by Gen.LeeGettinhed on Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:58 pm
Somebody once mentioned you among a list of "good players", but you've lost any possible respect here:
- CC admin didn't bother me much on the last 2 threads before yours
- then you pick on an 11 year old? I think at 11 you might have still been wetting the bed, no?
Then someone mentioned YOUR near-farming experience. Are you like an reformed Alcoholic that bothers those that drink legally? that KNOW how to control their impulses?
- they said you played your share of ?-new-recruits (when I play none now -- few before 1st thread)
- so I looked briefly at YOUR recent games and saw: YOU goining vs cadets and privates. what we do is legal, just a difference of degree (except I don't play Cooks anymore, like you do)
- then I noticed you and your Major buds jumpin in vs low ranks. You are the dark grey pot calling my black kettle black. . .oh, and I'm ALLOWED to be black.
You and your kind are extremely narrow minded. If your kind were in charge we wouldn't have:
- calculators, but all abbacusses(?)
- automobiles, but horse drawn carriages
- houses, but still live in caves
Now, go watch Sponge-Bob-Square-Pants or you'll get no dessert.