Clan Becky 5-3 in clan challenges
CLNBKY defeats unrecognized CLNBRL
CLNBKY defeats Imperial Dragooooons
Outlaws and Highwaymen defeats CLNBKY
CLNBKY defeats LOW
Mythology defeats CLNBKY
CLNBKY defeats Bullet-Proof Bandits
Clan Becky (CC's newest clan (comprised of only myself)) is seeking clan challengers. Due to the unique nature of my clan (it only has one member) we will only accept singles games in my clan challenge. If your clan seeks to play Clan Becky (Undisputed single member clan champion of the world), we will accept nearly any singles challenge.
Anyone who loses a challenge to Clan Becky must use the following signature for a week. Note: Clan Becky can be replaced with either:
1. Unicorns
2. A man named Karl
3. 6 year old girls
your choice.