways?? I dont even see ONE game where the two accused played together. If so, HOW MEAN IS THAT MODS??? Only deleting the freemium wouldve been enough punishment.

Can the hunter who sentenced the accuse stand up? Isnt it policy to post here first then close the thread?
Last edited by SlayerQC on Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:30 am, edited 4 times in total.
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